Dragonflight which class gonna be TOP TIER for solo shuffle?

I honestly think its mostly Outlaw that’s pushing the envolope too hard. Like even in s2 when they first got their new PvP talents and before tier, on a dummy i was hitting 14s evasion cd. The spec just pushes out any other melee because it has everything.

I don’t see the need for dual tuning but I agree with your melee/caster/healer format.

I was gonna go on this long rant about rogues but not worth. I think it’ll be interesting to see if the community as a whole adapts to something like outlaw or sub bomb/duel + flag.

if not I feel like they’ll change things like they’ve hinted in the Medallalion change post (which i can’t find…) Especially the line on hitting CC’s that havent changed much in the game’s history.

edit: Just remember these notes in the future if they start to let pvp develop “Organically” again

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the paltry amount of attention 2s gets historically has me doubting this


My bet is on healers. Being better than the other healer is a significant advantage, and to an extent can overcome some less than ideal dps skill or comp issues.

For DPS I’d say rogue, feral, balance, or MM. Having the stealth opener is going to be huge and allows you to pick out the weakest link with absolute ease.

DK’s are also going to be sick imho.

Healer will also probably continue to have the benefit of quick or instant queues.


rating means nothing rly

there was an e-girl streamer named mazzybelle… she would always brag about being duelist. then one day she got suspended on stream and they took her title and gear away . just lol (she was exposed for buying a boost to duelist)

just cuz some1 has a rating next to their name means nothing. we cant tell if these people bought it or earned it

I think that prot paladin and guardian druid will be the two best specs for solo shuffle. As a prot paladin, you get to play the game knowing that you will only ever face other prot paladin tank teams. As guardian, you know for a fact that you get to play the best tank against the rest of the tanks in the non-prot paladin tank shuffle sub-bracket.

The dps that you get matchmade with (and against) will have earned most if not all of their rating in the main meta, so you have the advantage of getting to learn your role exceptionally well in an environment where you know the rest of the people are less experienced than you at that particular format and not necessarily expecting to queue into it. A lot of things that might be really good in the main format just won’t work in yours, so you’ll be able to capitalize on it.

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Delete your post


No. More people need to be concerned about what the special formatting for tank shuffle is going to be like in rated.

The special format should be that tanks can not queue is solo shuffle.
That’s a great format for them.

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Well, no company in charge of an RPG is going to completely disallow an entire role’s worth of specs from an endgame content type. Putting them into the main meta with healers and enforcing the normal 3v3 format would be better than them having their own pseudobrackets within the main bracket. Tanks usually require super-specific comps in the regular 3s bracket to succeed, so you’ll probably encounter them less often as you climb this way rather than if they get to wintrade against each other in the special tank brackets.


who won

Well, I have a few ideas and fun little things to do if I get paired with tanks.
If blizz allows it then it is what it is but that won’t stop me from having fun with them lol
Gotta make the best of a bad situation lol

You sweet summer child. They are hoping this shuts up then remaining 0.3% people who still arena while they wipe their hands for last time.

This is kind of a strange way to look at it. I think a lot of arena players prefer the current formats, provided they have partners, and this’ll be something that makes arena more approachable to people who aren’t familiar with it.

Or just a chill mode to play when partners aren’t on and you don’t feel like languishing in LFG.

It has a lot of potential.

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None of my IRL friends arena any more. Rarely do I play with the same LFG teammates more than once. I don’t want to get in voice chat with people that I don’t know any more. I also don’t really care about getting much higher than 2.1. Solo shuffle is pretty much exactly how I want to play the game.

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It’s going to be melee chasing the caster while the healer can kick now too. They won’t balance it, and I’ll refer to this exact post in 4-5 months when people are crying over the 3-4 specs dominating it and the one band aid fix they throw at it before moving on.

Can someone please think of the RM?! They’ve been F tier since TBC!

Oh, I’m sure they’ll do something about that at some point and we’ll be back to PvE triangle wizard cleaves that accidentally kill people for at least a season or two. Can’t wait.

Gul’dan and Khadgar coming for u

No I’m not anyone in here dead serious main is Nanuë on Emerald Dream I have no idea why this priest is my profile on here but I’m not gonna go about changing it