Dragonflight which class gonna be TOP TIER for solo shuffle?

Probably because too many gas stations exploded while uncle joey lit up a stogie at the pump

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that’s still so wild to me, I get some people are room temp iq but I lived in the south for most of my life where the inbred levels are beyond belief and I’ve still never seen that lmao

Pretty sure its just a law that hasnt been changed because it would effect the service worker unions in jersey and if that occurs maybe something bad happens to a few people ya know

Oh it makes sense when you put it that way


So who won??? I also want to know after reading through this trainwreck

idk why people say this

95% of shuffle games could be outlaw and blizzard wouldn’t be driven to some instant epiphany they were ignorant to before

90% of games in bfa at different points were either rmpal or mage lock and neither were touched
90% of games were ret/war in unchained

anyone thinks this is going to be a tool blizzard utilizes for tuning is fried out of their mind


Idk why y’all write off people so hard.

Both BFA and SL were System Driven Expacs where most dev focus was on said systems followed by rewards and then Raids

In DF the “systems” are talents and ironically enough rated solo shuffle and dragon riding/professions are the next closest brand new features/systems. Maybe Mike Ybarra saying “buff rogues imo” might mean something (prob not)

There aren’t any island expeditions, no warfronts, no torghast, azerite whatever.

Should anyone expect sweeping revamps to PvP cus of shuffle? No

but obviously with the new trinket bonus, and people getting access to almost every facet of their class they didnt have before alongside, a brand new feature that many casuals will pick up; they’ll keep an eye on both.

It’s def not fried to think it will have some sway in tuning.

Especially with no distraction like BFA/SL box features.

Idk just feels like they can’t balance for both 3v3 and shuffle. They have to pick one PvP game mode to use for evaluating specs and let the others fall where they may otherwise it will be chaos trying to keep any semblance of balance anywhere, and at this point it seems like they are fully committed to 3v3 as that mode.

I don’t think they have to choose and is why they have spec brackets.

but outliers like Outlaw will be under the scope more, i’d like to hope, for better or worse with their promise of better patch cycles

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It’s gonna balanced for the one the drives the most playing time I would think.

ash shown on the solo shuffle showdown, rogues rogues and probably other rogues, Dh and War seems pretty good on retail rn but not nearly as broken as rogues

There’s no new systems because the game isn’t driving enough players for Blizzard to allocate resources to it. And TBH rated PvP in general is the first thing to go on Blizzard’s list of things to invest resources in, it’s like 5-10% of the player base.

highly doubt thats it.

Why invest into systems that players have hated for 6 years and eventually get abandoned.

Torghast, warfronts, islands, conduit energy, azerite etc have all been systems they’ve forced and eventually all had rip cords of sorts pulled on them. No one misses them

On the flip unpruning and class depth have been constantly requested, so has lower barriers to entry and account wide progress have all been implemented.

Even transmog for armor class has been unlocked

Not sure how you come to that conclusion, even SL had record breaking sales in gaming as a whole, expac launches are always popular and a 100k prize pool for Shuffle when its not even fully implemented (UI errors) to me is a marketing push.

If you’re bleeding players the answer isn’t to not allocate resources into things players have requested for years.

Did this dude really just necro this thread on an alt after dodging the honorable duel.

I didn’t realize the prize pool was that big. You make some good points, but I still don’t see how they can balance specs around shuffle without hurting 3v3 or vice versa. I guess we will have to wait and see.

I don’t see them as different modes.

They have plenty of games to reference that include both solo players and parties in the same pool and maybe its a pipedream that arena can get to that point

I don’t think Fire mage players like having a purgable combust and non threatning damage otherwise. Being as frontloaded as they are now wasn’t a thing in legion iirc.

They’ve tried different approaches like HP % damage in lasso/gpie and to a lesser extent controlled burn

but I digress

I don’t think WoW is somehow the only game where you either have coordinated surgical precision in setups or everyone runs around with their head cut off ala Solo Q and there’s no inbetween.

It could be as simple as faster dampening and that’s something the devs will wrestle with and dare I say use something like solo shuffle as an additional metric.

but im prob fried idk

3v3 will die so it wont matter about balancing for it

I i get what you’re saying and yeah they could design specs like fire better so they’re actually more versatile and viable in more situations but I just don’t see the effort being made by them honestly. If it happens by chance great and if not they’d be like oh well.

Just looking at that first tournament if they balanced specs based off performance there outlaw could justifiably get nerfed, mage and lock would unjustifiably get buffed, ret and boomy would unjustifiably get nerfed, etc. and it would have disastrous spillover consequences in 3v3.

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It’s already happening with stuff like precog, universal relentless and kidney locked at 6s base

Did you hear the post interview with that ret. He himself was saying he didn’t do anything but is just a walking neutron star combusting on anything Kalvish stun locked.

Like is that the PvP we find so precious?

It makes sense that a spec with good saves vs stuns/phys damage outpaced all those rogues with the 1 rogue spec that outlaw has trouble with when all the casters got shoved out.

True and that puts the precog talent more into perspective for me if shuffle was their reasoning. Still think the 2 healers/2 melee/2 casters requirement for every game is a better solution but that’s a different topic.

Yeah I listened to that and really like his attitude lol. PvP be like that sometimes but he was also downplaying his role some imo.

Yeah I agree. Ret has always done really well into outlaw, but that’s kind of my point. In 3v3 you may see tons of caster cleaves and in shuffle you may see tons of outlaw rogues. How can you balance a spec like ret for both? These new talent trees with a plethora of options are a step in the right direction, but it’s still hard for me to believe a historically unattentive dev team could put in the effort to balance specs with that type of nuance.