The quest “Haven’t Got Time For the Pain” has progress text that reads:
Were you able to find the[sic] them?
The completion text for this quest should also be changed - specifically, a comma should be moved. It currently reads:
Thank you, for recovering all that valuable equipment [class].
It would be better if it read:
Thank you for recovering all that valuable equipment, [class].
Editing to add another issue here as I’ve now commented three times in a row and can’t add another comment 
The quest “Time is Running Out” is written a bit shoddily overall. There are several possible ways to fix it up, but I’ll just provide my suggestion for a minimal rewrite here.
Current text:
With the bronze temple under attack temporal energy is seeping out everywhere. The Timewalkers placed collectors all through this forest trying to gather all the errant magic. Anything collected can also be used as extra power! Which is a good thing, this crisis is draining all our resources. I was supposed to retrieve the collectors, but I still need a moment to catch my breath. Could you get them for me?
With the bronze temple under attack, [comma added] temporal energy is seeping out everywhere. The Timewalkers placed collectors all throughout this forest in an effort to gather all the errant magic. Anything collected can also be used as extra power! Which is a good thing, as this crisis is draining all our resources. I was supposed to retrieve the collectors, but I still need a moment to catch my breath. Could you get them for me?
There is also a spurious “extra” in the completion text, but that has been mentioned above.
When speaking to Chromie (ID 186711) at the Temporal Conflux, there’s an issue in one of the gossip options. When asked about the Bronze Oathstone, she says it symbolizes the true calling “of bronze flight” (should be “of the bronze flight”).
There are too many instances of this to catalogue, but a thorough review should be done of the capitalizations of various groups/titles. For example, when referring to the Infinite dragons, I’ve seen “Infinite” both capitalized and not - same goes for some of the primary dragonflight colors. I’m not sure what the preferred style is, but I can at least state that it’s not being applied consistently.
Similarly, I’ve seen consistency issues with transcriptions of trolls’ speech. Again, I’m sure there’s an internal style guide somewhere for troll speech, and I don’t know what it specifies, but there are quite a few inconsistencies. For example, Zon’Wogi in Azure Span says both “them” and “dem” at various points in his dialogue. He also says “ma” for “my” which conflicts with some other trolls (like Historian Jum’Flitmo who says “me”).
During the quest Chromie Time, when visiting the Black Empire, Chromie has an emote that says
Chromie Huffs
which should say
Chromie huffs.