Dragonflight Typo & Grammatical Error Megathread

Quest: “Time is Running Out”, completion text:

Now the forest can try to recover, and the Timewalkers have extra some extra energy.

There is an extra “extra” there. :laughing:


There is another typo in the quest text for “The Algeth’ar Academy,” given by Kalecgos at The Seat of the Aspects in Valdrakken. There is a misplaced word in the third paragraph as well: “As a great ally to dragonkind and[sic] it would be an honor to have you attend our great academy.”


The Garden Gallivant racing course Bronze Timekeeper in Thaldraszus has a duplicate word in their dialogue: “Then you’re ready for the garden[sic] Garden Gallivant.”


There is a duplicate word in the Adventure Guide Overview page for the Primal Infusion boss from the Halls of Infusion dungeon: “She has used all her will and cunning to summon the the[sic] Primal Tsunami…”

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The Algeth’ar Academy quest given by Kalec at the Seat of the Aspects. Second paragraph: “Long ago is sacred halls…” Should be “long ago ITS sacred halls…”

Also, third paragraph reads oddly: “As a great ally to dragonkind and it would be an honor to have you attend out great academy” Should be “As a great ally to dragonkind, it would be…”

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The Druid buff Umbral Embrace reads “Your next Wrath of Starfire” instead of “Your next Wrath or Starfire” when hovering over the icon in the Buff Frame.


Paladin Spell book “Blessing of Sacrifice” Description text error:
“Last” in the second paragraph needs to be changed to “Lasts” to remain consistent with participial verb tenses in other descriptive text boxes.

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Item: Makko’s Journal - Page Two
ID#: 199793

Page text, between first and second paragraphs:

Success! With the help of my arcane abilities I’ve recovered the stone. Sarkareth will surely reward me.

He claimed that this stone is but a means to greater power. […]

The display error also persists for Makko’s Complete Journal (#200295).

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In the quest “Fishing Holes” given by Rowie in Iskarra , the text in the spell description says “Allows a player improve at catching fish…so on” - missing the work ‘to’ between player and improve.

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I’ll be blunt, there are so many errors in this expansion that I gave up on cataloging all of them. I really suggest hiring a proofreader to go through everything.

Quest: In Defense of Vakthros
Raszageth’s name is consistently misspelled “Razageth” in the quest acceptance dialog.

Quest: Curiosity is Key

My hesitation to discuss these symbols was for lack of trust you in you, but rather the unknown nature of these symbols and the stones upon which they reside.

Should be: My hesitation to discuss these symbols was not for lack of trust in you, but rather, the unknown nature of these symbols and the stones upon which they reside.

Quest:; Stay a While; Quest: Memories; Quest: Memories Revived
Veritistrasz’s dialogue in general reads very poorly. Incorrect punctuation/capitalization, overuse of ellipses and “hah”, bad grammar, etc.
Some examples:

Veritistrasz says: My best friend was of the black dragonflight, we intermingled a lot, back in those days… Not like now, where most flights keep to themselves.

Should be: My best friend was of the black dragonflight. We intermingled a lot in those days… not like now, where most flights keep to themselves.

Veritistrasz says: Ebyssian was cleansed, there must have been something I could have done? But she didn’t come to me, must have felt she couldn’t talk to me about it.

Suggestion: Ebyssian was cleansed, so there must have been something I could have done for her. But she never came to me. She must have felt like she couldn’t talk to me about it.

Veritistrasz says: Oh Titan’s… I… I barely recognize the dragon who wrote this. I was so hopeful when I left. I was so sure we could make a difference.

Remove the apostrophe in “Titan’s”.

Veritistrasz says: A pressed leaf, I’m sure I thought that was important at the time? Oh, this is an old focus for tending to the eggs, I remember this!

Suggestion: A pressed leaf? I’m sure I thought this was important at the time… wait, I remember this! This is an old focus for tending to the eggs!

Veritistrasz says: Hah, look here, she writes about that time we filled Malygos’ lair with baby hornswogs, hah, he hated that! Oh… This is incredible. Thank you. Thank You.

Suggestion: Hah, look here! She wrote about that time we filled Malygos’ lair with baby hornswogs. How he hated that! Oh… this is incredible. Thank you. Thank you.

Quest: Gotta Colllect Them All; Quest: It’s Time To Duel!; Quest: White Eyes, Blue Dragon
Again, the entire quest chain is riddled with errors. The name of the game “Hearthstone” lacks capitalization in much of the text, and there are a lot of missing commas.

Setogosa says: You should be thanking me, you are nothing but a mediocre player, with a even worse deck.

Should be: You should be thanking me. You are nothing but a mediocre player with an even worse deck.

stares at you in a very condescending manner.

This is the gossip text for Setogosa. Missing a “She” at the beginning of the line.

Setogosa says: It is not possible! How did I lose lose to you of all people?!?

Remove the extra “lose”.

Setogosa says: UGGGGGGGH!!! What have you done to me! Yumadormu, how dare you!

This is supposed to be Setagosa screaming as she’s transformed into a whelpling, but it reads like a teenager throwing a tantrum. Suggestion: Argh! What have you done to me!? Yumadormu, how dare you!


The achievement “All Sides of the Story” has a chapter called “Captain Garrick and Shuja Grimaxe”, but the questgiver present in Waking Shores is actually Breka Grimaxe.


Inside the Neltharus instance, there are training dummies that are incorrectly displaying their doodad designation: 10DU_Neltharus_TrainingDummy_01

the tooltip from the item " Enchant Weapon - Wafting Writ " in Latam spanish give mastery, but in English give haste

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In the Shifting Sands of Thaldraszus, there is a quest by the name of “Time is Running Out”, quest vendor Siaszerathel. During turn-in, the second phrase has an extra “extra” unnecessarily there.

“Now the forest can try to recover, and the Timewalkers have extra some extra energy.”

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Scout Watu
Quest: Last Resort Analysis
Typo: Watu stares at shock at his leg
Should be: Watu stares in shock at his leg

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NPC: Rethelshi

When talking to Rethelshi, checking on the status of my Primal Earth Core turn in then reads as Primal Fire Core. It still checks the correct status, it just seems mislabeled. I’ve only turned in a Primal Earth Core, and when I check the status it says I’ve turned it in, it just reads as Fire. (Checking the Fire Core also correctly reads as Fire, and properly shows that I haven’t turned it in).


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Investigator Erima
Quest: Report on the Rebels
“I am impressed with what have accomplished today.” I assume it needs to say either “you” or “we” after the “what.”
The sentence “For now at least.” in the quest text is not a complete sentence and should probably be connected to the previous sentence with a hyphen, ellipsis, or something to that effect.

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Quest: Rambling Delight

Description text, second paragraph:

The kelp we ate is unique strain called Glimmering Ramblekelp.

It should read, “The kelp we ate is a unique strain called Glimmering Ramblekelp.”


Quest: Grand Hunt, Helter Shelter
Quest Says: Collect Turtle Shells
Interacting with one shell says “cleaning shell” and registers as if you collected 4 shells.

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Quest: Aspect Power

Description text, second paragraph:

Though we are unsure the outcome,

There is a missing “of” in that part of the sentence.

On quest accept:

Alexstrasza the Life-Binder says: Our final task is upon us, please join me once more.

The comma should be a period in this instance. Not only does it read as two separate sentences, the voice actress treats them as being separate.

Interaction with NPC to begin the ritual:

We are so close to recovering our aspectral powers, are you prepared (name)?

Same problem here as the last issue. It should read as the following:

We are so close to recovering our aspectral powers. Are you prepared, (name)?

After Ezrigeth is killed:

Nozdormu says: Champion, I am glad to see you safe. My vision only showed me of the peril you were in. I came at soon as I could.

It should be “as”.

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