Dragonflight Talents don't Look Good

No. Not even that original. Just typical I hate addons drek from someone who is probably a FFXIV main that wants to troll on a free account.


Because your replies never bring anything to the discussion. I have replied to you many times: “focus on the topic, not personal attack”

Well the ymake so many rage threads and the prime threads were kind of the rage de jour yesterday so easy mistake to make .

My bad had you confused with someone else .

Kind of happens when you make multiple rage threada

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lol, I made serious discussion topics which has nothing to do with rage. Which part of my language do you see rage? :smile:

Ban addons a serious topic?

no one takes those threads as serious .

People take those as rage bait trolling threads


But talents are historically always connected to character power.

Your proposal is the same way as rearrange the tree shape every expansion? That is probably what Blizzard will do.

Most of us take them as “A streamer who is bad at the game threw a hissy fit and now his minions are up in arms.”

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Maybe we should refer to him as Asmongru and his band of


Massively disagree.

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Everyone loved the Tree system before it was viciously taken away from them in Cata. I feel your pain!


TO be honest I thought Cata had the best version of the old style tree.

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Of course, it has always been a controversial topic. There are people hate it, but also a lot of people clicked “like”.

People are free to think.

But call others “trolling” or “bait” just because you don’t agree with them? :laughing:immature.

That is also I am never interested in replying those whose only replies are personal attacks instead of focusing on the topic. really childish :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’d agree, they had the right amount of good with a bit of fluff spice to 'em.

Cata was my favorite iteration of Disc Priest, but this new one is looking pretty dang sexy.

What is your complex relation with asmongru? and why do you bring it up everywhere irrelevant???

We will see how it will work in DF. It will probably end up “You think you do, but you don’t”

I would actually put Cata as one of my top 3 expansions.

Started pre Wrath so Old zones , BC and Wrath Zones I was just learning the game.

Cata was where I really came more into understanding it and finally found a class I like as well as a spec (until patch 6.2 and changed to another one so that my favorite could be turned into a melee spec :face_vomiting:)
To me it is MoP , Cata and WOD followed by Wrath then Vanilla/BC zones , Legion then I hate to admit it as much as I disliked BfA I still have to put it above SL

That quote ended up biting J.Allen in the backside

I quite liked it too… maybe not quite top 3, but still definitely a fun time for me.

Eh in the end he was more right that wrong, imho.

I think when it comes to the small gain talents like ‘Improves x ability by 5 to 10%’ etc, I’m perfectly fine with those as long as the gain is meaningful. One of my biggest criticisms of the old talent trees were the 1 to 5% increases, with each point increasing the benefit by 1%. That wasn’t noticeable. It didn’t feel good. I honestly felt like I was wasting my time.

But a 5 to 10% increase in 2 points? That I can work with.

What they do a few expansions down the line is anyone’s guess, although I honestly hope they introduce horizontal progression systems rather than vertical ones, that way they don’t really have to go to extremes with the talent system at all.

Yeah, of course I’ll cop to that, I was agitating against talent trees long before it was cool, since I got here in TBC when people were still under the mass delusion that a) they were a legitimate way to “customize” and b) there was simply no alternative.

I knew they were bunk after dealing with them in Diablo2. Eventually things shifted and more people got it. It was glorious, let me tell you.

It may not sound like it but I am so holding back right now. Here goes.

I’m frankly surprised they are going back down this route. Because there’s nothing there but icy veins and group consensus or you’re doing it wrong. And it’s not just “GD SAYS yer doin it wrong,” I mean, like, there are proven numbers that say you are wrong.

And the funny thing is, even what we have now is pretty danged cookie cutter. If there is anything you can not do wrong it’s in a row where nothing is good so it just doesn’t matter much if at all. Any given spec is lucky if it gets two rows where it can choose between two talents.

That’s actually the main reason I’m not worried, both systems I can find a theorycrafter to tell me what will suit me best. In that way I guess I could care less which system they implement. I’m still going to do my homework, as it were.

There. Will. Always. Be. An. Objectively. Best. Build.

That’s talent trees, what they are not is some happy-go-lucky playground where everyone gets to personalize their character to taste. They are so not that. That would be specs, assuming they are balanced which is one mean assumption. I like many thought trees could be that in maybe the first 3 months, but as I matured as a player I relented and realized there was no reason to play that part of the game suboptimally. It’s a team game so your “personal picks” don’t just hurt you, they hurt your entire team. So only a fool would think they know better than a theorycrafter with 100 hours logged into the issue.

It’s literally the least you can do for your character, even if you have bad gear, heck even or especially if you’re naked, you will still kill faster and be more effective if you research. Not so much if you experiment.

I guess I’m fine with them trying it out again. I will go to icy veins and read up on the build that is best for my playstyle in the specs I enjoy. I will not be “experimenting” because I can’t put the time and effort into theorycrafting, so theorycrafting will always be several steps ahead. Anyone with any time in the game can realize that.

Feel free to step in any time and explain to me how this new system won’t be cookie cutter if indeed that’s what you’re implying. I’m not even saying that’s a bad thing before you shill at me. I’m just stating a fact. There’s always going to be a “best” way to do it, or at most, a very few “good enoughs.”

What there will absolutely never be is “customize your character the way YOU want it.” You didn’t say that, but I’ve seen it enough it’s worthy of quotes. I happen to also think it’s flat wrong.

I realize discussion and even complaining, as much as it may hurt your unique personal brain damage, is both necessary and just a fact of life. It helps make the game better. So does quitting when you don’t like it, I’ve done that too many times to count and it just so happens they always draw me back by changing, evolving if you will, and making things better. As a result I’m still here since 07 with maybe 20 months unsubbed in all that time, mostly over the Year of Garrosh when they added no new content. Imagine that.

No one can be right every time. Not blizzard and certainly not you. Sometimes I even agree with you but your smug brain damaged attitude hurts my brain damage, so go figure.

It may sound like I’m being harsh but this is just me treating you the way you treat these forums. With smug contempt and ultimate self-righteousness. Those aren’t good qualities my dude. It’s the reason people call you shill, because you don’t even have the decency to pick your battles. Everything for you goes just one way, that blizzard knows better than the players. Well, all the players but you of course.

You appear to be directly implying that if they did do something wrong, which I’ve quite literally never heard you admit, it was because they went with what the players wanted. I cannot disagree with that assumption any more than I already do.

I don’t even know what else to say. I won’t say get wrecked cause that’s a little harsh. I guess “good day” will suffice for now. Up up and awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy111111111111!!!