Dragonflight Talents don't Look Good

That is what 99% players will do.

Read a 3rd party guide, copy the cookie cutter build, and never look at it again.

The only difference is that, DF talent guide will be longer, because the 2 x 10 row talent trees are more complicated that ever. So it will take longer time to read the 3rd party guide and click the talent points

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In organized dungeons and raids, sure. But customization is still worth being there for the massive single player part of the game. You know, those of us who just want to derp in Callings and Zereth Mortis on half a dozen alts, picking the rotation or a fantasy we like best.


There is literally nothing they could ever come up with that would not be min-maxed by the endgame community. So this is as good as anything and I really like the Disc tree anyway. :slight_smile:


There’s definitely enough room in that first picture for glyphs. Make it happen, Blizzard!

I looked at some of talent previews and I was extremely confused by the layouts. It sure will be fun looking up cookie cutter builds on Icy-Veins like we have since time immemorial.

Currently: large spellbook + small talent tree = more baseline + less variables

DF: small spellbook + big talent trees = less baseline + more variables

DF’s “more choice” is at the cost of sacrificing baseline abilities. Baseline abilities are just put into talent trees from spellbook.

If current specs with less variables can’t be balanced by devs, the class/spec balance will only be worse in DF with new talent trees.

Sorry friend. :pensive:


The new talent trees look AMAZING!!! :heart_eyes::kissing_heart:

You operate under the assumption that they’ll simply keep adding talents every expansion.

They will not. They have not for years. They’ll change things where they feel they are needed, but they won’t keep adding things.

I like that version the best and even better than what we are getting in DF but you and I both know that Blizz will never go back to that version as it would be admitting that the old version was better than what they created to replace it. I still rate DF version a 10/10 though.

You know you’re not talking to a serious person, when then VERY FIRST THING THEY SAY has already been exactly explained to refute the statement. I didn’t read all the replies in this thread, but thankfully it didn’t take long for someone to point this out.

The bigger question I wish you had asked, and I haven’t seen asked yet is:

I don’t understand how people can get excited about these new Talent trees, when we already had them, realized they sucked, and moved away from them.

What is it about THESE Talent trees that you think is going to be any different, when Ion already laid the groundwork to GET RID OF THEM AGAIN!!

How it reads from where I’m sitting is: “we’ll try this for a couple of expansions, whatever it takes to prove to people why we removed it in the first place. But at least we’re giving players a chance to once again see why we removed it-- even though it’s something they keep asking for.”

Because a not insignificant portion of people didn’t think they sucked and didn’t want them removed. It’s not rocket science.


Ok. I guess so.

It’s hard for me to accept that position when they were so obviously flawed.

But you’re not wrong, there is a small portion of any group that will just cling to horrible things for … “reasons.”

Yeah I think this is another case of “you think you do but you don’t” i already know df will be full of complaints about how the talent trees are pointless busywork, they didnt bringback talents right, ect.

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Oh man I forgot about the old artwork of old talent trees. Super good.

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These forums cannot wait to jump on the worst bad-faith takes on EVERY issue.


We usually agree, but I am going to have to massively disagree with you on this one.

The players asked for the turn of complicated talent trees, though?

Eh pharahnuff. I’ve played enough games with talent trees to be over the concept.

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Is it just me or do the old talent trees look visually better than the new. All that wasted real estate.

I’m not a fan of the current Priest talent trees. It also looks like they left Shadow as the nightmare playstyle it is. I was really hoping they’d listen to all the complaints and retune it.

I have as well, but that’s how I know I like it. :slight_smile: