Dragonflight Talent Previews - Hunter and Rogue

Any thought to giving us back Death From Above? No reason it should be an exclusive PVP talent, especially when Cold Blood has been swapped.


Final remarks on what I care about.

Really enjoying the theory behind Assassination Rogue. Glad to see weapon poison’s becoming more involved and I’m excited at the prospect of having a Rogue with 2x poisons and doing a ton of bleeds.
(Once again - lol Ferals)


Kick: A quick kick that interrupts spellcasting and prevents any spell in that school from being cast for 5 sec.

Well dang, there goes my dream of being able to tell groups that I’m not speced into kick lol.


Blizz please. Give hunters more defensives. I have recommended Aspect of the Monkey back as a defensive CD (similar to Blur) to our toolkit. We are the squishiest class in all content, pvp, m+ , and raid and its super frustrating.


Shadow Techniques: Your auto attacks have a chance to generate 1 combo point and 8 Energy.

I’ve never understood this talent or ability becaues it’s just a passive and doesn’t add anything interesting into the rotation or gameplay. It would be better to just have it give you an energy free Shadowstrike or something.

I think it’s more an issue that it’s required on the path of the tree to go to Symbols of Death. Also why is Sepsis an option in the talent tree for Sin and Sub, but it’s required to progress down the tree in Outlaw where it least fits the class fantasy? It would make more sense for Blade Flurry to be there seeing as it’s been a staple of the spec for two expansions.


Yeah, removing shiv from both combat and sub may simplify their action bars but definitely reduces their utility. Although perhaps there’s an argument to be made Rogue has already historically had too much utility, between shroud, their CCs, mind-numbing, as well as having a soothe effect.


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There’s no tooltips, unless it’s my computer issue…

Guess I’ll wait for wowhead

Is it intended that the rogue class tree has Deeper stratagem and then Subtlety and Outlaw spec trees also have deeper stratagem.

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He re-spec.

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sigh. another expac with barbed shot. literally the most underwhelming/boring tree.

Hey, little note: Rogue Choice nodes are not described as such. You show octagonal nodes that you’ve said are for choices, but they don’t say the other choice.

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Why is outlaw rogue the only spec that gets some form of raid / party utility outside of Shroud?


RIP Serrated Bone Spike. Too good for a melee class, I guess. It’s not like rogues don’t have SOME ranged abilities but SBS was on a whole other level.

Although the possibility of Subtlety being able to have Echoing Reprimand, Sepsis AND Flagellation all at once… that’s probably not as nuts as it sounds, right? Or is it?

Some people would really like to NOT take Roll the Bones so it’s a bit disappointing that Restless Blades is gated behind it unnecessarily. (Compared to the stuff that is gated behind RtB because it only enhances RtB.) Some things it’s obvious why they’re linked but others are just… there so that the tree will look tree-like? (Similar remarks apply to the tons of stuff locked behind Power Infusion, but that’s a different thread.)

Shadow Dance is in two trees at once, is that how you get the extra charge that is a Subtlety-only talent on live?

Dragon-Tempered Blades looks great, though. Yo I heard you like poisons…

P.S. I feel like this should have been two threads because it’s going to get unwieldy. This post is long enough without even giving any thoughts on hunter.


I am on my knees, I am BEGGING, please blizzard make Beast cleave at least 6 seconds.

I’m gonna play a tauren rogue and macro /moo with ambush.


STOP DOING PARTY-WIDE BUFFS, I BEG. Nobody liked it with Windfury, nobody liked it with Heraldry/Hymnal/Elegy, and nobody’s gonna like it with this.

Moreover, this is way, way too good to be a party-wide buff: it’ll enable a shorter-CD Infernal (broken on Lords where it lines up for every Swarm) or 1-minute Voidform and will basically cause the massive headache of “who gets to buddy up with the Outlaw Rogue tonight” which is just another annoying external a-la PI.


Hmmm sub main first impressions:

-No Choice nodes in ANY of the rogue trees
-Every covenant ability made it into the trees in one way or another besides spike which was arguably the fan favorite.
-Charged combo point gameplay returns through both the class tree AND spec trees through Echoing reprimand AND Shadow Mist (subtlety) AND Heavy Hitter (outlaw). Granted you can build around to avoid these talents if you don’t like that type of gameplay but seems weird to add this affect 3 times throughout the trees.

I play Sub so some Sub specific comments/critic:

  • No return of death from above :frowning:
    -“Flagellation increases your Haste by 1%” Unless things change in Dragonflight we currently keep haste at a whopping 0% so swapping this for vers/mastery/crit would make this WAY better (This talent is just a copy paste from SL and without the leggo feels very meh).
  • Granted I am no expert, but backstab is VERY lackluster and a reason burst then run is the way to play (talking pvp). Hopefully all these varying talents that affect backstab will make a difference but from first impressions it seems like you would just opt out of those to spend your talent-points elsewhere.
    -Secret Technique. Curious to see if there is any changes to this talent that will make it worthwhile to take. If the damage is lack-luster and the talent remains the same (on gcd? idk) this seems like a dead node.

While there is a lot of good stuff in this talent tree and I think it’s a good start I feel like it’s lacking something spicy (DOUBLE VANISH IS SPICY). The poison damage transferred to shadow is somewhat interested but kind of seems like it’s leeching the flavor off of assassination. I’m curious to hear other rogue’s feedback on these trees incase there was anything I looked over. Overall I think a solid start but add some choice nodes with some spice to them! (Don’t eat me alive I am by no means an mdi or awc player, I get my elite sets and KSM’s each season and farm mounts just here to give some suggestions!)

Some top of the head spicy sub suggestions:
-Something to change up Shadow blades to make it interesting. Long CD boring passive ability that doesn’t really change your gameplay besides making you miss those charged combo points over and over. :’)
-Death from above? ;;;;;))))) ( I don’t care if it killed me on certain fights, at least I will look sick af flying off the cliff)
-Some sort of execute phase damage buff similar if not exactly like the edge of night daggers.
-Current 4set is pretty cool and mixes up gameplay (counter-intuitive to charged combo point gameplay).
-Something cool with shuriken Toss? Perhaps an affect similar to those juicy Bone spikes?


Animal Companion: needs to be removed from the talent tree and should be added to the spec as a CLASS ABILITY for Beastmaster hunters! Animal Companion should not be a choice it should be part of what the class already has when choosing the spec.

Edited: Found the passive wild beast and dire beast talents. Thank you so much!

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Beastmaster Hunters using the Bestial Wrath skill should be immediately taken out of Fear mechanics because this is an enrage ability. It should allow us to release ourselves from fear mechanics against enemies that use fear exclusively. Please make this change to this spec because it’s something we had in the past, if you’re really returning to the past skillset you should include that change as well!