Omg ok I like that idea even better LOL
Well now that Anduin is back in the story this should get better.
Most of WoW’s history has been very male-centric, it’s fine.
I will say I wish Wrathion was less goofy though. This cunning fellow just got a curse of the sillies this expansion.
In another thread I said follower dungeons were made for people who prefer solo play and, for one reason or another, refuses to group with other players, almost word for word, and someone jumped down my throat saying I used “refuse” as a derogatory slur against people that want to “avoid the drama you like so much”.
Yeah, this world can burn for all I care
the problem is female writers generally suck at writing male characters just how male writers generally suck at writing female characters. it’s not impossible for them to do but the writers at blizzard are not up to the task

someone jumped down my throat saying I used “refuse” as a derogatory slur against people that want to “avoid the drama you like so much”.
The eastern front doesn’t sound so bad just think of the amount of worthless whining we wouldn’t have to put up with if we were screaming bloody murder in our foxholes while tanks drove overhead.
A lot of hate for BFA, but I liked the Jaina story arc in that one.

This is a slippery slope for bad character writing.
Yeah! female characters can’t be strong or interesting or take important lead roles from the men folk, who are the true rulers and saviours. That’s just bad writing!
why won’t they stay in the damn kitchen and make me a sammich
i suspect its because blizzard cheaps out on talent since hey its a mmorpg who cares about the story and just hires fresh out of college writers who are looking for work. yeah their job applications requirements may tell one story but if they can find someone willing to work for less you really think they not gonna hire them?
Your words not mine. All strong female characters have been embodiments of the toxic masculinity they seem to be fighting is all. Not in WoW but I mean in writing in general. Theyre not strong. Theyre b!tchy and insufferable to be around.

Yeah! female characters can’t be strong or interesting or take important lead roles from the men folk, who are the true rulers and saviours. That’s just bad writing!
Yes. It’s called Tokenism.

male writers generally suck at writing female characters
you just write a male character and take away any reason and accountability
This is the big issue. The writers are god awful. They have so many cool and interesting characters to work with. And friendship wins the day is what we got.

I’m all for strong female character representation
You’re post says otherwise.
On the plus side, it managed to pull all the smooth brains out of the wood work and make them identifiable. So, well done, I suppose.

I didn’t really feel there was at least balanced male representation in dragonflight. I’m all for strong female character representation, but I think the scales were a little of balance for this xpac:
Kalecgos ? Told us to go help the Tuskarr and they had female chieftain.

Ohnaran planes also matriarch society.

Nozdormu was bad male and so Chromie was in charge.
This has been foreshadowed since Wrath.

Wrathion and Sabellion were comical stooges always bickering with each other.
As siblings do. Especially siblings in contention for a throne. Whichupon sat another male, Ebyssian.

Sabellian was helping Emberthal get her groove back.

Malfurion was punted to the shadowlands to help the three sisters of the dream get their tree planted.
As is his role and want as a Druid, I can’t imagine anything would be a higher calling that serving the literal natural afterlife.

And any moles underground could just be considered stinky boys.
… So?

Elemental dragons: the two males also bad, only girl is good.
Oh no, not differing opinions.

And now Genn gives up the crown to Tess, because he’s mentally broken.
She’s his heir and he wanted to be freer to assist in ways that being King would interfere in.

I mean, I guess, Khadgar showed us where to get into the boat?
That was nice of him.

I beg the writers going forward. Please make those more balanced between the sexes.
One good male character please. We aren’t all bad and toxic.
Kalegos retains his Aspect nature. Ebyssian became an Aspect. Anduin and Thrall are poised to be major figures for the next expansion.
There’s plenty of XY representation, don’t you worry your sweet little head.
Don’t forget the fact that of the four Ohn’aran plains centaur clans, the one clan led by a male was the evil one. The good old Blizz writing team aren’t known for their subtlety.
Huh OP is not flagged. Shocking.

One good male character please. We aren’t all bad and toxic.
Chill out, they do stuff like that just trying to deviate attention putting people into useless debates like this.
So people forget about the elephant in the room, the quality of the WoW story telling is dropping for years now.
And if you think about it, that’s a strategy that many companies use when they have mid products. Cause it works, people are dumb enough to bite that, as you can see here. Myself included
I was actually surprised,
I was flagged last night and reinstated this morning.
Maybe fair and balanced discussion approach can be allowed
We can disagree and bring up different points.