My dude, it’s how monarchies work in the story because that’s how we see them working in the story. A leader dies or steps down and their child, sometimes male or sometimes female, takes up the position. I’m not going to handhold you through understanding the bleeding obvious. You want a wiki? Go read a wiki.
Then how come there’s no wiki about it? I also don’t recall any NPCs calling us ‘my dude’.
Where in the game do they call it a Monarchy or anything like that? You haven’t supplied any wikis.
I completely agree with this 100%.
We women should be more represented everywhere, but not at the costs of others. And this is what is currently happening.
BFA opening dialogue:
“King Greymane” what a welcome surprise…
They will not survive.
Love you Tovi.
Nor will I, because you’re just being deliberately obtuse. And I’m going to ignore you now.
Saying “king” doesn’t state there’s a monarchy, let alone the rules of said monarchy within the game.
That’s fine, it’s okay to admit you’re wrong.
The quick search says heraldic monarchy
[Greymane Monarchy] WoWpedia.
I can’t do links but it’s there.
are we really playing this game. Are we really saying “oh nothing states that Genn Greymane, the man who ever since Cataclysm has been worked up over the death of his son, may not pass the rulership to his sole surving heir (that he has canonically tried to hook up with Anduin at least once)?”
The whole storyline is a simple case of “Man ignores daughter to focus on son, goes into deep depressive episode due to lack of son, has a brief episode of treating grieving child in a son-like manner, before finally realising his ignored daughter is able to take the lead of things”. Like, yeah, the overall Gilneas thing sucked, but “Genn finally recognises Tess can lead Gilneas” has basically been a hinted thing ever since Cata
The game that arguing ‘it’s a monarchy, of course it will work this way’ when it’s not stated in game at all how any such thing would work and hefting irl rules into it instead is a bad argument?
Well, y’see Tooshii, most people present have this thing called “Media literacy” where they are able to use their history of pop culture and other outside knowledge to infer things, without needing to read them from a Wiki like a TV Tropes reader.
For example, the trope of “Overlooked child does something to surprise parent that they did not expect, and as a result, is loved once again and given some form of reward symbolising this love”. Which doubles with the “Parent mourns the loss of a child, ignoring the one they have still alive” trope Genn was going ever since Cata
Which doesn’t apply to a fantasy game, alas, because… things are different.
Tropes apply to fantasy games. Hell, fantasy games birth a ton of tropes.
Skyrim. Final Fantasy. Legend of Zelda. Dragon Quest, in certain territories. Dungeons and Dragons. These are absolutely pop culture trope makers that are strictly in the fantasy sense.
You’re free to link me a wiki for WoW that details how the Physics and everything else works.
This ain’t Tekumel, Blizzard have never gone into those details and you know they haven’t, because they can just rely on the wider trope. Not that I’d ever recommend trusting a fan wiki on anything because those can and will be regularly mis-used. There is no answer one way or the other and all the Wiki has, because I can link to it, the only time successorship has ever come up was the time Genn tried to hook Anduin and Tess up with each other, which didn’t work because neither were that into the idea (and honestly I think Blizz were trying to do the Taelia/Anduin thing at the time which obviously fizzled out as well)
There you go. The only mention in Warcraft lore ever about successorship to the Greymane line, and it isn’t even all that much about Tess. Its about Anduin and the whole surrogate son relationship he has with Genn.
If you want to go and have those deep dives into one’s viability for the throne, Warcraft isn’t the universe for you.
Im surprised Shadowlands wasnt mentioned. That was the start of the inbalance of cast choices and morals associated. Nearly all the bad guys were guys.
I feel like BFA and SL were pretty female dominant too. BFA focal characters were Jaina, Talanji, Sylvanas, and Taelia. SL Sylvanas was, again, a major character with Draka being the main character in Maldraxxus. Denathrius and Zovaal turned on their fellow Eternal Ones leaving WQ and Archon as the two remaining with the Primus coming into play only later. Then we have Palegos becoming the new Arbiter
You just described where female roles in game have been for almost 20 years. But you see, that didn’t bother you.
This isn’t even really true. WoW has been making a conscious effort to include women in the story since at least Cataclysm. Why else would Thralls wife be on screen? She was so boring.
But the funny thing is that women prefer FF14 which has WAAAAY more offensive depictions of women. Oh and women like Moba games that also have female characters that look like they were designed by a 10 year old boy.
So I don’t even know who blizzard is trying to please when they put Thralls boring as dirt wife on screen.