Yeah, the thing is, it IS pretty balanced now. Characters of both genders have their time in the spotlight. The Centaur can be considered an outlier, but they have always been matriarchal going back to vanilla (something about them being based on horses which are like that in real life), so yeah they don’t really have men in positions of leadership.
The thing is, the people saying it’s “unbalanced” are coming from a position of privilege, so all they see is “fewer men”. When you’re privileged, equality seems like discrimination.
I don’t believe it’s all a matter of privilege here.
When I discussed this topic with my wife and she plays as well. She feels similarly to how I do as well.
She’s female and from Apac islander / lower income background, certainly not privileged. She worked hard on her own to get where she is.
Our shared consensus was that it feels forced, rather than balanced.
If you look at the history of entertainment, most leading actor protagonists were male for decades and even MORESO lead actor villians were male.
Suddenly, now you have people who don’t like XYZ character and default “It must be politics! Them liberal conservative libertarians are ruining everything!”
There were not problems at all with the stories, if anything, I found female stories to be lacking. There were plenty of themes and storylines that targeted generic gamer male, moreso to be sure then generic gamer female.
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Game gonna be quite different if you really want to 1:1 it to how IRL is, especially for the time period. Just saying.
You’d rather have nuclear war than just be nice to people?
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It’s also how monarchies work in this fantasy world.
I think this is where the privilege lies. You didn’t think about it as an issue before because of privilege.
That said, as a woman, the emphasis on women in this expansion feels unnatural to me. But I’m not willing to call it forced. Perhaps it feels unnatural because I’m just so darn used to everything in media being man-centric. It sure does stand out when men aren’t the overwhelming focus.
Sex and gender emphasis aside, I didn’t particularly care for the story in Dragonflight. It was meh at best. I hope TWW does better. I actually really like Anduin and I’m excited to see where they take him. Alleria, too.
It be a fine example if ya would stop tryin’ ta flex ya statistics 101 and understand da point. It wasn’t dat da sequence was not likely, it was dat a local sequence is not adequate for determinin’ da fairness of a coin. Ya gotta keep on flippin’ da coin and look at da series in full dat came before it and after it.
This man laws of large numberses
(But I can’t guarantee the readers of this forum do)
BFA Jaina is probably the best written story in this entire game, honestly. Lady’s the only one in this entire canon to have a realistic and relatable character journey.
I’d rather nuclear war than deal with the extremely oversensitive people of today, yes. Because they certainly aren’t nice to people, and I don’t like hypocrites.
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Thanks for the reply and I hear you.
Forced was actually my wife’s term she used this morning. Not mine per say.
As far as my own privilege, I do think I’ve had a fairly easy time more so than most during my lifetime. I’m white male and haven’t had to deal with diversity complexities. But maybe that’s also coming from San Diego where there is not so much spread of diversity outside Mexico and the APAC communities.
At least that was the basis of my perspective and outlook.
As far as this story goes, if the devs want to take it this direction as you stated unnatural, it didn’t feel nice or fun either way. At least that we can agree on.
I don’t mind Anduin as a character, where others have just seen him as weak and constant monologue instead of acting heroicly towards justice. However I’m urging that his mental state is able to change rather then being stuck in a rut the entire next arc.
That’s not the problem.
The problem isn’t that World of Warcraft doesn’t have good female characters. The problem is that World of Warcraft doesn’t have good characters, period. You don’t fix that problem by flooding the game with bad female characters, it already has a full roster of bad male characters. If you want good female characters, I’m inclined to agree, but you don’t do that by having whole expansions where the dudes are a bunch of clowns and side shows.
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Jaina is good, I also didn’t mind Telanji and her arc with her father and Rhastakan.
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Same. I think they could really have a good example of overcoming deep trauma to forge a stronger man. I’ll honestly be disappointed if they don’t show him pulling through. While I do enjoy an occasional dark ending in books or movies, WoW isn’t really where I want that lol.
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Could you back that up with a wiki article for it?
Queen Talanji. Lord Admiral Jaina. Try just paying attention to the story.
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So, nothing yet? Quite a few monarchies irl don’t allow women or favor male, so going ‘that’s how monarchies work’ instead of talking objectively about the game itself is incorrect
I was thinking about Genn handing over to Tess
For myself it’s not that the transfer of the crown was given to Tess… It’s the manner in which they wrote the story.
I would have actually preferred like I said the gut wrenching heroics by Genn in this case to have taken a hail of arrows in the back to protect Tess from harm. And then Tess to go all rogue like in dispatching the bad guys.
Then having the emotional transfer of power and dialogue with Tess. At least in that sense we would have seen a heroic Genn and Tess moment rather than a fairly depressing and feeling of giving up…Tess, Voss, and Callia being the only ones who could logically win the day.
Sure kill Genn off or put him in a box, but I really disliked the way in which they did it.