Dragonflight Shaman PVP feedback - Some pretty serious problems on the horizon

Presumably a bug. It would break pvp.

We’re all sitting with fingers crossed its not intended but until we see a blue post or tooltip adjustment we just wont know.

I believe you truly have problems reading or/and lack of knowledge of how to use all the tools you have as a shaman. I didn’t say shaman was the worst class in a burst meta like SL, I said they are worst, implying that in a meta where ppl die in 2s or less, we are worst in comparison to something less bursty where we actually can use our toolkit and not just a “I can’t die” button. We have more defensive tools on the tree, we can access more defensive stuff than we can rn on SL, that’s a fact and it doesn’t mean that if tunning is bad, we won’t be oneshotted by a burst as dumb as the ret had in previous seasons, bc we don’t and we won’t have an inmunity.

I don’t think they are giving more MS to DH, or at least I hope so. I think what blizzard intent is that the MS effects that are higher than 25% have a CD like arms or assa, and somehow Fury.

We have more defensive tools on the tree, we can access more defensive stuff than we can rn on SL, that’s a fact

This is objectively wrong and not a fact.

-DF earth ele 15% max hp < SL earth ele conduit 20%-40%
-DF astral shift 40% 12 sec 1.5 min cd. SL exact same. DF has the added option of 8 sec 55% but I am not too sure if thats much better than 12 sec especially when stuff like shadow blades lasts 20 secs.
-DF earth shield = SL earth shield
-DF healing stream/swirling currents = SL
-DF lasso < SL lasso (not sure this even counts as a defensive)
-DF refreshing waters = SL refreshing waters

-DF has NS < SL has fleshcraft+resilient stitching+ pustule eruption+sulfuric emission

Where is this definitive FACTUAL greater defense in dragonflight? Can you point to what I am missing? I just went down the entire class tree.

As far as MS effects go, while its true some MS are 25% in pvp, players are currently worried they are adding 40% MS effects to certain classes, rogue being one of them.

EDIT: forgot to add, access to earthen harmony dunks on all of dragonflight defensively

You can have both ghost wolf dr and Earth shield, also more healing from ES from surging shield and LS=more msw so more healing. Reduced healing cost while using flameshocks. A greater Astral shift for certain match ups. Also thunderstorm and lasso.

Just to be sure, I’m talking about enhance that is what I play.

I’m not saying that shamans are the tankiest class in the game with the new DF tree. But we indeed are getting more mobility as well as more defensive tools in form off healing. And I think that’s what they are focusing on shamans, to have good healing as their primary defensive. I can’t remember a single expansion where we were a tanky class, that’s not how shamans were designed. However I won’t deny that I would like to have Shamanistic rage again, since dying in a stun is what would happen most of the time, but again that would depend on how numberd are tunned on DF :slight_smile:

You can have both ghost wolf dr and Earth shield

Again, you do not get DR when you go into ghost wolf, you get 5% DR every 1 second until 4 seconds. If you instantaneously received DR the second you swap into ghost wolf, then this could be an OK defensive and you could try to pre ghost wolf the leg sweep and incoming ww/dk burst.

also more healing from ES from surging shield

You are gonna spend 2 points to get 25% more healing on earth shield? Come on man. You lose other abilities with those 2 points you know?

Reduced healing cost while using flameshocks.

This is pretty good, fair. Not gonna stop them from 1 shotting during a stun though.

A greater Astral shift for certain match ups.

Again. This is a give or take, you can get a 55% shift but you wont have the 12 sec duration, idk if its contrarianism or what but this is a SIDEGRADE at best.

Also thunderstorm and lasso.

Lasso is nerfed, thunderstorm Ive had since wrath.

Just to be sure, I’m talking about enhance that is what I play.

See this makes alot of sense now. You were also talking about off-heals earlier and kept mentioning lightning shield now I understand. I also checked your profile and your elemental talents are all unknown because you havent even played the spec a single time lmao.

Which actually brings me into my next point:

I believe you truly have problems reading or/and lack of knowledge of how to use all the tools you have as a shaman.

The fact that you only play enhance is also why I find this type of derailment into personal attacks accusing me of lacking knowledge on how to use defensive tools to be quite distasteful.

What grounds/credentials do you have to decide who has or doesn’t have knowledge? I don’t claim to be the best player around, but I have certainly played shaman at a higher level than you. My character sat at around 2300 in 3s playing elemental last time I played shaman and yet, furthermore, judging by your profile, you havent even touched the elemental spec yet. You literally play ZUG ZUG ME ASCENDENCE ME ENHANCE in the 1800 bracket and you are telling me I lack knowledge to use defensive tools properly, what defensive tools does enhance even use? Enhance plays with a warrior who intervenes you and you try to ZUG a 1 shot and sometimes you press lay on hands on yourself. No wonder you were talking about off-heals in your earlier post, you play enhance you dont even have to cast with 2 melee on you lmao.

I do not think shamans going enhance and lay on handsing themselves with focused insight while being completely helpless during a stun is a healthy dichotomy for the game to go, its poor design. I would much rather they nerf enhance’s healing surge by like 30-40% and just give shamanistic rage back to both specs on a 1 min cd 15 sec duration like it used to be and useable while stunned. With maybe a pvp talent that makes it remove magical effects like it did in cata.

Also your transmog isnt doing you any favors either.

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Dude you really think very highly of yourself for not even being a glad. I won’t argue with you, you are the type of ppl that is better to be ignored, elemental is bad and way harder than other specs, roger. Making fun of other specs zug while having vesper for 2 straight patchs :joy:.

Keep making noise, someday some dev would read your complaints.

Once again, everything you said here is literally just wrong.

Dude you really think very highly of yourself for not even being a glad

I never said I think highly of myself, in fact the first thing I literally wrote was “Im not the best player around, but”. So very clearly I stated I am self aware, however, I do believe I am better than you, who plays in the 1800 bracket with enhance. And I also find the personal attacks from an 1800 player about how I lack knowledge on using defensive tools to be ironic.

“elemental is bad and way harder than other specs, roger”

I literally never said this ever. You actually just made that up lmao. I DID however say elemental is harder than enhance. This I stand by, atleast in shadowlands. WOTLK might be a different story.

Making fun of other specs zug while having vesper for 2 straight patchs :joy:.

Again completely wrong. If you opened my character you would see 1. I play necrolord not kyrian (you can check my acheivements and see reknown level 0 with kyrian) and 2. I dont even own the vesper legendary and 3. I played in season 1 when vesper wasnt a thing yet. 4. Even if I DID play shaman during the vesper patch, it would still take more skill/setup than enhancement chain hurrrvest does.

Keep making noise, someday some dev would read your complaints.

Keep literally lying/being wrong about every stupid claim you make. 1800 panda with garbage transmog.

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I’d like to see Resurrection functional in PvP. Several classes already have a cheat death so it’s not a new ability. To avoid cheese just force the sham to use it within 10 sec of dying. Might be too strong for Resto but would be good for Ele/Enh. With a 10min CD it’s still weaker then the rogue/mage versions so they still get to be “special”.

Rogue and Mage have to remain the strongest classes in the game of course or Azeroth melts or something I’m pretty sure.

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agreed. priests already have that Rez function.
rogue/mage has cheat death/cauterize.

shaman really lack hard DR.

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Just make it automatically occur on a certain delay so it can’t be controlled. Like 3 seconds.

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Ive conceded that blizz will never give shaman hard DR. At this point I want shamanistic rage baseline for ele enh.

Bring back sham rage!


Bring back improved lightning shield :pray: 10% DR on lightning shield would be awesome


And improved hst for -5% fire frost nature

This is literally the best and most realistic solution and easily implentable on the class tree. Its so BS none of us here can post on the dragonflight alpha forums and the people who do post in there dont even know how shaman works lmao. One guy in there didnt know that frost shock scales with enhance’s attack power.

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You know we would get the dmg reduction but it woukd get the ES treatment. Back to 3 charges and still dispellable all at once and now can be stolen by mages.

If they gave it charges and made it dispellable, but made it actually do damage like it did in classic, TBC, and wrath, then Id be ok with it. 10% DR needs to be a thing though.

Make lava blast a big cooldown bomb and not a flying spaghetti fest!

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