Dragonflight Shaman PVP feedback - Some pretty serious problems on the horizon

I am actually the MOST excited for WOTLK classic. Yeah, im only going to hit lava burst every 8 seconds, BUT ITS GOING TO BE SIGNIFICANT. im so ready


Ugghh I wish retail would do the same because I’m really digging it now! Maybe I’ll go back to classic once and a while now…. Blargh

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they should just remove the maelstrom cost from elemental blast and make it hit HARD like it did in MoP or like lava burst did in WOTLK. It should be a 12 sec cd big nuke.

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If anything for the sake of race diversity, I’m tempted to go Orc everyday because of stuns.

While zandalari troll is my favorite, I ended up going orc as well because the dieing while stunned issue is a pretty big deal for shaman. They really need to do a race rebalance for pvp atleast.

They should just bake hardiness into the PvP trinket bonus so everyone gets it and then give orc and human something else. Like, orc could get some kind of toughness ability that allows them to take some extra punishment and humans could get some kind of rallying cry or something like that.


Ele and enh both look like they have potential to be good. I still think the 2 specs both suffer the same problems. Easy to train into the ground and nullify their dmg, susceptibility to stun heavy classes (feral/rogues), and extremely reliant on procs to do any meaningful damage.

I do think enh has the potential to be really good and finally be the true hybrid caster melee class it was meant to be.

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Enhance thematically and gameplay wise looks extremely fun and well done in Dragonflight. Its just the core issue of getting 1 shot during a stun that it has no answer to outside of pvp trinket.


Despite what others might say here, you are right, and the talent trees suck. They are only getting positive feedback because once someone said it was good, people parroted that sentiment. It’s not good. Like other trees, it forces you to choose been core abilities, and you are often forced to take terrible talents you don’t want in order to get a core interrupt, totem, or damaging ability. There are zero defensives, and if you spec into all of the extra healing talents it makes almost zero difference and wastes points that you need for setting up damage builds. The only, and I mean the ONLY thing that is good about shaman trees right now is: placing totems in ghost form, extending range of totems. There is almost never a case when you need to move your totems, especially for ele, and all of the other talents are lackluster. It is cool to see a few new totems coming back, but since you are forced to choose between them… not good.

Shamans need a solid wall to prevent damage. We need better defensives. Trees in general need to be redesigned. Unlimited Power needs to come back.


12 seconds? No way. If so, no one will pick it. Maybe 2 seconds tops.

I have gotten in a lot of arguments with Shay as have a few of us. But Shay forgetting something like that happens to all of us. They were wrong and I have also been wrong on stuff like this before. Just remembered incorrectly is all. Kinda odd how when I remembered a shammy thing incorrectly though, Shay jumped on me with many insults about being wrong. But still idk. Shay is under the impression that they are the greatest shaman to have ever walked the earth so Shay can insult you or I but if you insult them Shay will have a major flip about it. Like they did to me.

And they are just remembering things a slight bit different is all. LavaB vs HP of 30-40k. No players in WoTLK had pools that high back to back unbuffed unless they were running plate and in tank spec with buffs and in raids, you didnt find those HP pools in any Wrath arenas, not even in S8. That would be Heroic WoTLK bosses that would have those HP pools if I remember right. I remember nearly one shotting some people with my sham doing LavaB but that was with crits and they still had some HP left. Wreck an undergeared clothie in low resil with LavaB but all else will be really damaged, and not obliterated. Plus the CD on that one made it more viable to be spamming Lightning Bolts, faster cast, less dmg. And only do the Burst after you got your Flame Shock on for the crit.

Shay is going off of memories from a decade and a half ago. As good as they were, thinking anyone could be 100% right after that many years is a far stretch.

The blizzcon finals had a mage lock priest with 25k 30k 27k hps… thats cloth with stam buff. You get some plate classes in there its going to be higher. I dont think 30-40k was an overestimate.

The class tree is pretty good for raid where you can drop/skip lots of nodes like interrupt, tremor, etc. that you don’t need in raid. And you can pick it back up for the 1 boss that needs it. In this case you have enough points to get what you want.

They kind of suck for M+/PvP where we are used to having everything and using everything. There is just not enough points.

Why has grounding being nerfed to a 30 yard range , when casters have a 40 yard range and some even more . What’s the thinking there

Hasn’t grounding totem always been 30 yards? Meaning that it works on spells cast on friendly party/raid members that are within 30 yards of the totem.

Doesn’t matter how far away the caster is.

So, I think it’s just a tooltip clarification. Not a change in fuctionality.


Is that what it means , I took it to mean that it will only ground spells upto a max of 30 yards …

We will get the shaft like every xpac

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Elemental defensive is so bad that during the golden era of wow we either had massive dmg wotlk or could cast while moving mop and we still weren’t the top dogs. For some odd reason this particular spec has received no defensive abilities and I don’t understand the logic behind it. There’s no reason to have it so squishy. They even nerfed the healing it provides by only allowing three hard casted heals per X. /shrug

We have one of the best passive defensives in wotlk. Astral shift made stunlock extremely manageable.

Even right now as a very undergeared shaman with no resilience I can easily live through stunlocks. Yes I flop afterward but gear is coming.

Retiring shaman it’s tedious to play and not fun imo for pvp as of pre patch