Dragonflight Shaman PVP feedback - Some pretty serious problems on the horizon

It wont let me post in the Dragonflight alpha shamans feedback thread so I guess I will post here. Hopefully the shaman dev takes a glance at shaman class forums every now and then. Or maybe someone who does have access to the alpha forums can lend a hand to transfer the message.

I am a very passionate shaman PvP player for many years. I even went as far as to make a new WoW account, level to 10, and then subscribe so that I could post in the forums because my original account was banned on the forums around 15 years ago when I was in middle school (being immature).

I am by no means the best player, but in Shadowlands I sat around 2300 rating primarily only playing 3v3 and doing duels sometimes.

To put it bluntly, once damage numbers get tuned for all classes, Dragonflight is not looking very good for elemental in pvp and I will explain why I believe this to be the case.

Elemental/Enhancement are the only dps specs in the entire game that do not have any real form of HARDLINE defensive cds.

Mages have Ice block - a hardline emergency defensive cd

Shadow priests have dispersion

Hunters have turtle shell (in the past deterrence)

Warriors have die by the sword

Death Knights have AMS as a hardline stop on damage/negative effects but they can also choose to stack icebound with an anti-magic zone together + rune of sanguination

Monks have Touch of karma. And in dragonflight, looks like they will be able to stack Dampen harm+ Diffuse magic+ fortifying brew all at once.

Paladins have a few bubbles

Rogues have cloak + vanish which is a hardline stop on incoming damage

Warlocks can place their teleport behind a pillar and position such that when they teleport, it becomes a full stop on incoming dmg for atleast 3-4 seconds until the enemies catch up, they also have gateway to another pillar as a follow up. In DF looks like they are getting soul link baseline back as well.

Druids arent the best but they still have the option to go bear +use survival instincts for 50% dr+stack barkskin on top. Atleast while they have those things running together in bear you cant really kill them for a few seconds.

Evoker - idk anything about this class

DH - their tree isnt out yet so I will hold my comments. EDIT: DH tree is out, they have free netherwalk in the havoc tree (100% reduced dmg taken for 6 seconds but you cant attack, basically dispersion). Darkness and blur too ofc.

But as you can see, nearly every class has a reliable strategy to put a hardline stop on incoming damage. With comps like rogue mage etc, it has become a norm for so many classes to have hardline stops on damage, its basically a necessity when you PvP against players who play at a level where they can coordinate damage with precision.

You might be thinking, how have shamans been a class for 15+ years if they have never had a real defensive and why is it suddenly a problem now in Dragonflight and not before? I will explain. In the recent past, shamans have used borrowed power to make up for their pathetic defensive ability. In shadowlands for example, shamans often went necrolord and specced into soulbinds which gave survivability to Fleshcraft. So you could astral shift + fleshcraft + bm trinket and hopefully try to get by. In worst case vs comps like RMP, you could swap to a legendary with earthen harmony (ele/enh loses access to this in DF). In battle for azeroth, you could stack azerite traits.

In WOTLK and Mists of Pandaria dps shaman was great to play in PvP.

Get a load of this guys, did you know in MoP, you had access to BOTH astral shift and shamanistic rage as both elemental and enhance??? + stone bulwark totem incase those two werent enough. And astral shift + shamanistic rage were both 1 min cds and astral did 40% dr, shamanistic rage did 30%, you could stack them.

In WOTLK, elemental had 50% damage reduction all the time. This was a time period where armor was the king defensive stat of the game, every melee primarily did physical damage (even ret paladins) in wotlk. And shamans had literal tank levels of armor, they also had astral shift as a passive ability so anytime you got stunned or silenced, your character would just wall itself lmao.

So its no surprise to anyone here that the blizzard developers have decided its a core design aspect of shaman for it to lack any hardline defensive like ice block, AMS, or dispersion and I know they arent going to change this anytime soon because they want classes to be distinct. This is ok, I have accepted this. However, in the past expansions, there were other ways to make up for this. MoP, for example, having astral shift and shamanistic rage both on a 1 min cd is pretty insane.

Finally, getting to the point: while the shaman talent trees are great in many ways and have received alot of positive attention, from a pure PvP perspective, can anyone tell me what the defensive capability of shaman is in Dragonflight? Its literally just astral shift. Atleast in shadowlands, you could get necrolord soulbinds and then stack a fleshcraft cast with astral shift or equip earthen harmony. But when dragonflight comes out, and I go against rogue mage #999, tell me shaman forums, what do I do other than press astral shift? Are dps shamans doomed to only ever que with warriors who can intervene them? Turbo and thundercleave for the rest of the expansion?

Shamans have some pretty OP gimmicky heals, enh can get like a 40-50% heal in 1 button and ele is no slouch either. But incase you guys didnt notice, mortal strike effects in dragonflight are being doubled back up to 50% like they were in wotlk. So prepare to not rely on those heals as much anymore.

-Found it a little odd they decided to give soul link back to all warlock specs but w/e. I feel like its actually shaman that needs that passive astral shift effect back again which we had in wotlk. No way to survive rogue mage without it.
-Give shamanistic rage back to only enh/ele so astral shift can be stacked with it. They can make it 3 min cd idc.
-Put earthen harmony back on the class tree rather than in the resto tree.
-Move earthen wall totem from resto tree to general class tree.
-Make the new stoneskin totem not suck horribly for pvp. 10% physical dmg is just laughable. Its 2022 not 2008, nobody does physical dmg in this game except warriors. Rest is all magic/bleed. And 10% is really low.

(Obviously dont have to do all the suggestions at once, that would be OP)

I am open to suggestions/criticism, if anyone can tell me what to do in dragonflight against rogue mage #999 other than “go play with an intervene warrior and hpally”, I am all ears.


We did not have astral shift in mop.

I agree that ele defensives look lacking especially since the devs keep nerfing them but we are getting some solid mobility. It might be less aboit tanking damage than kiting or pillaring away from it. I doubt melee mobility will allow much kiting

you did have astral shift in mop. google mop talent calc. And shammy rage was baseline.

NG all the way. there wasnt any other option. you are right it was on the talent tree, nobody used it.

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people took stone bulwark the entire first half of the expansion until blizzard decided shamans were having fun and nerfed it really hard. then they took astral shift the rest of the expansion. NG 25% hp is not impressive nor useful compared to a 1 min cd wall, idk what game you were playing.

wrong. thats just flat out wrong.

NG was used becasue it procced during anything… stuns … silences… lock outs… didnt matter NG was going to save you and w/ such a short ICD you were fine.

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  1. a 15% (after mortal strike effects) heal isnt going to be the make or break effect that “saves you” lmfao.
  2. back then, stone bulwark being a totem, was useable during silences and lockouts

First the astral shift now this, how do you manage to get so much wrong lmao? Regardless, I didnt come here to debate the MoP meta with people who probably didnt play back then, I am here to point out that 30 sec cd Gust of Wind isnt going to stop mr 8 gap closer rogue and windwalker from 1 shotting a shaman in dragonflight when all borrowed power from necrolord, or gimmick vesper burst/heals from kyrian is gone.

(i was one of the top ele’s back in mop )


Ok buddy ill take you at your word there. But surely you would agree with my main point of this thread that its not looking particularly good in DF with all mortal strike effects returning to 50% for the first time in wow history since 2010 and shaman being a class thats basically been using powerful healing surges + borrowed power as a crutch since BFA.


my old guild still has our 3’s rbgs and wpvp videos from mop up :smiley:

theres still too many variables, the biggest is going to be damage… and we wont know that until tuning happens.

the 50% ms worries alot of people right now. i give it a 50/50 chance of it making to live.

My guess is, the tuning when DF launches will be to ensure all classes can dps in pve so unless they pull a cataclysm tier “btw we are quadrupling everyone’s life pool” im not sure itll be looking too good. For now I am trying to make a build where I stack 4-5 different healing surge modifiers so i can go for an NS 1 shot self heal every minute but idk. I dropped gust of wind, not worth 4 points after the big CD nerf. Do devs read shaman forums btw?

not really.

im not on alpha, but it seems to me the sprint talents are more interesting than gust of wind.

if its rogue mage then sprint is prolly strong to break a nova, but if its like ww dk then I find I would need maybe 3-4 gap openers to even try a kiting game

there are several possible movement increasing effects. maybe by staggering them itll be easier to kite the melee trains.

I wont know for sure until I get my hands on the beta and actually try it pragmatically but I will say that its not just shamans who are getting new shiny things. Monks for example have access to both tigers lust and celerity now. They have access to both the “escape reality” and tiger palm dash legendaries at the same time. DKs have access to multiple mobility skills they had to choose between previously as well. With 45 sec lasso idk man.

My biggest issue is that the entire dragon flight alpha shaman feedback thread has not a single person representing pvp.

And also to add, one of the major reasons why shaman could kite so well in WOTLK is because you had root totem on a 10.5 second CD instead of a 1 minute CD. Whole different mode of gameplay there with a 10.5 sec instant cast aoe root.

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I mean theres a lot of things in wotlk that ele has. Im levelling shaman in tbc to get ready for wrath classic next month…

Lava burst at level 80 will hit for ~12-15k on healthpools of 30-40k.

Lava burst in slands hits for 8k on health pools of 85k.

That right there is a huge reason of ele’s success in wrath. They get one single cast off and its a huge threat. But in slands to do the same porportion of damage you need like 5 lava bursts.

Like every lava burst in wrath is roughly the same power as a skyfury primordial wave echo lava burst

And thunderstorm is stronger (comparatively) maps are better designed to benefit elemental, theres a talent in wrath that elemental shamans take 40% less damage while stunned. I would trade that single passive talent for every defensive on the slands or df tree.

Grounding is back to 16s… winder shear is above an beyond… purge is cheap af and dispels TWO buffs at a time… theres 10,000 things wrath ele has that we havent had since


yea it really is sad to think about. Shaman used to be designed to not only get that automatic wall during any CC but also to have tank levels of armor (back when armor was the primary defensive stat against melee, today armor is useless because every melee does magical or bleed/poison dmg). Back then the class was designed with the idea of not having iceblock or dispersion or AMS in mind. As for lava burst, this trend continued through MoP as well. While lava burst didnt do that much in MoP, they added lava burst 2.0 called elemental blast which basically filled the same role that lava burst did in WOTLK. Today both those abilities are pretty meme and shaman has consistently relied on borrowed power gimmick attempted 1 shots to stay relevant. In shadowlands it was vesper totem and in BFA it was that lava shock stacking azerite trait. And I fear dragonflight has not shown any gimmick 1 shot bowered power yet so IDK what the gameplay will be like with a 45 sec lasso.

At the very least they could undo the hidden 35% pvp only nerf to stormkeeper.

You sure 50% MS isn’t just for pve?

That’s how it is now.

50%. Nerfed to 25% for PvP.

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Arent rogues getting a new trait that says “wound poison can stack 2 additional times” how is that gonna work in pvp exactly?

I do not know what will make it live but the dh mortal strike specifically said in pvp.

PvP Talents (2)

Mortal Dance

Blade Dance now reduces targets’ healing received by 50% for 5 sec.

Its specifically listed as a pvp talent for 50% reduction. I cannot imagine that makes it live. my guess is its bad data mining or a bad tooltip cuz 50% healing reduction would be insane