Dragonflight: Seeds of Renewal Content Update Notes—Now Live!

Then why put them in the Plains, where nobody is ever going to go again after this expansion?

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Nah, some of those aren’t even green. Monk is all about just different ways of drawing green.

Just going to throw this out there, but I hope that when a character without dragonriding gets dismounted, they keep their momentum, so if you have a race that starts on a cliff point and come at it from the wrong angle you go flying off to your death.

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No human customizations aside from new hair color, new skin tones, new eye options . . .

None whatsoever

Always had purple hair and dreadlocks and dark skin and blind options since 2007.

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They aren’t calling it a capital. They’re calling it a “settlement”. “A place for the kaldorei to seek much-needed repose and solace”. My guess is they saw how upset people were about their new home being moved out of their homeland so they decided to downplay its significance. Same with why they put in such an extensive portal network for around kalimdor - to reassure everyone that no the night elves weren’t driven out. They’re still there. For real. All of which I am glad about frankly. I just hope they also rebuild their towns in darkshore since they’ve supposedly taken it back. Hell, rebuild Auberdine. Turn that into their capital.


It’s difficult to say it’s not their new capital with all of that.

Night Elves of Teldrassil => Bal’ameth => new home

Yeah and then a week after that tweet, in the official patch notes, they avoid using the word “home” entirely. They’ve certainly never called it a capital city. The horde are allowed in for one thing. It would give them a pretty unfair advantage if they could just wander in and kill a faction leader.

My comment would be:

You mean to tell me Genn is going to say something other than to mercilessly whine “SYLLLL VANNNNNAS!!” at every and anything??

Most one-dimensional, utterly BORING chr in the WoW universe. His WIFE has more development than he does.


I didn’t see anything about the alt bank feature? I could have sworn that was coming as well.

That feature is coming in the War Within prepatch once Warbands go live

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I think that you are the single player that still remember the Jadefire Satyr :frowning:

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So you made dragonriding available worldwide but didn’t put regular flying in the Dragon Isles? Who comes up with this?

We got that in 10.2.


We already got regular flying (aka static flying) in the Dragon Isles:

Please grow up.

Here’s my preddiction: everyone will hate it except for a single fatso at blizzard HQ


Please be sure to flag Tyrande and Genn for PvP! Especially Genn Greymane he has no in game model that can actually be killed.

Tell that to the people who hate rainbows.

Need more men represented in these Blizzard Art… You know what happened to Disney and Sylvanus as the lead bad (person). Please, can we get some hard looking slayers instead of the Final Fantasy Disney pics?


Is this just a mini-patch with lore, cosmetics and things like that or is there a new rep grind/new item level gear to be obtained doing world content?