Dragonflight Preview: An Eye on Professions

I believe the intent is for them to be fulfilled with work orders so you wont make stuff that wont sell, also it looks like the rank material on gear at least is going to require raid drop mats on the character wanting to wear the armor so again work order stuff mostly i dont think that will be as much of an issue

If there is any complaint, Blizzard’s unique strategy is to make it more and more complicated until the players are too confused to complain.

Anyway, I much rather the complexity on crafting than gearing. Most players will just go to the auction house and buy the most powerful mats like always.


A LOT of talk about Soulbound items in that post. PLEASE Blizzard make that stuff account bound.

Please please please


Yes youll have a full set of gear for it so more bag space

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I wonder how crafted gear will work from one season to the next. With the large jumps in item level we see between seasons will I need to make new pieces of gear entirely or will we be able to “recraft” for a certain amount of materials the equivalent item level from season to season?

Also I am hoping we get some new storage system for materials. I don’t think this is going to happen but it would be nice if we had separate storage space for all this stuff.

Oh, and can we get some consideration for Fury on the limit for crafted gear? maybe make it 6 pieces if you have two two-handers equipped. Otherwise we can’t use as much as every other spec in the game.


Oh you know you will.


This all sounds excellent, but I’m very apprehensive about the presence of an artificial time gate for the higher end of crafted items. Even though crafting is supposed to be a supplementary source of gear rather than a primary one the time gate will still be a major source of frustration for anyone looking to dedicate time and effort towards acquiring what they need for a desired craft. This is all before getting into how awkward things could get into regard to Alt progression.

I understand not wanting people who have stockpiled money to just instantly get full crafted gear, but so many elements of the new system already prevent that so the time gate seems redundant especially when multiple sources of the soul bound reagents are already time gated themselves, such as raids. Please explore other ways to mitigate people acquiring whatever you would consider too much crafted gear too fast.


Good to know alchemy is still literally required especially now with flasks only being 30 minutes baseline. 4 flasks worth of mats for 2 hours of flask or have alchemy so you’re not broke 5 minutes into the expansion :roll_eyes:


"This is just the start of what we have planned for professions in Dragonflight. Check back here on the official site for more as we progress through development. "

Holy (#(% that alpha is never coming out is it?

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This is ideal changes. Moving some of the funnel service market into crafting is what WoW needed for 15 years. Thank you for fixing on this, Blizzard.


They’re doing load outs with talent trees. Maybe they can do the same for gear.

Keep the regent that allows you to add tertiaries in crafting, especially speed, please!

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Needless arbitrary time gates and Blizzard. Name a more iconic duo (YOU CANT)


Yeah that sounds awful lol who thought this up

I’m glad professions are finally getting a meaningful update.

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Junk food and premature heart disease. I win!

They are icons, they are vogue, they are woman shopping while dropping her child emoji

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So when is Alpha invite? We’re 5 months away from DF due date.


It’s just another small notch in the cog to keep wow tokens rolling. Nothing more. Not to mention you’re going to need “perfect” flasks as well so that’s even higher costs right there.

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This blog confirms what I’ve know all along - this system is just a replacement for badges.

You get a time-gated currency each week to craft things, and there are two tiers of crafts you can do, heroic ilvl crafts which come from many types of content, and mythic ilvl crafts that only come from a different type of currency, AKA badge, that is acquired from high keys, Mythic raid, and high rating PvP.

It’s just badges my dudes. It’s badges but behind a fancy UI. You’ve got two tiers of badges, Heroic Badges, and Mythic Badges. And then you can equip 5 pieces of badge gear.

Certainly a step in the right direction, so people can deterministically acquire a weapon, but it’s just badges.

The phial thing is a bit awkward, depending on the length of a key. If a phial lasts 30 minutes, and the dungeon lasts 34 minutes, then you’re kind of in a strange spot there. I hope Blizzard considers something to make phials last ever-so-slightly longer without feeling obligated to use a second at the end of a key. Like, put the keystone in and your phials extend to 45 minute duration if they’re less than that.


Seems like as good a place as any to chime in myself for this.
Either there should be some exception for Fury and two handers or the balance between Single Minded Fury and Titan’s Grip needs another pass functionally/numerically to make them identical in performance.

I haven’t been Fury loot spec for a whole expansion now, and it just feels like such a bandaid for the Fury players that could be solved. Being able to mismatch 1h and 2h also needs to be looked at if we are unable to specify which we want without going Arms (lol if you want to loot 1h and not shields good luck).