Dragonflight "Pathfinder" issue

There’s a difference here: Baulder’s Gate isn’t a multi expansion game. And WoW’s expac style has been like one expac every two years lately. On top of that: there are plenty of us that have played for months that do have issues with the DR that have been waiting for this for that long.

Why do you care how that person gets it?

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As was pointed out to me, earlier: How does one continue the main campaign without doing the dragonriding part of the campaign? How does one get to Thaldraszus without flying? How does one do the world quests (not races) in the air? And if you skip those, you’re skipping rep.

I have this and yes, there are days where dragonriding is not easy.

There’s also those with neurological disorders who can’t do it at all. Some with motion sickness or other vision issues where our accessibility options don’t work.

Dragonriding isn’t the entire game. People are capable of playing other parts of the game without issue.

A good option, but not everyone has the luxury of having someone help them like this.


Yes they absolutely can and have been.

So again: show me how you get to Thaldrazsus without dragonriding. Show me how you do the campaign without doing the dragonriding portion of the campaign.

You’re the one claiming this can all be done without dragonriding, that it isn’t difficult and that if they can normal fly or play the game, they can dragonride.

Guess what? Neurological and vision issues don’t work that way and all you’ve done in here is show disrespect, dismissal and ignorance.

And how do you propose others who don’t have this luxury do this?

As someone with RA, static flying is absolutely easier than dragonriding. And again, that was just one example. But keep ignoring other disabilities as if they don’t exist.


The only thing i see being an issue with Pathfinder is that dragonflight will make the exploration part a lot easier and faster.
That being said i dont think that there are any places that Pathfinder would need you to explore that you couldnʻt fight your way trough to get to on the ground. DF would just make that part simpler.
I dont see the reputation or questing part locked behind anything dragonflight, unless like someone mentioned the races are part of pathfinder then yes those are DF Exclusive. While there are a few WQ that cater to dragonflight (kill the bugs/spin dash through enemies) there are also many other WQ you can do that are not.

Thaldraszus cannot be reached without dragonriding. The campaign cannot be done without dragonriding.


that gap on the bridge between Azure and Valdrakken? Is it too far for a glider to cross?
That being said its a very short jump for a DF mount, probably only need to press spacebar twice and travel in a straight line to hop across it, if someone canʻt even do that, how do they even play?

Yep. I tried when I was first doing the campaign, because I wanted to see it from the ground. hehe


I don’t care how they get it, but giving people stuff on the basis that other people have it in an mmo is lawl.

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They just want to punish those of us that kept asking for normal flying…those of us with medical problems having issues with dragon flying wasn’t enough to for them to give it too us so they added in this late in the expansion with added in more stuff to do to get it.


almost like pathfinder was always a meaningless list of chores…


They think it’s immersive.

All DR is is faster flying with player interaction options. We already can fly here. That’s the entire danged point.

All regular flying is is slower flying with no mechanics.

Perhaps, if you had to re-do Pathfinder on every character.
But it gave account wide unlock. I found that meaningful.

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And yet cause flying is something developers want to remove, one day, so few people will do pathfinder, so they can justify removing it.

At least, now we have dragonriding and I think players will loathe to give that up.

World is better without flying it for my immersions.

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World is better for other people WITH flying in it for THEIR immersion. Immersion is like art: it’s subjective.

I don’t see why both cannot co-exist.

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it’s how we got to pathfinder in the first place, not enough people complained so it remained the status quo. The anti-flight crowd.

Let’s reward people for not playing the game.

I am not a fan of Pathfinder requirements and never have been - mostly because the requirements have rarely ever had any direct link to being able to fly. I could understand the Exploration segment, but having completed certain story lines has zero connection with being able to fly one or more types of mounts in a zone. It’s purely a game-time metric.

However, I don’t really see in this instance that your friend could not complete the ones they are showing so far. The exploration component could be completed on a ground mount, and the other parts are generally achieved through playing the game via questing, etc.

I have many issues with dragonriding, involving my own personal limitations and issues, but I don’t find it an “impossible barrier”. I’m wondering what he, or you, find impossible. I might have missed something, of course.

Ugh, this stupid argument STILL?

Look, flying isn’t going away. DR is an awesome thing. Regular flight still being in doesn’t hurt anything.

I’ve been having this same debate for about 10 years now. The problem is not enough people complained about PF.

So basically the “solution” for people who for whatever reason can’t master dragonriding is to be carried at all times. I don’t think that’s a reasonable expectation.


Factually incorrect. Dragonriding was publicly available to players day 1 of Alpha testing on July 14, before even Beta was out. Beta was out for months before release of DF expansion, so I don’t even know where your information is coming from.

On to the topic, I will have already met all the requirements of Dragon Isles Pathfinder minus the new renown, so having this in for me is not an issue, however I think the reward of unlocking normal flying from this is a bit much, especially for those who have conditionns that prevent them from using Dragonriding like everyone else, and have expressed these concerns multiple times in many threads.

Normal flying should be unlocked with a simple account wide quest, and have the Pathfinder added into a kind of Back from the Beyond type of meta achievement instead.