Dragonflight "Pathfinder" issue

The issue is it’s not even needed the old way of flying feels like crap now . The time should’ve been put into having Dragon riding everywhere

Flying liiterally didnt kill any aspects of the game whatsoever.

Stop lying.


Yeah I find that funny as all get out…I used flying to get many horde in the air out of the air and dead on the ground by doing the spiral drop for higher up and shooting all way down before I pull out a glider…I have killed a lot of horde that way…its damn fun…

He is an ugly human being. Lets be honest. There are bigger problems than how they have bundled patchfinder and how they have treated TBC flying. Lets examine how they treat their own employees at BlizZard.

Under his watch a lot of abuse has happened with his peers being the ringleaders of it and he had the power to do something about it or broach the subject to someone higher on the pecking order to stop it.

But we try to stay focused on the topic of TBC flying as that is within the realm of what we can provide feedback.

However we are also fully aware of the major issues at that company and how they treat their own workers.

I try not to bring it up too much but it has to be said IMVHO.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


you have to love it when they pretend flight ruined the game…when in fact they only relented on getting rid of flight because PLAYERS WANTED IT, l m a o…

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Good god, I guess I’m with you but it feels like you’re driving the square peg down the round hole when the solution is easy and right there in front of you.


For sure.
I tripped and broke my hand right above the wrist some years ago. So it’s kinda a hand wrist combo for me.
I def can’t DR with the keyboard.

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i have RA too. i can dragonride but its painful, and as he said - it wreaks havoc on fine motor skills


That is a fair response and you have explained yourself well enough.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


There’s…been a lot of that whenever someone brings up disabilities that make dragonriding a no-go for them. In multiple threads.


I want to use flight form in new zone but I will never complete this achievement the renown part alone makes me want to vomit. At first I supported dragonflying as a way to remove botting with druid flight for herbs and mine but then I saw how buggy and broken almost every profession has been since launch and how mobs hyperspawn to the point of best gold farm in the game being boosting people exp for gold… i realized that it wasnt the case at all and see bots that use dragons. You guys even added an 2 seater one so they can be extra efficient! Just let people use flying after they beat the story once dragonriding will always be way faster anyways so its not pointless but flight form and stuff is fun too

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Or just have flight unlock at level 70. I say this as someone who’s put in most of the pre-patch legwork for pathfinder already and collected all of the lousy glyphs.


Tbh the renown requirement is being blown out of proportion by a lot of people.
It can be hit in a couple of weeks on a fresh account, especially with darkmoon and contract buffs active.
The fact that there are any requirements to downgrade to static flying is pretty silly imo. Pathfinder needs to be rethought and/or scrapped. Especially having us come off of an expansion where we had dragons from the start and doing up to 3x the speed of static flying without the stupid achievement hurdle. The old reasoning of “we want you to see the zones and the work the art team put it” doesn’t apply anymore. We flew over it faster than ever, and still landed to explore certain areas and do quests where we needed to. DF did more to prove that pathfinder is nonsense than any of us posting about it ever could lol.

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It was much worse during WOD, but i agree that the requirements could toned down.

You may want to volunteer to fly him to all the dragonriding tome things and all the flight paths. Most of this game is accessible on ground mounts.

Pathfinder has been here for 5 expansions now. It works and should stay.

Did you expect some empathy or humanity from some in this community?
Did you expect Ion to NOT take his Pathfinder rage out yet again?



If no OTHER point here mattered…friend…YOU got FLIGHT for NOTHING…while youre pretending its ok for lesser abled players to have to WORK for it.

ignored…just because I can.


I get the accessibility thing… I literally flew a guildie around early in launch because he wasn’t able to manage it. They literally put that mechanic in at launch.
The only rep that WILL give you difficulty at this point is niffen, ngl. I hate that cavern and it’s taking forever to grind from ~9.


Lord…day one of release I just happened to be having migraine with aura.
I dont get the pain…I get all the horrible visual and audible and vertigo symptoms instead.
Getting that highest glyph was nauseating.
But a few hours later, Im fine so I can play normally again.

I feel for players who have that kind of problem ALL the time. Some deficiency that makes things harder for them so they cant enjoy them …things MOST of us take for granted and SOME seem to feel gives them license to insult and demean our lesser abled fellow gamers in here.
its disgusting behavior…IRL…and in a game


I have no idea if you’ll ever see this message or read it but thank you so much for dragonriding. It’s so much fun and feels deeply meaningful in the game at a fundamental level.