Dragonflight "Pathfinder" issue


Dragonriding is amazing and should be the baseline going forward.

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You apparently missed the part where I pointed out pathfinder is dumb and should be rethought or removed.
But it’s cool, be mad, just because you can :rofl: :clown_face:


Why not have both baseline and let players choose what they use, more options, everyone wins. I know, hard concept for some of the Pro-Dragonriders to wrap their head around.


Having to do this pathfinder to get normal flying is BS…its like telling all those that are disabled or can’t handle dragon flying …sorry but you’ll have to pay to use your normal flight all while giving Dragon flying away for nothing on day 1 of the expansion…so we’ll just bottle neck those players that can’t handle dragon flying …


lol one is a core part of the expansion. The other…has had pathfinder for 5 expansions now.

A few weeks of whose playtime and ability level?

Some nights i can get a few hours in. others i sit and read instead.
if i have a flareup i can be down for weeks, months unable to even hold tissue paper or type on a normal keyboard. (Thank the gods for ereaders and assistive tech…)

Unrelated: I love your name!

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Druid class fantasy has been thrown away when the game has a rich tradition for it.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman: