Dragonflight "Pathfinder" issue

Even blue boys cant tell when it’s a bait thread or troll post xD

I really appreciate the communication and I’m sure you get lots of messages but I’m curious if there’s any thought regarding why fishing is required to complete some of the loremaster-based quests in Azure Span.

Specifically this quest:

It is part of the Sojourner of Azure Span.

Fishing is an easily obtained skill, but having done all the other pathfinders since their inception on this character without either of the “primary” secondary professions (fishing & cooking), I find it odd it is now required.

(RP reasons for not taking fishing, hence the realms I’ve been on with Fairlight)

Have a great weekend!

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Change is not inherently good.

Blizzard learned that in WoD when their desired change - no flight forever more except in very limited circumstances (to be determined) - had to be reversed.

Players bailing on Blizzard’s stated vision rather than subjecting themselves to it is why we have dragonriding at all, not because of the players who sucked it up.

And old flight is coming. It was always stated as coming at some point. It will coexist with dragonriding, to the misery of all of the control freak clowns who think they’re saving the game. The process of unlocking old flight should be simplified into nothing because the rationale for Pathfinder - all the concerns about gameplay, pacing, danger, quest design, environmental design, yadda yadda, that Blizzard gave over the years to justify its existence - was made a complete joke by day one dragonriding, which exploits those same flaws in Blizzard’s content design. And by doing that, Blizzard could make more people happy and save themselves some work. Players who want to deprive themselves of old flight use until they grind out 15 renown with the new faction are welcome to do whatever floats their boat.


Sounds like he has more important things to worry about than a video game, in that case.

…and nothing of value was lost.


Hi Fairlight, I’m the dragonriding feature owner so I can’t speak to that directly, but I can pass along the feedback. I’d suggest making that feedback its own thread which will increase the probability it gets visibility.


Oh shoot, my apologies! Thank you for the correction. And will do!

Yes. And as we’ve all noticed, that changed immensely, didn’t it? That was nearly 10 years ago. Now we have an incoming toggle for static and dynamic, along with a new version of flying introduced immediately.

Actually none of this is true. Games do not evolve. They are changed by decisions made by the Top Men in charge of making those changes. This is nothing like evolution.

If a business decides to stop serving a segment of their customer base and make their product unusable to them, then later changes their mind and makes a patchwork of band aid fixes that add up to less than previously, this is a choice they made to write off those customers. The customers are under no obligation to go to great effort to find ways to use a product that is now less useful to them.

It sounds like he needs entertainment to take his mind off his troubles.

That is called evolution of a product in the business world. Rather you like it or not.

I’m sure there’s other games out there that stress joints far less, then? Turn based RPG’s perhaps?

You mean like your post? Just FYI trolling a Dev… not a great idea. :person_facepalming:

Donʻt count your dragonlings before they are hatched. We still have to see if this makes live. hopefully it will but, Not everything ever data-mined makes it to live servers.

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But are the changes going to keep the game active? I dont think the playerbase evolved well with Wildstar. I dont think it was the players that in the end lost out

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I realize everyone is different but I have some pretty bad arthritis and for me dragonriding is not one of the things that gives me the hardest time. Combat in melee range is nearly impossible for me. Having to constantly pitch and rotate is horrible.


only because people revolted and they were forced to back track on it. They have been passive-aggressive on the issue ever since because I think upper management got involved and forced them to back track.

It is more wrist movement for me but then I only use two abilities and have them bound to my mouse. I probably would have quit playing if I had figured out how to do that because there is no way I could use the keyboard to ‘fly’.

Please, Please, please, if you’re really going to go forward with pathfinder 2.0, please dont include anything that requires renown. It’s an awful system that gates far too much content and quite frankly ill personally ignore it till it goes away or i do.


I really think you should reconsider the purpose of this pathfinder at this point in time. Most people don’t care if they get regular flying, at least not enough to do your laundry list of things if they haven’t already done it.

Almost the only people who really care are the people who couldn’t use dragonflying for various reasons and because of that they wouldn’t likely have earned a lot of those achievements you want. It seems unnecessarily punishing to make these people have to do all that at this stage of the expansion. Typically a lot of people come back once flying is in the game, I am doubtful people who couldn’t do the content they normally do because of dragonflying issues will be encouraged to come back if you expect them to do a month of content in addition to the new rep requirement.

this is never going to happen for the people who click all their abilities normally and keyboard turn.


He has the option to play wrath classic super simple