Dragonflight Paladin Thread

Eh, if they don’t do a good enough job, I just won’t buy Dragonflight. Simple as that. I suggest everyone else vote with your wallet accordingly if you don’t think they do good enough either.

Talking about what they’ve done recently, taking power out of TV-boosting talents and removing the -24% damage modifier that we currently have is really good for us. This could be hopium but I believe we’ll get a major pass at our talents still within september probably.


God i REALLY hope so. I friggin LOVE playing Ret Paladin and unfortunately it’s a shell of it’s former self. I’ve just been burned too many times when it comes to new xpacs with ret that i have very little if no “Hopium” (as everyone calls it) at all. I don’t even care if ret does massive damage or anything i just want it to be fun.


I love the vanquish hammer buff. It fit very well with my playstyle


Wish we could get Sacred shield and Eternal flame back as utility


Sadly everyone in these threads has probably already pre-ordered and rode their credit card mounts in joy

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As they’ve stated DF goes live no later than the end of the year, with stronghints to a November launch, and they’ll want time for a pre-expansion patch (traditionally a month) there’s actually very little time left, and every time this happens and people say ‘there’s time’ it turns out that there isn’t and Paladins (and sometimes other classes) get a single quick final build and then it’s tuning time and ‘too late’ for substantive changes.

If we don’t get a rebuild soon it will be ‘too late’ yet again, and it’ll be like early Cata, early MoP… etc. Worse, unlike back then, since Legion Blizzard has been extremely unwilling to make more than tuning passes once an expansion has gone live, so once we hit the pre-patch what we have is what we’ll be living with. Well, those of us who don’t walk away from the game, which is what I expect many will do if it’s not up to par.

Not this time. I pre-bought SL because it looked good, and then saw what happened. This time I’m waiting.


I have not pre-ordered DF. I am taking a wait and see approach to DF.


I wish they would change Seal of reprisal to not only work on dmg HP ability. Like I understand the wording but Holy doesnt even have any good Dmg HP ability. WoW 10% on Shield of righteous as Holy so cool.


Blizzard has managed to take the cake this go round and put all THREE SPECS in the garbage! A first time feat not even seen in Classic where Holy was at least viable. Blizzard has gone above and beyond.

While I hold out hope for a second pass, I’m not holding my breath.

And them doubling down on the “wheelchair” meme is beyond offensive. Some of us play RPGs which WoW is supposed to be as an escape from the problems of real life for a little bit. We were once highly mobile and now they’re obsessed with this fantasy of us not being able to move, and even mock us over it. Did they not learn anything in their inclusion and diversity training?

It’s infuriating to see classes get pre-Legion abilities back and robust tool kits, and we’re being left behind. Seriously as I’ve said would it be so hard for the paladin dev to read the PHB from D&D for a bit of inspiration? Would it be so hard for them to put someone with half the passion as the hunter dev to work on paladins?

As it stands now I’d rather do my taxes by hand then play DF paladin. (And I hate math.) Again I’ll say it again the other classes have been brought into the future, and we’re being left in Legion design wise. Again carrying stick and stones to a fight and everyone else is riding giant freaking death robots.

I don’t know what else to say to get the point across, but if paladins go into DF broken it WILL hurt numbers because Blizzard always tries to mess over paladins and has to hard turn when they realize people would rather quit then reroll.


I am playing my WotLK Paladin on one of the new Fresh Start servers and I feel like a real Paladin again. I am level 8 and I already have

  • Devotion Aura
  • Blessing of Might
  • Judgement of Light
  • Seal of Righteousness

Which means I can actually support my group and use the same effective buffs on myself. At level 8, a WotLK Paladin already has more and more effective group buffs than a WoW shadowlands paladin.


They don’t even have to do that much. All they have to look at past abilities we’ve had. Remember Greater Blessings? That’s something ONLY RETRIBUTION had! There’s a plethora of fun stuff they can bring back for Paladins as a whole too. It was there.


That’s what gets me. We can’t keep Greater Blessing of Might through an entire expansion, but priests get power infusion and they’re doubling down on it. We had kings which was the same exact buff as motw and druids which have far more versatility get it back.

If we get another pass it’ll be last minute like final reckoning. Still have to pay that tax for wrath when all three specs were good.


Not just that but Druids are getting Mark of the Wild back as well. We are supposed to be the buffing class but we don’t have real buffs to give, just CDs use for certain situations. Warriors having Battle Shout just seems like a slap in the face to us. We could at least get Blessing of Might to also give the attack power buff as well.

I wish they’d just acknowledge that people like to give buffs to each other and to their group/party. Just expand the buffs and let them overlap with other classes.

This is why the Holy Tree should be built that way. Mistweavers have that same system setup for them. There’s a ranged side and a melee side then the middle is the overlap. Holy should be structured the same way to allow for that playstyle. I think the biggest hindrance to that though is our mastery. It needs to go back to the old mastery of illuminated healing where we leave absorbs on those healed. It benefits both playstyles equally, and since they are removing the mastery from Rule of Law it really makes sense to just change the mastery back.


An implementation of something like Greater Blessings would be good, but not the one we had in WoD - because they were only for a single character they had to be strong to mean anything, yet they couldn’t be so strong that having them or not would dominate performance.

However, the original Greater Blessings, raid/party wide buffs, could be a thing. Warriors get an attack power buff - something that was originally a Paladin thing. Druids have their buff back. Why shouldn’t we have ours? If we had both but had to choose which (as was once the way), that would give added utility - and make the attack power one Ret only.

Unfortunately that still just makes us a slow and squishy Warrior substitute, though the brez as well as a raid buff would help.

EDIT: Actually, the original Blessings of Might, etc. (at the very least Might and Kings) would be nice for another thing - buffing people as you pass by. That was specifically given as a reason Priests and Mages got their buffs back, and for giving them as spells, not simply auras.


Except Mistweaver were made to have both so their ability can be used in both playstyle without crippeling the other one. Meanwhile Holy Pal have a huge break in direction. Its either you take theses for range playstyle and use ability you never use or you take Melee ones and are forced to take ew Range on cause there is not enough choice to open the next row. Its not fluid like the monk. And the main reason is because they changed Pally playstyle midway. What they should do is break Holy Pal again. Get an Inquisitor spec that is Melee Paladin and an Holy one that focus on Range healing and buffing players.

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Would be nice to get Divine shield or Eternal flame as Blessing or both ^^. You bless the tank to either heal every 6sec of get a shield every 6sec.

Wish Pally would get some usefull buff again. Shammy got to keep all of them via totems while Pally lost them all

I mean if they are planning on a rework of our talents I’d be hoping they would look at the Mistweaver tree and use that as inspiration. At the moment the Holy Tree is anything but cohesive, synergistic, or well designed. Our mastery literally doesn’t work for the majority of our healing as standing in melee and hard casting a 2 sec Holy Light or Flash of Light isn’t good game play.

Should we get a rework I’d really hope they’d actually build the tree properly. Currently we’ve got glimmer rolling into a Holy Light / Flash of Light talent and Holy Light / Flash of Light rolling into an AOE talent. Seriously it couldn’t be less optimized if they just through darts at a wall with our abilities hung on it.


God I’d love to see Eternal Flame, Sacred Shield, and the old mastery Illuminated Healing come back.


I have nothing agains a melee build play style or Ranged only. But like you said our mastery doesnt fit. But also the playstyle either. On my Pally im never bothered to cast Holy light why cause that 2sec is useless. If it was playing like in Wrath ranged only I wouldnt mind to cast it and flash heal.
Its just right now like you said. And I think its obvious to all there is 0 synergy.
I think one good way to fix the mastery without having to change it too much would be to bring Beacon of the lightbringer into our mastery. Like where I am standing and the target affected by my beacon get max effect of mastery. It would allow the range playstyle back. And it would also bring Shadowbreaker into the tree (Im kinda mad it isnt there) The reason I like it is the Mastery buff on targets and the passive buff on WoG not just the 40yard range


Also Sacred shield build could be really nice with a Martyr build. You can shield some of the delayed Martyr dmg on yourself while having Flame on the tank or the opposite