The devs have said that they intend to return to Azeroth with the Dragonflight expansion. There are many dev interviews concerning Dragonflight.
My favorite Ion Hazzikostas quote is
“losing something powerful sucks”
Ion Hazzikostas
Then he refers to the legion artifact weapons. The paladin class has not been the same since those weapons were taken away, not any spec. The Legion Holy Paladin was imho, the best, truest implementation of the paladin as a healing/melee hybrid ever in WoW. Unfortunately, the Legion Holy spec remained unfinished.
One of the things that he talks about is “new structures” and “permanent systems”. Starting character progression over in each expansion has always annoyed the crap out of me in each expansion. All we have ever carried forward since Lich King is transmogs or character appearance.
New systems and structures will affect the Paladin class. The question for us is how will those changes affect us? We need to have a voice in that. I have had a few threads suggesting changes to the Paladin class that gained wide Paladin community consensus, by combining feedback from the community into the content of the suggestions and ideas on how to improve the Paladin class into the content of the thread.
If we want to provide feedback to Blizzard concerning the Dragonflight Paladin, the time to do it is now. I hope the devs are listening.
Some areas we need to look at:
- Extensible Paladin talents.
- Paladin crafted gear including armor and weapons.
- Paladin mounts or mount customizations.
- Current Paladin specs and how they can be improved.
- Player housing.
I had a viral thread on Ret aura that got a lot of constructive community feedback.
I am very interested in extensible Paladin talent trees, Legendary Paladin Weapons and armor specs or roles. I think that the Lich King talent trees, and Legion artifact weapons are a good place to start.
Lets get started by answering the following questions:
- What were the best paladin specs and abilities in the history of WoW?
- What were the best Paladin weapons in the history of WoW?
- What was the best Paladin armor in the history of WoW?
I think that we need to look at where we have been before we decide where we are going.
Please give your thoughts and opinions, it will be summarized in this thread. There are no bad ideas or suggestions. Please be constructive, polite and respectful in your posts. The WoW Dragonflight devs are our audience. I hope they will listen.
We need to remember that the Paladin is a hybrid support class. Each spec needs support abilities:
- Aura: Concentration - reduces chance of being interrupted, silenced and stunned.
- Seal/Judgement: Wisdom/Light - judgement restores resources for everyone who hits judged target.
- Blessing: Wisdom - regenerates resources.
- Aura: Devotion - increases armor of paladin and group or decreases damage taken.
- Seal/Judgement: Justice - judgement snares target and has change to stun target.
- Blessing: Kings - increases stats of paladin and group
- Aura: Retribution - increases damage of paladin and group
- Seal/Judgement: Hybrid of Vengeance/Blood/Crusader - increases damage of paladin and group on judged target.
- Blessing: Might - group damage buff
These support abilities define the paladin class. They should be restored in DF. They don’t have to be exactly like the originals but they should be similar in role and purpose. These abilities could be completely or partially talented. They should be valuable to the paladin and to the paladins party or raid.
From Benmarch:
Retribution aura rework idea
From Anasi:
Blizzard: In Dragonflight, please restore Paladins - Classes / Paladin - World of Warcraft Forums
From Covahredro:
New talent for the Ret Tree
Empyrean EndowmentTalent
Requires Paladin (Retribution)
Judgment empowers your next Templar’s Verdict to automatically trigger Divine Storm with 25% increased effectiveness.
This effect can only occur every 30 sec.
I think it is safe to say that most posters in this thread do not want the WoW DF Paladin to go back to the vanilla WoW or WoW Classic (including TBC and WotLK) Paladin. However, many posters do want the classic Paladins to influence the design of the DF Paladin including the reintroduction of redesigned Auras, Seals and Blessings.
WoW DF Paladin Talent Trees are available on wowhead!
Paladin Talent Trees Now Available in Dragonflight Calculator - Wowhead News