Dragonflight Paladin Thread

Paladins have had so many distinct versions that people liked and fell in love with, and I’m just speaking for ret, and they are passionate about it. Getting a clear design idea from the community is like going to a pot luck imo. Especially when people are vocal about disliking something and others pipe up they like it.

I also feel Unbound Freedom would be a good move to the class tree, and even the AoE cleanse would be a nice move for a later talent for something like Plaguefall even if it had a 30 or 45 second cd.


Pray to the gods my milky brother.

Just make ret aura like the one that is already in the game. 1st Boss Battle for Darzalor: Aura of Retribution
With reduced % of course. You could also make 2 of them. One for dmg % and one for healing % depending on what your group needs.

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I’ve been wondering… do we really need Consecration to last 12 seconds and have an 8 sec cd?

Why not have it last 4 seconds, with a 10 second cd… then just buff its numbers (3X or whatever) until it feels good to press, so that it’s worth it.

I say 10 sec cd, so that every 20 seconds it lines up nicely with Exorcism to take advantage of it.

So yes… 4 sec duration would make it feel good when using on moving mobs, since you’d likely get 3-4 ticks in before they get out. As opposed to having 3-4 ticks of the usual and only get 25-33% dmg out of it in that situation.


Consecration should be like the old glyph from Cata. A light that radiate from you and follow you. Similar to Winter thing from Dk. Why cause all Conse talent aint bad. But only usefull in PvE and garbage for PvP the way consecration in right now


Honestly, if they add Denounce back to the game I’m still gonna smack away in melee, Denounce will just be what i press when i have nothing else to press.


One of the annoyances Paladin provides in PvP is a way to constantly break stealth in a small area surrounding themselves, and having Consecrate last longer than the CD is how they achieve this. Now, I don’t know that it’s relevant at this point, or if it’s even needed if it is relevant. But it is how Paladin can deal with stealth easily.

I don’t know that Consecration will ever feel good to press. It does not sound particularly satisfying from a SFX perspective. It does a good chunk of damage as holy, but as prot and ret it’s pretty minimal. It feels like an obligation more than something you want to do when you play the specs that actually use it. Visually it’s a snorefest. We had that dank reworked visual being developed during Legion, and it never made it to live. Those two (Sound/Visual feedback) are so important for a button being satisfying to press.

Divine Storm feels good. Going to other classes, Lightning Crash feels good. Consecrate does not. You can add all the cool synergies in the world and it still won’t feel good to press as Ret.


Can just add the condensation to 4 sec to a talent in the ret tree… on any of the consecration talents, doesn’t matter which, for PVP you’ll avoid almost all if not all.

Nothing broken, lots fixed.

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Yeah, that makes sense. Plus, with all the consecration synergies it’d end up doing more than the current 3% it does of the total damage in a dungeon in the Alpha when you max all the talents.

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Just gonna add this, that I think I found a good replacement for Justiciar’s Vengeance in the talent tree. Its an old legion legendary

Aegisjalmur, the Armguards of Awe
Any attack which would kill you instead triggers a Shield of Vengeance at 200% of the normal amount then reduces you to 1 health. Cannot occur more often than once per 3 min.


Sounds amazing… i can bet my left kidney that it’s never gonna happen that ret gets a cheat death. xD


I know for some they’d like to have Vanquisher’s Hammer return. So I was thinking that perhaps the talent spot for Divine Toll could become a choice node, between Divine Toll and Vanquisher’s Hammer and the lower talent simply be the Unity buff for which ever talent you choose.


Making bargains or deals with the devs never works out. Ret aura is just a redundant pvp aura that has no utility in PvE unless you can team up with a warlock who likes to suicide their toon in game.

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In my humble opinion . . . “Over powered/only choice” Powers carried over to Dragonflight should not exist in their current Shadowlands state. They will dictate all other talent choices due to their power and placement on the tree.

Shadowlands Talents and Powers that shouldn’t carry over.

  • Conduit Ringing Clarity for DT
  • Ashes to Ashes Rets 4sec Sera
  • Ashes to Dust AoW WoAs

Adding Ringing Clarity would make DT a must in all situations.

Ashes to Ashes and Ashes to Dust should be severely nerfed. Coin flip mechanics should never be that powerful.

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I know I really like vanquishing Hammer just hope its reworked to be Holy dps tough. That shadow dmg on a pally is kinda weird

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Don’t think so. For once Ret is in a good position without beeing too strong to the point of needing a nerf. And if you reduce Ashes to Ashes you make the spell kinda useless.

Personally i’d prefer Path of Ruin over Ashes to Dust if its affectd by haste. if not Don’t know. But its already nerfed in DF its 35% chance instead of 50% from SL.

Ringing Clarity isn’t here but it got its leggo effect tough. I wish Ret would get the option to reduce cooldown on Seraphim like Prot have tough

You know how ret could be in a "good"position? If they gave us 50% all damage increase. We will be good that doesnt mean the spec works correctly, you just like the numbers you see.

Ashes to ashes adds yet another layer of rng to our rotation that is very frustrating to play with specially when you lose the coinflip. The dragonflight talent tree has an even worse version than it crrently is. That bonus set alone has so much randomness I dont know whos idea was it. It helps yes compared to the disgracr ret has been the entire expansion with the degeneratr 1min build so theres that, but just because now it feels a little better than before doesnt mean it should carry over

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I just looked at the warrior trees, and saw they’re getting stances back. Paladins are clearly the redheaded step child…ugh.


I just typed that to my buddy, lol.

Idk what Blizzard’s vision is for Paladins, but it just feels so dated, it’s unreal.

So much exciting stuff in the warrior, shaman, and rogue trees… then there’s paladins with Swift Auras of Vengeance!!! Auras… that well, aren’t really auras.

And Consecration…

Warriors with Double Time, Heroic Leap, Storm Bolt, Shockwave, and Defensive Stance?? Can’t wait to ride my pocket pony once every 45 seconds!


Dude just look at their defensive stuff: 40% heal on 25 sec cd, Second wind, 5% leech, they can also increase their hp by 10% for 2 points… like rly?

DK’s get a HP increasing talent in the class tree… are we the only plate class with lower hp or am i imagining it?

Where is our hp increase?

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It’s sickening. It’s like we’re being reverted back to Classic…ugh.

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