Dragonflight New Race/Class Combinations

And this is the reason I’m against Night Elves getting Paladin. I just hate that idea.

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I’d love the idea of Night Elf Paladins but I’d doubt that the devs would go to the effort of properly making them Moon Knights


The paladin aquivalent would actuallybe the moonpriests.


Combined in a single class.

I don’t mind a class like a rogue but I am pretty opposed to some lore heavy classes just being thrown around.

I am not a fan of diluting identity.


This. It’s not that I don’t want Paladins per se but rather I’m afrain of Blizzard making Night Elves subservient to human supreme powers.

If by getting Paladins Blizzard gives us Tyrande like warriors like Priestesses of the Moon at least with lore while not in actual gameplay I’ll be happy but if they introduce Paladins via Delas Moonfang as the head of this new found group where the forsake Elune and turn to follow the Church of Holy Light then I’ll know they really hate us.

As a side note: OMG I want a transmog just like that one!


Considering all druids visually are subservient to Nelfs (so salty about Legion’s class hall), it won’t happen.

Which is why I’m against this “all classes for all races” thing.


Yes! Let’s go all Beast Wars Transmetal. I’d just have to decide if my character’s name was Rattrap or Tigertron.


Honestly, I’d be okay with evey race having a special unique class that only that race can be.

I’d even be okay with giving up Paladins and Druids to Humans and Nelfs respectively.

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Given how Elune utterly dropped the ball in regards to Night Elves and Teldrassil, I would be totally okay with this. It would fit perfectly with Delas as a Order Hall follower if the Silver Hand. And we wouldn’t have embarrassing questions of “Where were all these Moon Knights when we needed them?”

I’m very sure that Blizzard won’t go to the work needed to differentiate Night Elf Paladins other than giving them a cat mount. The only time they really made an effort was for the Blood Elves and to a much lesser extent, the Draenei. The latter got a tabard the Hand of ARgus that any Draenei could work for, the Blood Elves got unique themes for a couple of spells and a class only tabard.

So given how Blizzard is most likely to implement Night Elf Paladins, I would PREFER that they be those Night Elves who gave up on Elune. And that you’d be going to Stormwind to train.

:face_vomiting: Oh yeah…yeah "The night elf paladins must learn from the human light weilder to use holy light and use the horse…

boaah, sometimes i ask myself how much hate you have for night elf…instead of uniqueness you want to give this entirely up, it would damaged their entire identity…if you do it so.

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Did you miss my Moon Knight post?

It’s what I’d really want but I don’t see any reason to believe that Blizzard will give us anything other than a long-eared Paladin who rides a cat. And given that’s how Blizzard would execute this combo, that’s how it should be portrayed.

Maybe, but your last post really screams that you don’t care about the identity of the night elves. Honestly, better no paladins than this garbage.

I mean… that’s literally how all classes tied to a specific fantasy have been treated. Nelfs wouldn’t be different. I don’t know why anyone would expect it to be different.

True. But I maintain they should expand on that concept and stuff like heritage Glyphs would be awesome.

In revisiting Classic I thought it was really cool how Priests had unique abilities based on their race. I didn’t play a Priest back then so I had no idea that was a thing.

I can see why they got rid of that. The Forsaken and Dwarf spells seemed to me to be just objectively a better option. And if SL taught us anything cramimg people into a fantasy aesthetic they don’t like because you put a powerful ability there is a bad idea.

But that was genuinely such a cool idea that contributed to world building as the spells of course reflected the culture’s faith. I think the solution then is to add unique spell effect options.

The only problem I could see people having is that it could theoretically be confusing in PvP. But I lost precisely one match because I got confused and thought a Zandalari Paladin was a Nelf Warrior. You catch on pretty quick.


I think this is good news. I have always been for more open Class and Race options. I am glad to see them going forward with that. I already have more Alts than I can play, but the options should be there for those who want them.

For one thing, the Player Character is a bit normal but also a bit unique. We often eschew the norms of our societies as we traverse the cosmos and the Afterlife. The Lore of Warcraft has many examples of folks who didn’t stick to some racial lockout.

Most of the ones that seem far fetched in my mind are because they just haven’t had a lot of interaction - not so much some inherent reason.

Demon Hunters come to mind. The Playable Demon Hunters are Illidan’s chosen. But does that mean other races can not undertake the same process if they find out how? The Class doesn’t seem locked to Elves, so much as Illidan came into it and kept it for Elves for his reasons.

Blood Elf Shaman aren’t a thing mostly because they lack Shamanistic lore. Other races can do it better aesthetically, and Blood Elves have so much going for them already anyway. But I don’t think Blood Elves should be locked out of being Shaman. They aren’t counter to the spirits and elements as a people. If a Blood Elf wanted to seek that path, I don’t see why not.

I think Goblin and Gnome Druids are where I draw my line - but… if they had a different mechanical theme, where they put animal spirits in mechanical forms, and shapeshifted into mechanical animals… that would be cool.

Blizzard should give more flavor to the class race combos. Like having a Lunar Themed Night Elf Paladin, or a Mech themed Gnome Druid, and such.


I mentioned Forsaken Druids because that should not be possible. Undeath may not be unnatural in a cosmic sense but it is breaking out’ve the whole Circle of Life thing Nature’s all about.

So that wouldn’t make a lick of sense. If it were a traditional Druid at least. But swap some stuff around and you could have a Forsaken non union equivalent.

The Zandalari were great in that way.

I feel like my Zandalari Druid is just a bit apart from the others, and I like that. Legion sort of melded all the Races into their Classes. But the Zandalari Druids so far have their own thing going on - even if it is the same thing, as far as Loa and Wild Gods and Ardenweald and all that.

I feel like my Zandalari Druid isn’t all about the Malfurion/Night Elf Druid stuff. Playing a Horde Druid used to be a bit suffocating in that way, but it feels better being our own thing.


I’m still wondering WTF is powering the Zandalari Paladins what with Rezan falling for what would be the world’s most obvious trap if it weren’t for Sylvanas’s Lordaeron bomb earlier.

Frankly I’m still mad about that. What sort of complete psychopath hands you a Golden T-Rex God only to kill it pretty much immediately and use its corpse as a dungeon boss. Not even the final one.

Also btw Blizz nice pacing. I kinda got a sense for where the story might be going when the first dungeon I landed in from the que had an undead hostile version of a character in the story.

Welcome to WoW. We’re not telling you the story order and random content might have massive spoilers that will completely kill your immersion.

Though they did get around to fixing that. In SL. On my Worgen at least you have to start in Tiaragarde Sound. Which I’m in favor of.

I’m all for player choice. But this is more like a book deciding to just shuffle its chapters around and screw you if it’s confusing.


Rezan is a sore spot for me. Such a shame. I am a Godzilla nerd and Rezan reminded me of him.

The way he was unceremoniously destroyed was a bummer. Kind of reminds me of what happened to Krexus… a cool character that just gets killed almost immediately. At least Rezan had a bit of closure mixed in with Voljin’s side story lol.


I honestly was completely unphased by that. We’d barely gotten to know the character. I very vaguely remember him arguing with a Lich and Abomination but that’s about it.

I know all stories start with some unending of the status quo, otherwise Star Wars would be about some kid on a space farm, but if you recall Blizz they killed Obi Wan toward the end there. So the audience felt something.

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