Dragonflight New Race/Class Combinations

For a Lunar Themed Night Elf Paladin Blizzard would have to put in a lot more work than they’ve done for ANY post Human/Dwarf Paladin race. I don’t think that they will do anything other than provide a saber class mount. I don’'t even think they’ll put in as much effort as they did for Blood Elves.

you know, they had this once ingame, for the priestclasses…night elf priests used a different spellcolor then the human priests. No one expect a complete revamp, but atleast fitting spellcolors and animations.

It wasn’t just a unique color it literally was a Night Elf only priest spell that was Arcane in school. It hasn’t been recreated in Classic AFAIK.

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Huh that’s neat. Never noticed. Weird they didn’t do that for the Forsaken though.

This setting just can’t make up it’s damn mind about what the undead’s relationship to the Light is.

And I actually don’t mind the idea of Light worshipping undead at all. When they were assigning the hats for the 7 Kingdoms to wear, Lordaeron got the pope one.

Obviously quite a few Forsaken felt pretty, well forsaken, by their god so it’s understandable they’d go with the CotFS. But I’m sure you’d have at least a miniority of Forsaken that stayed faithful.

In general I kinda wish undead Priests had more to do. There’s virtually no lore for the CotFS. The tabletop RPG came up with some really cool ideas. Including a borderline Confuciusonist philosophy and also Lightslayers, Shadow zealots who were kinda a dark mirror to the Scarlet Crusade. But tragically that’s all non canon.

So all we get between Vanilla and SL is the Priests in Deathknell telling you essentially;

Yeah I know Holy kinda clashes with our brand but you’ll have an easier time finding groups with that spec”.

There’s one attempt by the CotFS in Cata Brill to save one of the Aggamand’s but his soul is just too corrupted by the Scourge so it fails.

Then by Legion it has apparently collapsed offscreen. You resurrect its founder, Natalie Seline, who is inexplicably human despite her corpse being in a haunted grave for decades. Then they declare the CotFS isn’t just a Forsaken thing anymore and a lot of races are converting to it. Again, off screen.

And that’s it. That’s the entirety of the lore behind it.


That’s good because that’s probably the sum total of Night Elf customisation we’ll get.

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I still have the original gamer guide to classic somewhere no clue where. It was really cool back then reading the unique spells given to every priest- and indeed every race or almost every race had one. Some were really strong and some were… really meh. But that’s the kind of identity which is nice. Well that and Nelf Pally’s, should they ever happen, should have a recolor and possibly even spell rename.

They are in Classic WoW right now:


I remember picking troll priest for the shadow blobs

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Nah, I want my drider form. (;


Unfortunately I think DC would have words with Blizzard if they did so.,

I’m so excited to delete this warrior and make her a proper rogue :sob: going to miss the horn options. Who would have thought that Light juice was all that was required to give Draenei HQ horns.

What would you think about rolling back some restrictions they have already loosened?

Must be laser shaping tech using focused holy light

Goodness…Velen really was holding us back.

He’s an Old School analog dude.

"I come forth bearing these 15 commandments…


These Ten Commandments…"


No. Your opinion is bad you should feel bad.

ALL THE RACES FOR DRUID! Let me be a goblin druid with a fat, gold-blinged out crab wielding a knife as my guardian form!


Weird necro. But sadly this is the kind of crowd blizzard caters to. Slowly killing the identity of everything until its a homoginized mess.

Did someone call for a necromanc-oh… Oh no.


a small price to pay for the removal of the most arbitrary and nonsensical mechanic they ever decided to implement

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Not every race should be every class. There should be rpg elements in an mmorpg. Your insistance on the contrary 18 years later doesnt mean anything.