Dragonflight New Race/Class Combinations

I would include Demon Hunters as well.

For me personally, the only race I hope never gets warlocks is Mag’har Orcs. Because calling yourself a Mag’har while being a warlock is an oxymoron. Considering that Mag’har means uncorrupted in Orcish. Mainly in reference to Fel magic. Which Warlocks use.


I really like the idea of additional options. But bending the lore for some stuff seems really difficult.

I don’t know how they are gonna do certain things like Lightforged warlocks and demon hunters or void elf paladins.

My guess is maybe class skins for certain races? Basically the gameplay and stats of a Paladin, but a void theme where their spells are purple with names and icons appearing different. That way they can be paladins but not really? Idk. This is hurting my head thinking about it :joy:


I guess it’s due to coming into fantasy role-playing via 1st/2nd Edition AD&D but I honestly like racial class restrictions and would honestly never allow some combos if I had the power to enforce it.


I wouldn’t mind it being totally loosy-goosy if the game had some kind of mechanic to enforce the idea that you’ve chosen a socially unacceptable class.

Like, yeah, roll a Draenei Warlock. Sure. But you shouldn’t be able to enter Exodar. They should stop you at the door and tell you to stay the hell out.


Forsaken Death Druids here we go.


Druid, like Paladin, has lost its original meaning. Certain class titles used to refer to very specific orders and identities, before being enlarged to include similar groups for gameplay purposes.

For example, PALADIN used to refer to a Lordaeronian order of War-priests, specifically taught armed combat and holy light magic. It now includes Tauren Sunwalkers, who actually see themselves as Sun Druids worshipping the Sun God, Anshe.

The term Druid similarly now includes groups that stretch beyond the Cenarion Circle and Cenarius’ teachings. Such as Harvest Witches.

I agree it’s a shame that class homogeneity injures the different cultural identities of playable races. Legion was largely to blame for this, when an order hall like the Paladins’ was clearly not designed to represent Sunwalkers. However, I do not believe the answer is to restrict character customization, but to introduce unique aesthetics, spell visuals, and ability names to reinforce racial identity.

For example, Tauren should not have angel wings when using Avenging Wrath, they should have a massive spirit totem glowing with sunfire. We should also not have a spell called Guardian of Ancient Kings, but Guardian of Ancient Chieftains.


Night Elf paladins don’t HAVE to be a bad thing. I’ll admit that Delas Moonfang could’ve been handled better story-wise because it always seems like Blizzard writes priests as a stepping stone into paladins which was especially evident in Legion.

If they introduce NE paladins I hope that they do it similar to Zandalari paladins in that their light source differs from the traditional human-style light worship. Elune IS a source of the light afterall. I like to think of it in an optimistic sense that it would be more adding another facet of Elune worship rather than stripping identity from the Priesthood. If we are trying to ‘fit’ Priestesses of Elune into the traditional class mechanic of Warcraft, they’d be priests/warriors/hunters (and arguably a touch of balance druid) so I can’t see why paladin can’t be an addition to that as it’s own iteration. It would be doubly better if they’d give a blue-ish moon-hue to their spellcasts as well.


Honestly, tauren priests/paladins and nelf mages were done SO well in cata. Seeing the progression of the nelf first in Darnassus wanting a chat to Tyrande, to him being put in Dalaran, and then seeing his name when looking at the mmochamp coverage… was awesome.


That’s the lore behind Sunwalker Paladins. as opposed to being another set of generic Light Worshippers.

The original Paladin lore had them as Priests taking up Hammer and plate.


I am aware, but that is specific to humans. It shouldn’t be the status quo for all Priests especially since they are their own defined class with their own unique lore which differs per race.


Not really. Malfurion is still the first druid. Thus topic were never touched


It’s confusing - the Tauren have asserted that they were secretly the first Druids, but Blizzard has refuted that via Word-of-God.

There’s some stuff that could be added in tomorrow, like Nelf and Undead Paladins, that wouldn’t need much explanation. Both of those are in the game already they’re just not playable.

Other stuff though would work really well only if Blizz took the time to create different spell effects.

I’ve said for example I think you could get away with Forsaken Druids. If you called them Mycolomancers and had them themed around the fungal and decomposition portions of nature.

I’d actually have them shift less into animals and more into abominations shaped like animals which thanks to Maldraxxus we’ve plenty of. Likewise I’d have their resto tree form be the Mushroom guys thing.

Hell I think you could even pull off Mechagnome Druids if you gave all their spell effects a tech theme. I’ve joked about how Moonbeam is an orbital laser but like - why couldn’t their version of that actually be one?

And as for animal forms, just have them;

Into robot animals. That’d be pretty cool, I think.


I think people should keep in mind when they pitch “This race/class combo could totally work if they changed the spell effects!” that… Blizzard doesn’t do that. They’ve had plenty of opportunities to do so, but they don’t. And they’ve shown no inclination to start.

The closest we have are glyphs, which are basically a vestigial feature at this point. Barely supported at all.


They also didn’t call themselves Druids, and likely didn’t until after Cenarius coined the term.

As long as we’d get a Moonsaber Charger I’d be happy. Paladin is the only class I haven’t played yet, and I collected the entire Heroic Darkshore Warfront plate set on my Night Elf Warrior and Death Knight just on the off chance that Night Elf Paladins ever get added.


That and let them cast silver light spells from Elune herself. Otherwise Blizzard might as well start transitioning Night Elves into High Elves.


Now it’s the Trolls unless the Drust want to contest the title.

The most likely thing is that races won’t necessarily get a cultural affinity for a class but have an alternate starting zone. Say for paladins they would start with the Argent Dawn/Crusade which I hope is where they send Calia. Night elves already have their own Paladin equivalents just not playable, in the form of Sentinels and Wardens.

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