Dragonflight: Major Factions Overview

I know, and that is a very excellent change. I don’t plan on ignoring any of these, I plan on playing them. I just don’t believe in having any kind of reward system extrinsic to the joy of playing the mini-game itself. It’s not a big deal, and I am not saying it will keep me from playing it, it’s just the type of game design I wish MMOs would steer away from.

You are bound to get people playing them and hating them, but grinding them solely for the rewards. You will get complaints on the forum all the time like “Oh my god, I am so tired of this dumb fishing mini-game, I just want the mount.”

I think removing a extrinsic reward system solves that problem, and then only the people who actually enjoy the mini-games would actually play them.

Like you said, it’s not tied to player power, so it will quell some of those complaints. It won’t be entirely though.

Personally, I have just grown a slow immunity to blizzard reward systems and basically try to ignore them and enjoy the game itself.

Overall, just for the sake of saying something positive. I am very happy with blizzard’s new focus on coming up with fun things for players to do that aren’t tied to player power. It’s a step in the right direction.


Fair point, sadly I don’t see this problem being fixed within the expansion at least, but maybe one day.

All of this is sounding great! I’m glad they are placing more emphasis on open-world exploration and activities with this xpac. The Dragonscale Expedition stuff combined with Dragonriding will keep me happily busy since I love exploring & immersing myself in open-world zones.


This is what Covenants should have been. Almost entirely cosmetic and vanity rewards with some neat benefits that alts can use like the waygates. As an adventurer myself I’m certainly looking forward to working with the Dragonscale Expedition! Wow!

Those Reliquary people better keep up, though!

Dragonflying races also sound really fun! Wow! And since it doesn’t affect how strong I am, I can choose to just not do all of them. I never was much of a fisher…


Seems like there are multiple avenues to gain reputation. Something I can get behind as a person that heavily dislikes reputation grinds



I have never, nor will I ever, invest time into a game system if there’s no reward. Are you really saying that they should just have the new rep system but not have any rewards tied to it? If that’s the case, then what is the point? Since these are just reps that won’t have any affect on your power or performance, why should it matter if cosmetic rewards are tied to them?

I don’t think they should have rep.

The point of playing a game is to have fun. Why did you play tag when you were little? It certainly wasn’t to rep grind with the preschool.

Reps have been in the game since it was first released. Reputations themselves are not the problem imo. It’s how they’re implemented that causes issues. With this new rep system, it sounds like they’re trying to make reputations more engaging by making them more unique and giving you more interactive activities that you can participate in. Only time will tell on whether or not the new system is truly an improvement, but it sounds promising to me.


It’s their new fixation after mission tables died.

You are SOOOOOOOOOOOO right! I wish they hadnt tied player power to covenants. That was my biggest gripe in SL beta. I was really looking forward to joining the Venthyr but since my warlock or hunter would have been persona non grata in raids I was forced to go to covenants I couldnt stand. Im so glad that wont be happening in DF

I do hope they dont use this renown system to drip feed the story again thru timegating. That was another major gripe I had with SL.

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Apparently we will get a new bag for reagent type stuff and materials will stack to 1000.

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But there are three ranks of a lot of those materials.

Gasps in Bloodelf :fearful:

This doesn’t sound alt friendly

Once everything is done once on one single toon everything will be accountwide.

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inscription crafting recipes (reputation), well inscription itself iin DF is ugh…insane how hard and how many points u need compared to lets say blacksmith

whole factions is a rep grind with a cool “ui”

Which one gives the most power?

Here comes the grind they have been hiding…

They sound lame as hell. Since when did WoW turn into a slice of life game?

It’s not the way it works in SL and it is not paced as such either. Read the actual article