Because I can’t link. I’m sure that 5 seconds typing it into Google will really hurt though.
You know
will turn into
Need more or are you going to admit selfie cam wasn’t the flawless feature you claimed?
Like I can see how some players might be frustrated with the content, but I’m giving blizz a pass since
- New class/race
- Talent trees for 12 classes and a total of 35 specs
- Proffesions being heavily reworked.
- Rejigging world content to be opt in as opposed to mandatory for power progression.
Like there was a lot on their plate with 10.0 so I’m willing to give them a pass on how there is a shortage of things to do in world content for some players, but it also looks like they have plans for addressing this going forward.
I whole heartedly agree with everything you said.
The Garrison alone had more to do than all of DF combined.
I admire you.
Aye, total garbage.
Couldnt agree more.
And i havent even played DF.
The pre patch talents were enough to make me stop playing.
I’ve been enjoying more aspects about DF than I dislike, but no, now is not the time to give them a pass. Not yet. That level of trust is gone, and they have a lot of work to do to rebuild that trust. I think they are off to an okay start though, don’t misunderstand. But we must keep the pressure going…within reason, of course. And preferably in a civil manner.
If their plans are to improve some things, then great. I’d be fine with that. But I try not to count my chickens before they hatch. What they say and what they do have proven to be two completely different things on more than one occasion in the past. Stern but fair is the ideal approach to Blizzard at the moment, at least in my opinion.
It’s almost like OP was trying to fill out a bingo card. Just missing a “slap in the face” and he woulda won.
Blizzard laughing all the way to the bank taking money from people who hate the game. Cancel your sub and move on.
Fyi: my computer was bought in 2021. I’m not the only one whose game crashes when trying to do the Storm’s fury event. I’ve been in group where people were force logged out upon entering primalist future. And everyone knows that the trading post was bugged upon release. There is a whole thread on it.
Mega Boredom Storms cause the bosses will take 10x longer than before.
Come to the dark side, we have cookies.
And DF isnt much different. Raid, PvP, M+. A few boring WQs for renown factions of which the rewards suck. I wouldnt call Storms content, they simply gave existing mobs a drop for a period of time to grind out crap starter gear. And storms fury is basically just kill a few mobs at portals, then kill a boss that is nothing but a big HP sponge. Good job, enjoy your 15$.
i agree with this guy. i came back to warcraft after 8 years away. thought it would better by now. got poor internet so tough to do mythic runs cause you know you dc and people will hate you. gearing up and rep grind was not too bad at first. then they switched it up by making rares have godly health and damage. they took away a epic drop from all rares. they made it so if you aoe farm you find less loot then if you kill one at a time and loot. you got infused chaos needed to craft gear but that is mythic item for the most part. got zero in pvp even though some claim it drops. fishing started out getting good drops but soon as i maxed skill and got fish gear it became a rare thing to see anything but fish pulled up. they tuskar baskets were a joke. they flooded the map making it hard to see dirt or expedition packs. loot was trash until recent and it still trash if you do many. working up a craft is a nightmare unless you spend sparks but without infused chaos you cant make gear worth crafting. lack of sparks keeps you from wasting . i stopped spending money and started buying the monthly tokens but they jumped about 50,000 gold in less then two weeks. farming kills for loot to get gold will never happen. auctions are getting too low to make much gold now. all i can say is i hope microsoft fixes game since bnet never could.
I liked WoD, orc lore, orc lands, badass Xmogs, Fun raids, fun pvp, Ashran was actually fun when it was current. I got game of thrones vibes from Frostfire Ridge and other stuff in the expansion. And barbarian vibes which I love. I honestly thought WoD would suck, but at the end of it I realized I actually really had a good time. I thought I wouldn’t like it because of the timeline lore, but they made it fit. It’s not the best but they made it make sense. WoD I rate as my 3rd favorite expansion behind WotLK and Legion.
It hasn’t even been 4 months ffs. I don’t judge an expansion before 4 months. And there’s plenty to do you just don’t want or like to do those things.
Troll! Troll in the dungeon!
None of this is remotely mentioned in your original post.