Dragonflight is the worst expansion I've ever played

The best part of Dragonflight was the pre-patch event. The evoker is the worst hero class in the whole game. Maybe even the worst class period. Dragonriding is complete garbage. Even worse is the stupid races. And what does blizzard do? Add more stupid races. RSS is a complete fail. I only do it to fill out the vault. Can’t do the Storm’s fury event, because it causes my game to crash. The quests are boring, the zones are boring. M+ sucks. The VotI is trash. I fail to see how it’s alt friendly considering I don’t have any time to play my alts because I’m too busy trying to stay current on my main. The talent tree are a clustered mess that forces you to take useless talents to get to the ones you want. I enjoy doing legacy content more than I do playing this trash of a game that is Dragonflight. The last time I truly enjoyed the game was early Cataclysm. #nextexpansionplease.

Edit: Since no one seems to read my replies past the original post, I have been out of the game for over 9.5 years, do to life events that prevented me for being able to play. So, I missed the end of cataclysm, MoP, WoD, Legion, BFA, and half of SL. I’m not saying that I hate the game, I just don’t care for the state of the current expansion. I like the garrison stuff from WoD, I even enjoy leveling my mage through BFA more than playing DF, and I enjoyed unlocking the allied races ( for the horde) in legion and BFA, even though the nightbourne took way too much to get. All of which I did during the tail end of SL. So far DF has been nothing but bugged content after bugged content from the day it was launched. I’m not saying it’s the worst expansion ever, just the worst that I’VE played.


Yikes, that’s a long time. I would of moved on by now.

But while I can’t relate to your points for other reasons, I’ll say DF is for me a very boring expansion so far and 10.0.7 isn’t really doing anything interesting there.


Probably the worst in-game “event” I’ve ever had the displeasure of doing.

Literally did it once, and never came back, because the event was an unfun slog of health-sponge bosses, the area is unforgiving, and, most importantly, the rewards all suck.

Just open up Trial of Style more often- that’s a better ‘event’ than anything they’ve put out lately, lmao.


Be prepared for MEGA STORMS in 10.0.7


Um… not to try and correct, but the game is World of Warcraft. Dragonflight is just an expansion for World of Warcraft.


Why would anyone play a game they didn’t like for that long?


That’s nice, dear.


I have to admit, Dragonflight makes WoD feel like WoD had a lot of content.


Then you haven’t played WoD.

And neither have you.

Good GOD the mental gymnastics you’d need to pull off to justify WoD as an expansion are insane.



Lmao, even.


I said “makes WoD feel”.

Good grief, the reading must be hard for people.


Trust me, I read your comment very clearly.

You clearly haven’t played WoD if you think DF makes it feel like it had content. Because I can assure you that WoD had absolutely nothing if you didn’t raid or PvP, period.


So the last time you really enjoyed playing the game was 13 years ago and you still haven’t quit?



You’re entitled to hold incorrect opinions.


Mega trash mob grinds you mean lol.


The amount of people that play a game for a decade without enjoying it amazes me.

This is a common thing on the forums here.

I dont want to say I dont believe you…



I was out of the game for 9.5 years, do to certain life events that caused me to be unable to play. Yes, I missed all of MoP, WoD, legion, and BFA and half of SL. Already cancelled my sub. On the verge of deleting all of my characters. As for the expansions I haven’t actually played, to do enjoy the garrison from WoD, and it was kind of enjoyable leveling my mage through BFA. As well as unlocking all of the allied races (for the horde) in legion and BFA. So, I have dabbled in them a little bit and had more fun doing so than this trash that is Dragonflight. I even enjoyed what I played of SL more than DF.


I don’t find DF exciting but there’s a lot to do. A lot to get.

I think dragon riding is pretty cool. Definitely better than walking everywhere.

Pvp is still a crap show but that’s to be expected by now.

The raid is ok. There are a couple fun bosses and unique encounters. I find them more interesting than a lot of shadowlands bosses.

Wpvp zones are pretty fun. Just a free for all. Kinda hilarious.

The renown system sux but I’ve always hated rep kind of stuff.

I find the zones to be vast and unique. Not eastern kingdom big but big enough. I keep finding places that are really nice and cool.

Again, it’s not exciting but I’m pleased with it. Coming from bfa and shadowlands, it’s a home run.


The best part of Dragonflight was the two weeks before M+ released and opened the floodgates to let all the pugs fester in their toxicity and bad gameplay. I had the most fun in this expansion when I did Glory of the Dragonflight Hero.


I gave DF a shot, but it turned out to be Shadowlands 2.0.

If they can figure out how to get players into the open world again, I will be amazed. But right now retail is a lobby game. The open world doesn’t need to exist, it stops existing at end game basically, especially since I stopped doing world quests back in BFA. I don’t ever have a desire to go into the open world.
Where as in classic I really enjoyed fighting in front of instance portals and fighting in BRD and fighting Alliance for Black Lotus.

It almost makes me sad when I play retail.