Dragonflight is the worst expansion I've ever played

Is not that bad, just really lame

it really don’t matter what they do if they don’t come up with something new and exciting it seems the playerbase that ever played wow can’t find it fun enough to stick around. you cam blame it on whatever expansion you want it seems most people in 2023 find wow to boring to sub. its pretty well proven expansion after expansion no growth just loss. we need some miracles up in wow .


It was also tongue in cheek

Scorching hot take.

DF is better than BFA and Shadowlands at the very least.

And tons of players also like it. Welcome to every expansion they have ever made. Even beloved expansions like Wrath, MoP or Legion have a ton of people who will talk about how much they hated it.

And the consensus is that their opinion is just wrong. They are posting their opinion on a public forum. DF is better than the last two expansions so far and a lot more content is planned than those two combined. DF is basically going to be the revamp of the entire game once it’s done and with news on some of the new expansion planned a world revamp is coming.

Playing past expansions content casually and saying it’s better is just crap. They did not experience it as current content and how bad it felt when that was all we got.

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Perhaps but trash is still trash…
If i wanted to play “how to train your dragon” , I’d play a dragon themed game… Now having aspects like malygos is completely fine as they were part of the lore to begin with. But the story was never centered around them (Well, I guess you could argue that in the case of cataclysm but not much else and even then it was mostly deathwing the others just kinda helped thrall and the rest out). That’s not to say dragons shouldnt’ve had a presence in the game (IE the red dragonflight etc are there) but they shouldnt’ve been made the main focal point. Makes no sense they took this direction with it. Seriously it’s like they played Spyro the dragon on PS1 for the first time and thought hey this would be a great idea.

For example people have been asking for hero classes that already exist as NPC’s and have existed since warcraft 3 but are non playable such as dreadlords and blademasters for a long time. (No, arms warriors are not blademasters) Instead we got this, which practically no one asked for and does not align with any previous expansion since Cata

I dont think it is the worst tbh.

The profession rework is decent, but they once again gave raiders the upper hand, so that crafting is useless if you want BIS gear.

The amount of toys or mounts we can craft is tiny as well and we still lack the ability to gather long forgotten patterns. I have a lot of Vanilla stuff that was removed and quite often I am missing 1 of pattern to have the full set. It feels incomplete and it would have been nice to give us options for finding these patterns.

We also cant sell transmog gear in a shared AH, but are limited to our realm + 1 connected. Its such a pain to sell items, especially after everything else is crossrealm, but items. This creates such a huge imbalance when your realm is empty and you get mats so cheap, but cant sell your crafts to anyone.

Dragonriding as a casual feature has not worked out in my books, raiding and mythic dungeons are still the only true way for rewards. This system is so boring and old fashioned, we must have other ways to get the best gear in this game.

Guilds still lack features like a reagent bank, we still cant unlock transmogs with all chars, even tho they can equip the item and reputation still isnt account wide.

I feel that Blizzard is afraid to up the game to the standards of 2023, we are still playing a game from 20 years ago and while this worked back then, it no longer does. We lack the players to not have shared AH´s, we already have xrealm guilds and raids, so why not the AH?

Why does each char need to farm rep, some rep grinds are so boring and depend on a daily quest, its just not up to date, having such a system in place.

Last but not least, we lack housing and a Thorgast like playground for solo players.

We had worse addons, like Legion and yes, I still dont like WOTLK and did quit at Cata, but DF is also far from the top, where BC still holds the crown and I feel that WOD, SL and BFA were quite decent, as they all gave us something to do in the long run and the new systems implemented were fun, while DF has only dragonriding as a new feature, but good luck trying to find a multiplayer race, its not happening on my realm and I dont see the point in it either, its like skirmish pvp - not worth your time.

DF could have introduced housing, could have inroduced a better pvp system, could have added Quality of life features but nothing so far. They added a new class and a new mount system, but that kind of is everything and I dont feel that these 2 things were highly requested by the community.

Dont you have the whole game to complain about before you hop into those +12 keys and keep playing the game you complain about? Then come back and complain some more before playing again? I can read your post history too. Bye felicia.

That’s fine. Glad you can do that. But the content isn’t relevant.

You truly are just a simple minded narcissistic moron, are you? Just because the content isn’t relevant to you, doesn’t mean it isn’t relevant to the person doing it. And I don’t complain about the game. Just DF, which only makes up less then 5% of the whole game. Yet, you’re too narrow minded to understand that. Only an elitist jackass would think that only the top .1% does raids and M+. With all this elitism that comes from you, maybe you’re compensating for something. Maybe it’s that you have to be somebody in the game to make you feel better about the nobody you are IRL.

Oof, dont get too much salt in your keyboard, could be tough to clean out, bud.

Not sure how you could get so angry from me saying that previous expansions content isn’t relevant, which is the truth, but hey some people just got issues.

Mounts, Mogs, Toys, Achievements, leveling, fun, all still relevant, all still available outside DF.

Lol, he deleted his post referring to everything outside of DF being irrelevant. :rofl:

I find that they each have their pros and cons. For example in BfA I liked the Horde storyline and quest areas a lot more than the Alliance storyline and quest areas.

I can’t imagine there are actual private servers for shadowlands…are there? I guess masochism is a thing after all.

It wasn’t anything special. Just more of the same. But better than SL.

to me its the ethics of bnet i question. too many scandals added to game. farm a mob with aoe and then same amount solo. notice reward is less in aoe? rares suddenly dont drop epic weapons. decreased feast timer and now you barely get a max feast. no rare fight there. rares got more health but few show up cause same issue. timer reduced and once a day. tougher to solo. as i said…they selling to microsoft and dont care to improve because it will give microsoft a better game. glad it free to me.

hopefully you didn’t sub for the yearly sub buddy…

and to me the most ironic thing about your post OP is the fact that you post this with a Dracthyr character.

don’t know if you did that on porpuse or accidental but it is pretty funny in my opinion.

Hell, people played vanilla willingly on private servers and through classic… masochism is a big thing in WOW.

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