Dragonflight is the worst expansion I've ever played

Well that is certainly always been true in the past with all of the damage their “systems” did that they then had to undo.

I think we have been largely free from those mistakes, so for me at least, it has mostly been a content thing.

I do think the profession chores are a little annoying - and wish there was a better way.

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My thoughts exactly

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There is a difference between changing a few things and making every previous characters motiviation pointless and turning all character into brainless idiots.

It might have technically started, but the scale of it has absolutely reached new heights.

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I think it is funny that nobody considered that someone left for many years and came back (before the edit).

Is people staying despite hating the game really THAT common!?

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WoD had content droughts, the likes that we are all getting used to now. I tried not to judge DF too early but it’s been 4ish months at this point. For the points that most people have already replied to you about, at least we got a cool ring. And PvP was not as good as MoP BUT it was still enjoyable… I actually enjoyed the questline the first time through… felt like I was playing a RPG… I hardly read a thing this expansion and too many things revolved around the forced dragonflying on top of jack crap to do aside from play unenjoyable PvP or level a literal army of characters to 70 because its funner than playing endgame lmao.

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I never said I didn’t like the game. My whole issue is with the state of the current expansion. I enjoy legacy content. And I’m not bragging, just stating that losers don’t get certified in anything. Nor do they make 47k a year.

They completely assassinated WC3 characters in TBC. lol.

You may not get much of the story in-game, but the media tie in novels are phenomenal. Part of the reason I love the lore of this game so much. It’s actually deeper than what is seen in game.

I think the door is right there for you. Eso and FF14 might be more your speed.

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Hard pass. I despise the elder scrolls franchise, in fact, I despise Bethesda games. And Ff14 was a major fail the first time it was released. They literally didn’t even finish the game, it was so bad. They scrapped the whole game and had to start over from scratch. Which is why it is now called “A realm reborn”. Plus, I kinda stopped caring and FF after the 13 trilogy. Don’t get me wrong though, I love 13. Especially lightning returns. Besides, if I were to play anything other than WoW, it would be Diablo 3/StarCraft.

Everything you said points to you not liking the game in its current state meaning you don’t like the game currently. That’s it. So stop playing and play something else instead of keyboard warrioring it up on the forums.

And on a side note, while I’m not hating on your salary, you make less than the average US citizen makes in terms of salary. So I’m still not sure why any of that is relevant to bring up as if it’s putting you above anybody else. You’ve gone to prison for stabbing someone, you’re making less than average salary, but keep acting like you’re above people I guess.

Apperently it is. Also there are people who dramatically quit after expressing OUT-Rage over the much despised “devs” then come slinking back a short while later.

A classic case of this was done by Preach which is why this is now called a “Preach quit”.

Then why did you keep playing? Attention seeking much

Somewhat, a lot of people have this attachment to the game, like myself. I grew up on this game, if I don’t like the game currently I just don’t play much if at all or just take a break.

i think they hyped it up and made it look good just to sell to microsoft. pretty sure microsft will downplay and create their own version to replace wow. not the first time they bought and dumped a game.

Couple things:
First off, I really don’t get the sense they over played their hand so much as people over hyped themselves on it.

Second: If MS can’s current WoW that’s it. There isn’t going to be a new MMO that they come out with because by and large the genre isn’t as attractive as it was 10 years ago and thus theres very little reason to put in the herculean effort to develop a whole new one from scratch.

Hating the game and hating the expansion aren’t always the same thing. I think DF is weaksauce, I find myself playing a lot of legacy content and enjoying enough to stay on.

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Not liking the state of the current expansion DOESN’T mean I don’t like the game. There are other aspects of the game that keep me entertained. And even though I cancelled my subscription, I still have active game time and get free game time through RAF. Which of course I’m not going to waste.

Anyways, I’m going to continue playing the games I CHOOSE to play, type/post when and what I CHOOSE, and live my life how I CHOOSE. If you don’t like the topics or posts on the forums, then stay the F off of them. No one is making you read them or reply to them. Go back to your worthless 20+ keys, living your mom’s basement, pissing in bottles just so you don’t have to leave the game.

On a side note, my salary puts me in the upper half of the average Middle class citizen for the state of Maryland. Being as though I came from doing 9.5 years in prison to upper middle class and received a certificate, I call that a major life win. #roadtosuccess

The things that I have and haven’t done in the game have nothing to do with my ability to play The game. And is more attributed to the time I actually spend playing the game. I’m a really good gamer. Not saying that I’m the best, but am really good. RPGs and strategy is what I do.

GD will always find a way to try and say the current xpac is bad and insert past xpac that had astronomically low review scores/sub count was better lmao

I don’t hate the game itself, just the state of the current content. And I never quit playing the game. I was taken away for awhile and wasn’t able to play, but never quit.