The issue here is that you are comparing a completed product to one which is still maturing and thus the comparison isn’t really fair.
And here we go again…
GD once again trying to make the claim that current expansion is the worst.
I can’t take anyone that claims DF is worse than SL seriously.
SL literally killed expansion hype WoW used to have.
If you asked 1000 wow players what the worst expansion is, you’d have every expansion made represented. And all answers would be correct, as they are all based on an individuals preferences and experiences.
WotLK gear progression quest->normal dungeon ->heroic dungeons → naxx, onyxia, OS, ToC-> ulduar-> ICC->RS. Can’t quite remember if ulduar- was released before or after ICC. Plus half of the their set was bought with tokens from the corresponding raids dropped by every boss of said raid. My first heroic dungeon in WotLK was HoL. I used a tank spec on my DK for solo play, so I qed as a tank. Needless to say, I didn’t have the appropriate gear to tank, so I believe it was a feral druid, opted to switch to tanking and told me to dps and que as dps until I get the proper gear. If that would have happened in todays WoW, I would’ve been kicked immediately with only negative remarks as a parting gift. Nowadays, it’s only get good or stop playing. There is no in between. The is no learning curve.
So how is that different than current?
You have to run dungeons and raids for gear that may or may not drop.
But now you have more options on gearing.
You know… Dragonlands is a positive uptick in a seriously declining MMO experience, in my opinion. I think the part that bugs me most is how stingy the game feels now. The reward for time invested just isn’t paying off - at least not for my “casual” play style.
I thought the removal of systems was great. That is until professions took over as the complexity king. I still haven’t maxed any primary profession. I like some of the components of the new system but I don’t care for the grind or the lack of crafting orders.
And this is the theme. I know games are time wasters in general. But the carrot usually shows up frequently enough to stay entertained. Dragonlands has been tweaked to optimize for logged in - it’s the same trend these last few expansions.
I’m still enjoying much of dragonlands but I stopped investing in my alts as much. I kinda wonder, with all the changes they’re making for cross-faction and various improvements, if they’re breaking all the emergency measures out to get players back. I think if they dropped the mobile engagement methodologies and focused on fun factor they would be better off.
The Vault give you options to make the RNG in your favor. In your case, you failed to make it work at your advantage. You dont stay on the same difficulty for several weeks becoz it would give you duplicates/triplicates. You should be doing higher difficulty that drops higher ilevel on Vault every few weeks. SO that, even if you have a duplicate, it is still higher in ilevel than what you have.
On me, I have 15 consecutive weeks of all upgrades every season. This season, it’s my 15th week on Vault on Tuesday… all upgrades so far. But I am not sure this Tuesday. I already have ilevel 408s on 5 slots. I still have 10 slots (out of 15 slots) to upgrade. And I have 3 options that would give me ilevel 408s. What’s the probability that I would get an ilevel 408 upgrade? I play the probability game. What’s the odds of me failing? You see I am putting the RNG on my favor making high probability that I would win.
In Wrath, if you are a decent player with qualities to kill ICC25 bosses, joining a GDKP is so easy. Gold and gear is raining. But the bads who fuel the GDKP runs with their golds are the ones suffering. But Masterloot is gone nowadays. No more GDKP. I dont know how I would fare if I didnt do GDKP back then. But I am pretty sure, I was ICC-25 Boss killer with 2 toons back then.
Terrible sign out the gate lmao. Pre-patch was horrible and Legion’s was better.
That goes to Rogues. Playing them makes me want to log off and sleep.
I like it but it 100% gets stale when you only can traverse the Dragon Isles with it. Soar doesn’t count because Soar sucks.
Dracthyr wouldn’t be stupid if they were made by scalies instead of furries lol.
Evoker is broken. Just use 2 macros and win.
Can relate in other aspects.
I originally compared DF questing to Legion, but Legion had it better. DF is so boring that leveling my 20+ alts feels like a complete CHORE instead of uber-casual fun.
Yeah, pretty much.
Honestly true.
I would say same, but that stuff bores me, too.
I relate in a sense that anything would please me back then because I was 8. Last time I had legitimate fun in a game was Legion, for me.
Dude same I was subbed all of SL except the last season. I had a blast doing arena and rated BGs with a solid group. Most of them aren’t playing Dragonflight and our guild leader quit the second week of DF
Season 4 of SL was the last time I really, actually played.
Because, m+ is far more unreliable than any other source. Considering only 2 people out of the whole group actually get any gear. Wether it’s usable or not is debatable. 200 valor per dungeon is laughable. It’s ok for Rings and necks, since they are super cheap. But I have to run 5 dungeons just to gain one level on my staff. Would probably have better luck running the same dungeon on higher keys to get a better upgrade. To me that is poor game design. Would be better if valor scaled with keys. Higher keys should reward more, in most cases, all 5 players contribute to the completion of the dungeon, so everyone should receive a piece of gear. And raids don’t seem very rewarding since I’ve only ever received but a few pieces of gear from them, most of which I didn’t need and only ever vendored. Then again, the loot design was completely different back then. Everything was need before greed/ group loot. Plus the had master loot, allowing the raid leader to determine how loot was distributed. To me, gear progression pretty much stops after M0/LFR. I have 2 pieces of Heroic gear obtained from the DF dungeons weekly quest chest, which comes around how often? And a few pieces of m+ gear upgraded to heroic quality. The rest is just crap obtained from world quests and the cloak from the wrathion vendor.
Can’t help but agree and I mained a rogue from vanilla through BfA with a break during MoP/WoD. The class just sucks to play now. Clunky and unrewarding compared to just about anything else.
Still think Legion and BfA were a hill and the only reason DF feels “up” is because of the massive valley that was SL.
Basically anything that came after SL was destined to be better.
In my vault last week I got 2 pieces I was looking for. This week not a single one. Out of 9 pieces I’m trying to get, not a single one popped in my vault. So, I chose a transmog I didn’t already have.
That’s changing next season.
They’re going to reward more “new Valor” in 10.1
Everyone gets currency they can use to upgrade their existing items and craft new ones.
You mean that you afk’d in garrison making gold at a mission table till raid time?
The only time WOD content had any meaning was when u leveled and to get flying while doing the same boring dailies in Tanaan Wooooo AMAZING
On top of all these great orcs that were w/e during the story.
Because you were getting high end raid quality gear reliably from WotLK dungeons?
How were raids more rewarding during wotlk?
Yeah. I didn’t want this to be the case but the last really fun expansion for me was wrath. Legion was pretty good but it started in on that drag away from core gameplay and focused on time played a bit much.
I really liked legion even though I felt it pushed those elements that forced you to keep up and encouraged a hefty dose of FOMO. The class lore was so delicious.
Havent had fun playing WoW in 13 years, yet you still do?