Dragonflight is the worst expansion I've ever played

Honestly this is why I wish they would go ahead, and do like they did with classic, TBC, Wrath, and have a classic server for each old wow expansion. So, folks that might have missed out when those expansions were current for any reasons can go back and experience/play those expansions the way they were. Before stat, level squishes, etc. Would also give folks tons of stuff to do, if they ever get tired of current content stuff.

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10 char

elaborate :troll:

10 char

proved my point, gg ez bye :troll:

The amount of mental gymnastics people are doing to claim DF has no content is astounding.

They bring up stuff past expansions had…that DF also has versions of.


I’m enjoying dragon flight
I love the tuskarr C:

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No. That part glitched for a lot of us. Two groups of them would not spawn when they were supposed to so some of my toons never got it completely done when they tried to.

Alright there’s one thing.

What about the rest? You said it’s been “Nothing but bugged content”.

Its the first time ive been able to get into retail since wotlk so hard disagree from me, I love it.
I especially like that theyre not forcing you to do something weekly to be at “max power” and you can just play how you want to. Also removing the affixes from mythic+ is great too

I can only assume you didn’t play Shadowlands then and for that I am envious.

Feeling that in my soul right now. Over the years I’ve managed to grow fond of even WoD (which is horrifying, to say the least) but Shadowlands…that was an experience I’m never going to look back fondly on…

So OP says the last time they enjoyed the game was Cataclysm then follows up with the fact that they skipped almost every single expansion that’s come out since. Then says Dragonflight is the worst they’ve played.

This is uh… wow. Goodness.

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Skill issue, that’s nice dear, bye Felicia, etc.

Stopped reading here, goodbye buddy I hope you find greener pastures somewhere else

Maybe check out FF14 or OSRS, plenty of MMOs out there for you

Ya well op did say missed over 9 and half years of the game, since Cata due to real life situations. Imo op is not wrong about the talent tree deal anyways. In that you pretty much have to waste points on talents you don’t like to get the ones you want to use.


That’s how talents trees have always worked.

Maybe so, but that doesn’t make it better imo. My opinion, it removes some player choice by having to put points in talents you don’t care for.

“too busy staying current on my main”

While this is true of any expac at some point, this is also relative to play time.

This expac I’ve been rather casual, only focused on getting a single M+ vault chest in, doing keys with friends as time permits rather than pushing up or making time for it, raiding just one hour in the week.

My total weekly WoW time, barring when I’ve got a free schedule and I can slam an evening of keys, is typically less than 90-120 minutes per day.

At this rate, my main is 416 and sitting at 3/8 portals and 2/8 mythic, and my two primary alts have both been in M+ at the 15-16 level, and just got the 2p on one. I have barely spent any time on these toons outside of the initial leveling, which took about 3-5 hours per, and everything else has just been the occasional world quests, a few world boss kills, and a crafted neck on each, and they’re alread at a point where I could easily hard pivot to one within a week, tops

Upon hitting 70, my priest broke 360 ilvl within about 90 minutes of play. 360 ilvl is easily sufficient for jumping into M+10s, and so that’s what I did. My priest has been getting weekly 15-17 keys, once, for GV, and I still don’t even have all of my dungeons completed/scored.

For reference, most EXPANSIONS don’t permit this level of alt freedom until nearly halfway into things. By this point in the expac, playing this casually would have had me far behind my teammates, but instead we’ve got most everyone working on their 3rd to 5th alts, even players who don’t usually make alts, all BECAUSE of how alt friendly this expac is

Outside of professions, there really isn’t anything to waste time doing before the content you want to be doing on alts, and professions are late to the party at this stage

Ok man well nobody’s forcing you to play, just play another game or something