Dragonflight is so good that I unsubbed!

forbidden reach lasted as long as ZC release and ppl were still doing that for a few weeks . i barely seen anyone in ZC even at release… this patch is crap lol. its barely even enough to call it food for the next x months so…crusie control time lol. wow back to being in a lull for a bit. least gw2 expansion comin soon.


isnt 10.1.5 literally coming out in a couple weeks?
the world is ending though

My wife and I play regularly, but not even end game or dragonflight content. The game just doesn’t feel like WoW anymore at that level.

Its such a watered down apathetic attempt at making another game and maturity style that lives inside of another.


Not sure if you’re being serious… :sweat_smile:

Also, funny how you conveniently left out casuals in your little “list”, and also completely glossing over the fact there’s been literally no new BG map added in over 5 years

Are raid-loggers and M+'ers happy? Sure… but what about other categories/groups of players?


What are you on about? I did not reply to you.

That is your choice. Take a break. I don’t care. I do care that the game is so empty, that the only thing really to do is raid log on multiple characters or take a break.


I’m still having some fun…here the funniest thing I can take my time and get what I need done…which is the fun part after finishing the main storyline…I have two more reps to finish then I just need to o farm mythic plus or heroic raid…to get fragments I already got my 4 piece…but it’s still needs upgrading…other than that I’m done…I’m not going to play the next patch…seems boring with no more storyline it’s just busy work until 10.2 comes out…I will review if 10.1.7had any meat to it if not …I will wait until September/Oct for the next season

Likewise. The less I feel manipulated to play, the more I actually play.

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Nah, it’s fun.

This post was flagged for trolling because I wrote that people should maybe consider the possibility that the expansion is just bad?

Like what should I have done differently, named the thread Interesting post that I found on Reddit? Instead of something that gets to the meat of the issue faster?

Not have said that maybe the expansion was bad?

I guess we are supposed to just live in denial and pretend like Dragonflight is doing great, surely that will help the state of WoW.

It feels like we are part of some aggressively unfunny Monty Python skit. I actually can not believe the denial and cognitive dissonance within the community.

Also what are Blizzard even supposed to do? Say to the Community

Remember all the suggestions you had after Legion? Well turns out the Community are clueless and have no idea what they want, so we will not be listening to any of you guys again

Blizzard would be crucified!! Yet they would be right to do so. Because as someone else correctly pointed out. Blizzard gave the community almost everything they wished for, and the result? Disaster.


Well yeah the treadmill is the entire basis of an MMORPG. Do people here think people played Classic for the quality of the quests?

Interestingly, quests in WoW were ONLY added because people just did not know what to do with themselves. They needed quests to guide them and have them actually engage with the world.

Epic pvp battles in Tarren Mill / South Shore would never have happened organically if you did not have quest hubs for Alliance and Horde be in the same area.

I mean this is true. The Pandaria fanclub have asked for an expansion like this since the launch of Legion. They are a small but extremely vocal part of the community, and make out many prominent community figures. Blizzard obliged and now we have this mess. Panda fans never made peace with the idea that the expansion was an utter failure, and always just blamed Pandas. Just like they can not make peace with the idea that maybe the majority of players do not share their idea of how WoW ought to be. As a result we ended up with this failure of an expansion, and with excuses that are bordering on the comedic.


I’ve been obsessive about playing WoW since Vanilla.
But a year ago, some may remember my mentioning it, my regular leveling companion, and my very best friend, passed away of an aggressive cancer.

I just never really got over it. And entering WoW now I can’t help but keep being reminded that she’s no longer there with me.

I’ve basically buried myself in my work, logging in to WoW only maybe twice a week, mostly just the monthly things like getting my Traders’ Tender quests and achievements done.

It’s not that I don’t like Dragonflight. I actually like it very much (except for crafting… but then, WoW crafting has, in my opinion, been going down the drain for a number of years.)

But I just can’t handle logging in alone anymore.

And it doesn’t help that the anniversary of her death is coming up in a few weeks.


is this how the current generation judge the worth/viability/truthfulness of something?

…by echo chambers which can be manipulated? :thinking:

I guess yesterdays thread about the “community council” member who was spamming upvotes on their own thread, passed you by.

Just curious, but why would anyone go to r/WoW if they didn’t like the game?

I’ve never been there, and this is my favorite expansion to date.

don’t feel alone… i’m sure she’s with you still… to remind you of silly things when you go to certain places, or to make you giggle about things which would have no significance to anyone else.
It seems unlikely that she’d want to suck the joy out of something which created so many memories for you.

/big bunny-cow hugs


But you do not understand. The purpose of all those comments were not to be negative but to be positive.

The entire point of my thread is that people will say something like

This is the best expansion but I don´t want to play it

That is meant as a positive comment about Dragonflight. It is the cognitive dissonance of the posts I am pointing out.

Dragonflight is in trouble, and we need to understand why. Pretending like everything is great when the game is in serious trouble will not get us anywhere.


how is it positive?
what can someone possibly take away from that?

says who?
or is that another observation made from a reddit post?

yep, the world no longer works from home.
people can’t just be logged in to the game all day anymore.

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Why do you keep insisting that people who are enjoying the game are “pretending?”

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Of course people are enjoying Dragonflight. I have never claimed this is not the case. However the majority clearly are not? Given the abysmal participation numbers we have available to us, and given the fact that the open world is empty.

I am merely saying that if someone is saying the expansion is fantastic, but they do not want to play, then maybe, maybe they actually do not like the game?


No we don’t lol. If the game is bad people should quit playing it instead of thinking they have some kind of sacred duty to save the game. Having said that, I will admit I’m of the opinion that wow as a game should die as fast as possible because I am curious to see who will be left standing at the end.

This is literally what is happening roflmao.

What a weird post.


I’d say that’s a fair assessment

Why is it weird? This is a good thing. If people quit the game it changes how the game is developed. No company listens to social media or forums. But they will move to act if players quit in droves or spend less.

Also funny you responded to one tiny part of what I posted without acknowledging how much more weird forumite savior complexes are over a 20 year old mmo that by all logical reasoning should have perished years ago.

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