Dragonflight is so good that I unsubbed!

Today a very interesting post was posted to r/WoW. It asked people for their opinion on Dragonflight.

I will give you some of the popular quotes from the thread:

Dragonflight is the best expac that I have no desire to play


I like Dragonflight, I think its a fantastic expansion. I just have no desire to play it. I don’t think I have ever played WoW less than I do now. And I don’t know if that is a reflection on me or the game itself but a lot of my friends are the same.


Everybody in my guild claimed to love it…and yet those same people haven’t logged on in months. My guild is a hollowed out shell of inactivity, even though it lasted through the worst of BFA and SL. So as much as I think this expac has going for it, I can’t ignore the fact that something it has done has led to none of my friends actually playing it any longer. Maybe hate the game was a more compelling reason to play than liking it.


If you have no urge to play an expansion, then maybe consider the possibility that the expansion is just bad? Why do we have to make all these excuses for Dragonflight? Other expansions like WoD or Shadowlands that performed this poorly 7 months into the expansion were murdered by our community.


I do find trouble to keep playing, especially after that terrible nerf in Zaralek Caverns. :face_exhaling:

edit: There’s not enough people to get stuff done at the Forbidden Reach and Zaralek Caverns.


I think I play WoW for less than 12 hours every week…

The game just feels boring as hell gameplay-wise, and don’t even get me started on how angry the terrible writing and the desecration of my fav characters make me. I think most people are just disillusioned and can’t bring themselves to play the same schlock for the 500th time after the past two expansions have record lows of quality.

To be honest, I think DF is just as bad as BfA and SL and I’m tired of people pretending it isn’t just because there isn’t a borrowed power system you need to grind for each week. People are so high off their hopium, and mostly copium, that they are able to be satisfied with such a terrible mediocre to downright bad product. I notice even Bellular of all people likes the WRITING of all things!? It’s weird. So many people huffing copium.


DF is alright. I think folks are singing praises just given how bad the prior entries were.

I am a bit biased as I’m still grinding out profession KP - seems all the character power “chores” got pushed into crafting.

Still though - I don’t feel like the game is proactively frustrating me - like BFA/SL. Even WoD was missing content, but at least it wasn’t proactively annoying.


I am enjoying DF a lot so far both raids have been good i enjoy them a lot
i dont enjoy M+ as i once did but still enjoy the odd m+

Only thing thats an awful chore is the crafting KP if they continue with the system into future expansions would like some changes to how many or how fast we can get KP


Well, one of the reasons for this is that DF doesn’t force you to play as much as other expansions.

Gearing up is extremely easy. I picked up my mage that had some s1 gear and in a week he’s got around 415 iLvl and I only need a chest (any champion chest will do) to drop to have full tier set.

I picked up my 370 Evoker and in 3 days he’s almost 400 ilvl, barely playing him.

Of course, 440 is still far away, but the process so far has been extremely easy. I only need to get gear, not some grindy borrowed power on top of it.


I think it broke the cycle of manipulation for a lot of people. They don’t understand how to set their own goals after a good decade of having your goals micromanaged by design, and they finally have the psychological freedom to cut down on their playtime.


Another factor is that DF tried to be a back to basics expansion. Set in Azeroth, without big threats, but in doing so it’s lacking some cool factor.

There’s no big enemy to care about, only a bunch of drakes that we barely care for. They need a villain that we can look forward to defeat.


Mmm I will try my opinion on this topic! I enjoy Dragonflight a lot, but the newest content that was released with the bigger patch, is not as good as the release of dragonflight. It doesn’t do as much for me. So I think that is why people are saying “it’s a great expansion, but I’m not playing as much”.

The zaralek caverns, the gear upgrading system , healing nerfs, bad affixes, the primal assaults…

It all feels like empty content.


I don’t play enough to get bored and over saturated. I’m not worrying about being 1% better than yesterday.

By the time I play, a WQ can give me a huge upgrade.

Also, I do play all forms of content just extremely little of rated and normal + raids

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


I’m having fun


Maybe, maybe not. Could be burnout for all we know, but I think different people have different reasons for not wanting to play.

For me, I don’t think about it too much. If I want to play, I’ll keep subbing. If I don’t, I unsub. And that’s the end of the story.

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Making it nearly impossible to solo play the full content of the Caverns and Forbidden Reach killed it for me. Nothing wrong with the gearing and stuff, it’s just that the content after the original release of DF is so bad. Today is my last day of my sub and I’m just going to take one of my WOW breaks.


Woah there.

I think you’re in a bit too deep. It’s entertainment. For fun. If you’re no longer having fun, then maybe you should consider that this is not an external situation, and that there are plenty of people who do not agree with you. That doesn’t mean they are “huffing copium.” They aren’t pretending. They just like different things than you. And that’s Ok, because if we all liked the same things, there wouldn’t be Chainsaw Man, or The Expendables, or reality TV, or new sports. You’d only get more Fast x Furious, Mission Impossible, American Idol, futbol, or whatever you decide that everyone likes.

Again, it’s entertainment. For fun. Some people still find it fun, and are entertained. Often, that is enough for people.


Bellular is a genius. His videos are like: Dragonflight has some of the worst, if not the worst numbers in WoW history! Here is the data to prove it. Then at the same time keeps talking about how WoW is the best it has ever been.

I am going to say something deeply unpopular but nevertheless true. Pandaria was a massive failure. We know this because subs dropped throughout the expansion, significantly so. We also know it because the devs considered it a failure and have spoken publicly about this.

Why am I bringing this up? Well if we accept the fact that Pandaria was a failure, then we have to accept that post-Wrath. We had 3 failure expansions in a row. 3 expansions that all bled subscribers. Cataclysm, Panda and WoD.

Then what happened? Legion released and was a success. Yet according to all the apoligists here we have to pretend like this expansion could never succeed because it followed Shadowlands and BFA? You think people who enjoyed Legion hadn´t found other games to play during the Cata-Pandaria-WoD debacle?


Or maybe they’re just growing out of the game and are finally realizing that something can be good whether or not they are actively playing it.


The game doesn’t by design make you feel guilty for taking a break anymore. Which is a big W imo. There’s no “awwww mannn dude if I don’t play this week I’ll be behind on soul ash for my legendary, and renown for my soul binds…. “ it just lets you play the game. People aren’t used to not having a to-do list for the week. You can come back to the game whenever you want and get “caught up” relatively quickly.


Dragonflight is trash, people are just coping hard.


18+ year old game. Some of this is just fatigue, I think. I am enjoying this xpac but I definitely play less. It is just a different priority in my entertainment time now.


My personal opinion, there are very few people who will only play one single game after 19 years.

When I first started wow in early 2007, It was the ONLY game I played for years. I started to crack a bit during WoD. I took a 3 month break (longest ever at the time) during Legion. During BFA and SL (granted those were the two absolute worst expansions) I took many extended breaks.

I’m the happiest I’ve been with wow in a LONG time. Blizzard went back to a game where if you want to play it 24/7 you can but isn’t required (like Legion/BFA/SL).