Dragonflight is so good that I unsubbed!

lmao conduits what

Did you only do Torgast? Up to layer 3?

I think I can explain why, with how you described a few things:

The things these things have in common is that you park your character in a city, and then you just play for a very short amount of time relatively speaking for a MMO, and then you are back where you started

You login, you play, you logout

What you are looking for isn’t MMOs but rather games that are lobby based gameplay so
 maybe look at that rather than MMOs?

I assume its a typo, but its entirely possible that they didn’t play SL as ‘current’ content (I wouldn’t know how you do M+ in that case but they might not have bought the latest expansions or something, which would also explain how some characters can get ‘locked out’)
Potentially they are just a troll but I’m responding as if they aren’t one at the very least

its because u need actual new content

like new game modes and maps

not just a new raid or dungeon every 6 months

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I actually played the game as my only game during SL. I did tons of random side content I never would have otherwise done.

I’m not saying SL was a highlight, just that I enjoyed it more, stayed subbed the whole time, and overall had a better time with it than I do DF.

SL was a low point for sure.


Funny because Diablo is basically one big dopamine chase. I would even argue that Botw2 is the same. Chasing Shrines and Koroks. The idea that other video games are not dopamine chases is just obviously incorrect.

I think you people need to make up what poor excuse you are making for the failure of Dragonflight, because you can not make both these excuses at once.

Dry is a euphemism for bad. If you cook a dry meal it is a bad meal.

Impressive. How many euphemisms for bad can we come up with in this thread. Can you imagine ever recommending anyone a boring computer game?

Content creators

Also interesting watching Max talk about how good Dragonflight, yet as far as I am aware he has not played the latest patch at all. No wonder no one plays this game when Blizzard cater to people like Max who do not even play the game.

These people also hate / dislike power grinds? The smugness from all these people who claim they are too good to chase dopamine in a video game, yet they enjoy Diablo 4. I am sorry Max, you trying to convince us you play Diablo 4 for an entire month just to have one fight against Uber Lilith?


Good for you
 Or sorry that happened.

The expansion isn’t “bad” it just has felt more like a side-quest or filler season to your favorite TV show.

Those filler seasons are fun and interesting to those who enjoy those characters being expanded on
 but for the rest (majority) it gets pretty old pretty fast and you’re usually losing interest because it’s not what you’ve invested your time into.

We’re mid way through the expansion and it’s just lost its’ hype.

  • If you do world content:

    • The mobs (rares) are over tuned for solo play, and the zones feel dead once a new patch arrives
    • Mob HP and difficulty need to be better tuned
    • More RNG content, including locations, need to be introduced
  • If you Raid

    • Raids need to offer a few more rewards, like a tabard, enchant, etc

    • Raids need to offer a PvE class/spec legendary that everyone gets to progress on. Not so much borrowed power, but more like a Shadowmourne. MoP Cloak. etc

  • If you Mythic+

    • Mythic+ needs a better reward structure
    • Mythic+ needs a better timing structure
    • Needs a better rotation of Dungeons and Affixies
  • If you PvP

    • PvP needs a complete system revamp (Bronze, Silver, Gold, etc
    • PvP needs a complete reward revamp
    • PvP needs a complete map revamp

Not anyone thing is too extreme, we just haven’t gotten there yet.

  • If World of Warcraft is the only game you play

    • The game needs a new form of content
      • 3 man challenge modes
      • New Mage Tower
      • New BG formats (10v10v10, 20v20v20)
      • New Garrison/Housing system with a garden, etc. (Animal Crossing)
      • New “jump in and play” systems (LFR but more for outdoor content)
        • Base sieging
        • Tower Defense
        • etc

      • New AI “jump in and play” systems (Warfronts)

I can only speak for myself here. DF is both great and I hate it more than just about any other expansion at the same time.

TLDR: WoW is now a lobby game were I go and do M+ and than log off. I don’t care about lore, the world or collectables and in many ways I no longer even feel attached to my character due to lack of customization and constant changes to the way specs play.


  • No mandatory checklists of things I have to do.
  • No borrowed power outside of tier which remain about the same value each patch and isn’t an endless grind.
  • I can raid or M+ and log.
  • The new dragon races were interesting.
  • Gearing is easier than it ever has been.


  • FOMO has killed my desire to collect anything. I already can’t complete the list so I just get what I want to use which is about 1% or less of the game. I even turned off ATT because it doesn’t matter anymore.
  • Over saturation of transmogs, pets, mounts etc means that even if they do release FOMO items again I’m so far behind that I would never be able to catch up.
  • The redesign of some specs killed what were several expansion long mains. It was invested time that now means nothing and its a bit painful to even look at that character knowing how much time I put into him.
  • The refusal to add more customization to abilities and things like druid forms. The green fire quest line was a huge success, please repeat your successes. Some of these are hard to even understand as there are the old incarn forms that could be released easily and add a bit more differences between different druids.
  • The world is dead. I can go to most zones and see no one. Part of this is sharding but even more is they keep expanding to new contenants and areas when we could be revisiting old areas and familiarizing ourselves with old characters we are already invested in. The over saturation of new characters is over whelming and I only have so much caring to give and that was already given to older NPC’s.
  • To many rares that take 10 min to kill. Sure I could go out to kill them but its more efficent to wait and kill them in a couple of expansions when I can one shot them. This also applies to farming anything really.
  • Old content is mostly unused assets. We have chromie time yet despite that max level characters can’t just que up to do nostalgia runs of old content where you are not just one shotting everything.
  • Professions where broken on release with people capping out in two weeks than nerfing it for everyone who didn’t exploit. This allowed people to corner markets and stopped a lot of peoples gold making in an expansion where almost nothing else makes gold.
  • The age old problem of not enough tanks for M+ but far to many in raids still hasn’t been solved.
  • The doubling down of dance dance mechanics and multiple intermission bosses. Its getting to be to much for me. Not necessarily skill wise but just in caring anymore.
  • The segregation of players when it comes to skill. It used to be heroic was the hardest the game had to offer and most players could still be brought. Now days I have friends I don’t do anything with because they simply can’t keep up.
  • The convoluted lore, retconning, uninspiring characters, and killing off of to many beloved characters makes it so I care far less now about the world than I did previously. In fact I don’t even know anything about the current expansions lore as I haven’t read a single quest or watched any cut scenes. I vaguely remember some lesbian elves I think.
  • Healing sucks. Not much more to say about that.
  • The community as a whole seems to be more aggressive and less about having fun than they once were. I think its because we are more goal driven now days.



That’s quite a leap from what was actually typed. Followed by:

One of the worst assertions. We get it, you like roleplaying a guinea pig on a hamster wheel. Many of us don’t.

Reading through some of the other comments made me realize that its not always about killing some big baddy or needing a crusade or something else that needs to be defeated.

One of the most touching and memorable quest lines in WoW for me was one that had nothing to do with saving the world but just saving one little girl from being lost in the darkness after she died and helping her experience some of the things she wanted to do in life.

I’m not a man to tear up often but this one may have caused a bit of blurry vision.

I would love to see more well written quests about characters who we feel for.

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You could raid log way easier in Shadowlands. In SL you did Torghast for 3 weeks to craft a legendary, M+ a few weeks to help with the first few mythic raid bosses, and then raid logged. In DF You have to run M+ the entire season because the loot it drops is buffed to an absurd degree. You also have to run M+ to get crests to upgrade raid gear and craft gear because you get barely any crests from raiding. The entire crafting system is just lazy SL legendaries. Instead of Torghast you’re doing this even more boring weekly 1500 rep quest. Instead of buying the crafted base armor from the AH you have to waste time finding a crafter to gamble for a 5 quality item. It’s worse and more of a chore in every single way.


Yes, but what if you were on a low pop server with no one around or no groups in group finder? How would you be able to enjoy the content solo? The whole issue is that the content requires multiple people to complete. Makes for bad content.

Compared to what the game was 10+ years ago, no they didn’t do DF right. May be slightly better than the past few expansions, but it’s still a terrible expansion. At least I still had a desire to play in SL. I have absolutely no interest in playing DF. I honestly don’t even feel like logging in to catch up on some legacy content I missed it even play my alts. The game just feels completely dead to me.


Dragonflight is easily the best expansion ever released when it comes to respecting the players time, I think the whole “I have no desire to play” is some kind of long standing stockholm syndrome that has been drilled into us over expansion after expansion with reputation grinds and power grinds etc.

Just going out on a limb here and going to say it’s okay to play other games! Since we finished the raid the vast majority of my team only logs on once a week to do reclear and that’s perfectly fine. If the time spent logged in is enjoyable is that a bad thing?

Would you rather feel forced to log in to do world quest map clears for ap? The maw for sockets? Torghast for legendaries? Zereth Mortis for conduits?

Like cmon guys.

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The game seems to be shifted to an alt focus. If I can max my gear in a month or two then I’m probably not sticking around for the remaining four. They’ve basically moved all rewards from harder content to make it accessible for everyone now, which sure, helps alts. Makes it pretty boring for people with one character they like to play though.

How exactly do you still want to play SL? 0_

There we have it.

The forced to grind AP lie. Took a while to arrive, but arrive it finally did.

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It isnt a lie tho. Do you want something similar?

Doind Maw of Souls +2 to farm AP. Same bad design

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you kinda leading your assumption. first of all we do not know if people are really unsubbing , secondly even if people are unsubbing , does not mean they did not enjoy it, but probably will join back when a new patch comes in and keep enjoying. many people subscribe to HBO when a show is complete and then unsub when the show finishes . does that mean that the show or HBO is bad ?

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If HBO only produces enough content that 1 show out of every 5 is interesting or that it is only worth subscribing for 1 week out of 4, yes, HBO is bad.