I don’t find DF to be terrible, nor great. I played BFA through two patches and quit shortly after the first content patch of SL, but I’ve stuck with DF through all of the content patches. Maybe the downfall of DF is that it lacks a compelling storyline?
I honestly think Blizzard doesn’t care at this point. They just design things for metrics to show off to shareholders and to show upper management they did their job.
I think SL is actually as grindy as previous xpack just in other ways to give the illusion it is not. I don’t think SL is better than SL and BFA I play less now then before. I don’t think blizzard have gotten better now, I think the opposite, there are so much lacking, in all different aspects of the game, UI, spec balance, fun to play, pvp, pve, group finder, toxicity etc. I have unsubbed because this is a dying game turning in to a cash grab mobile game.
And you’re too stupid to understand that MMO doesn’t mean forced group content. The whole concept of any game that anyone CHOOSES to play is to be able to enjoy it any way they wish. And I wasn’t referring to myself. Just making a general statement. I have no problem looking for groups. But sometimes it can seem almost impossible to find a group to do certain outdoor content.
The numbers were hardly a catastrophe lmao.
I read the thread here and agree with many of the posts. But I think I realized the nub of the problem of DF for me.
The lack of goals.
You have to make your own but even that is really lackluster.
In SL, I had 4 covenants to explore. So I sent 4 toons, one to each through those stories/reps. There was money to be made so I could at long last more easily afford flying for my many alts.
In DF, there is little to work towards. My current main is ilevel 405. I can barely care to try to get the drops/gear to level up the right gear for it. There’s so much – junk, I have to spend time sorting through stuff rather than playing the game.
Cosmetics: Meh. Transmog is still too expensive and my money is going to repairs. Until transmogs go to the slot or go down in price, cosmetics are always going to be meh to me.
Crafting: Again, I thought this had potential, but the disparity between weekly quests (tailor/alchemists makes things out of common items) enchanter, lw for example have to use rarer items. Between this and some things requiring LFR or dungeons makes me stop caring.
While I still play, it starts becoming a toss-up. I want to relax. Do I watch a show, read a book or putter on WoW? Leveling alts is still easy and decent, but I quickly fall into the ‘what’s the point’?
We need some clearer goals to work towards. The open world is not rich enough, the stories are not interesting enough or plentiful enough to be engaging.
And the elite mobs in ZC are such a PiA that whole area is visit, get rep, go do something else. I liked Forbidden reach so much more.
It’s at least in part that is so easy to gear, plus the content is simpler and repetitive.
Our open raid groups are getting through Aberrus faster than our progression team used to get through Vault.
I enjoyed MoP but am not sure how that relates to some of the issues in DF. Could you please elaborate?
Its not “bad”. Its BORING. They continue to timegate it. The community continues to gatekeep. The social aspect of the game is entirely dead. The humor in the game has been censored out due to woke employees having their feelings hurt.
The life of the game, the soul, is gone. Its been gutted. It’s never coming back.
Taliesin is like -
“Dragonflight might be the best expansion ever. But I don’t play it.”
He also said the blue dragonflight quest was one of the best quests in WoW’s history, rivaling the warlock green fire quest… then he admitted he hasn’t done the blue dragonflight quest… ever.
So influencers are trying to convince you to play a game they don’t like. Why? They need to pay their bills
What is even the point of coming up with such a blatant lie. The idea that SL catered to casuals is easily disproven.
During an interview with Towelliee, Game Director Ion Hazzikostas commented on the team’s design philosophy for Dragonflight and the lessons learned from Sepulcher of the First Ones. Referring to the difficulty of Sepulcher as an “arms race between Echo and Liquid,” Ion admitted defeat, acknowledging that the tier was a bit too grueling and wasn’t the best experience for the playerbase.
Because its not a lie?
Linking an interview about a raid difficulty doesnt change the fact that SL catered to non raiders.
Like how much of a troll do you have to be to think linking a quote about a raid difficulty when discussing how WoW catered to non raiders in SL actually validates anything rofl.
The game doesnt require massive time investments to stay relevant. Its the first time in the last couple of expansions that there hasnt been a mandatory power grind so you dont fall behind in player power.
Being able to raid log is what a large amount of the player base has been asking for since Classic launched.
Yes I’m sure writing up a 3-paragraph terms of service agreement is the sole thing preventing us from having a decent expansion, good 300IQ take, King, keep em coming.
i think those players just don’t know what they want. WoW is just dungeons, raids, pvp, professions, or roleplaying.
seems they’re either bored of the same thing or want something new for each of those content but in a really new way (dungeons with larger and less mechanic packs that grant new party buffs like season 1 shadowlands, new ranking systems, new pvp modes or talents, etc.)
You know i thought that. But then I tried to imagine either 1: how much more neglected the upkeep on the game would be if they weren’t getting paid to do it monthly, and 2. Without the Sub, they would be able to microtransact us into the ground, the sub argument seems to be the only thing even slowing this from happening.
i’m largely a solo player, and have found that there are always enough people around to do group stuff.
just because i’m a “solo player”, doesn’t mean i’m allergic to tapping a high hp mob for kill credit.
I think something that many people aren’t considering is the presentation of the game. I’m not talking about the tone of the story or the graphics either, but the general lack of polish and quality assurance. Most people probably won’t care about this in particular, but to me the number of typos in DF is a decent indicator of this. I have legitimately never seen so many typos in a commercial video game, triple A or otherwise.
Enchanting was bugged twice and had to be deactivated. The recipes for everything were really expensive. And while the concept of knowledge is good, the implentation of it was not the greatest. It’d have been better just grouped into the leveling process. Gaining knowledge with crafting. It’s definitely not been the best my profession has been. This expac doesn’t even have professions quests.
Negative as well. Maybe for PVP. But there have been better expacs for gear. I’d say the best was probably end of Shadowlands for recent expacs.
Ok you are just joking now I see.
This has always been a big issue and why “recruit a NPC” is a good option for areas like this and Korthia, where you have rare spawns needing a minimum of a tank or healer (because a tank is also their own healer in current game) but can’t rely on overlapping schedules to do world quests.