Dragonflight is 10.0 Done Wrong

They don’t get swords and such till after they wake up in current Azeroth when such weapons exist and they can hold them like seriously just grasping at straws now
Also no it’s not “very reasonable” for them to be warriors if you know like anything about the Dragons in WoW and their lore

“Due to the blues being most in tune with arcane magic of all the dragonflights, Kalec has the powers of a sorcerer and the strength of a warrior.”

From within the game lore itself. Nobody is there to teach them to use swords upon ‘waking up’ and yet they have the skills known. You’re just making all kinds of assumptions based on nothing. If a gnome can be a warrior, a large dragonlike race can be, but shill away. The point remains, it’s silly to write themselves into a corner to limit the race from other classes. Nothing you’ve used as your “arguments” came from anything other than what they DECIDED TO SAY to support their design decision. Their decision wasn’t based on previous lore, it was made based on design then lore was created to support it.

What part of the Blue Dragonflight didn’t know the Dracthyr existed did you not understand? Also he wasn’t even the Blue Dragonflight Aspect till the rise of Deathwing

Take your shoes off, walk around on the carpet and make fists with your toes…

What part of the drakthyr being made from part of the blues don’t you get? It’s innate, not trained. The daddy (blue dragonflight) doesn’t have to know about the child they donated dna to (drakthyr) for the child (drakthyr) to still have daddy’s (blue dragons) eye colors.

I get where you’re coming from, I just think it’s going to boil down to how OP the class will be when they hit end game and will they be Meta for Raiding. The real problem is, we have no idea how that’s going to look until we get into Beta (maybe).

If it turns out to be they’re the new OP class for raiding, they are going to all but be guaranteed a spot on any raid team.

Yeah which is why they can use Blue Dragon magic which they were taught how to use and not Fire, Ice and Arcane magic and spells which mages use

Try again:

That’s literally fire magic. And no, those spells don’t come out of their face like a breath weapon. It’s FIRE magic and the blue dragons are naturally in tune with ARCANE magic and ohh, ohh what do we have here:

Spell…frost…damage. 3 for 3. Design decision, nothing more. Lore was written after the fact, not beforehand. If anything, it ignores already existing lore. Have a goodnight.

It’s an issue but its part of the Developer design, for example JRPGs usually have any race can be any job at any time.

the core RPG element for WoW usually has a lore behind, it’s similar to covenants issue, During the leveling process, you must use each covenant anima powers, however for some weird gameplay reason, Devs restricted players into a single covenant instead of creating lore around the swap of covenant powers from the begining or a different approach to use covenant as a RPG element without player power.

Drachtyr are the first “race/class” combo, so in the future Devs could introduce more, it’s interesting because a lot of players ask for any race/class nowdays, I don’t like that approach without lore behind, Devs already announced new dracthyr/class combinations in the future, However they could create a new intro questlines set up in the future around the Bronze dragonflight and bring Dracthyr already trained into another classes for example, instead of waiting for 11.0.

Oh wow Red and Blue Dragonflight magic
Hit me up when a mage uses any of those ok :purple_heart:

Oh also it’s like 12 pm here night is like hours away so

Makes the race and class unique since it is a foreign race with its own unique powers that encompass a whole class.

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These are the five dragonflight.

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While I personally LOVE the Dracthyr and 100% plan to main one, I am big time pressing x for doubt that a ton of people are wanting to main one to the point of it disrupting raid comps. The only added race that has seriously disrupted main comps has been blood elf. Even when DK’s came out - WoW’s first new class and one that was very OP at launch - WoTLK guilds weren’t that affected by people potentially wanting to play one.

So while I support Dracthyr getting more class access, I really seriously doubt it’s going to negatively impact groups and guilds. We will likely see a high influx of Dracthyr in dungeons at launch, but I predict it will die down as people swap back to their old mains after the newness wears off.

I will make one and not rush the process and I’ll read each quest text and pay attention to anything and basically explore the starting zone and breath in the new stuff and wipe my mind from shadowlands.

limited raid spots lol. you been playing toons for how long that have limited raid spots?. quit freaking whining and log off and go take a long break and come back when you quit crying. least it ain’t a mage or hunter all we can do is dps lol.

Well yes.

On Alpha, supposedly dungeon groups are composed of 4 Dracthyr and 1 tank. So in non-raids probably everyone who wants to play an evoker can do so. The only issue is raiding where there may be limited slots for ranged dps and healers.

That said, many players prefer the playstyle of melee dps and will skip the evoker.

  • Would they have preferred Evoker to have a melee option and feel left out of the content? … sure.
  • But then again, that’s how players who only like to play ranged felt when Blizzard added Death Knights, Monks and Demon Hunters

Pretty sure its been spoken about, not really much more to add to it… community want one thing blizzard develops another… either quit or pay them your hard earned $$.

Thats my opinion too.

On GD, over the past several months I’ve seen several variants of the idea that if one can’t play a new race or class the entire expansion that introduced it is forfeit, which is just weird to me.

I can’t think of a new race or class that didn’t end up being a short term amusement or an alt stuck somewhere in middle levels gathering dust at best… Treating a race or class as the hole point of an expansion feels to me feels a bit like buying a novel for its footnotes. It’s like, “I can’t play the new class/race for X reason. Oh no! Anyway…”

But ranged and healers never had that issue when any new race was added. That’s a huge difference.

Also, it’s just sad how popular the “we suffered so you should too” mentality is here.

Maybe for you but there’s a heckuva lot of BE, draenei, DK, and DH mains out there.