Dragonflight is 10.0 Done Wrong

They’re trying to say that Dracthyr look like drag queens.

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You’re a very dramatic person in this thread and others.

Guess what the Dractyhr doesn’t know what is a warrior or a mage or whatever. They only know what is an evoker and if they want access to other class they have to have storyline introducing them to those other class otherwise they will remain as evoker. End of story.


Using a sword takes training so yes I would have a promblem if a bunch of Dracthyr who have been asleep for thousands of years could suddenly just use a weapon they were never trained in using and they probably didn’t even have access too before they woke up

But it does solve the problem, you just don’t like the result

They tried housing, it was a fail (See Garrisons in WOD)

A dance studio /eyeroll

Hertiage armor? come on now… most people ignore the current ones anyway.

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They were asleep, not dead. They could have easily figured out how to use a weapon prior to sleeping. They had enemies prior to sleeping. Mankind itself literally figured out how to make and use weapons with nobody to teach them. This is just a development decision so they can tie the dragon racial body parts to the animations of the evoker and not have people wanting to do evoker type abilities on their other classes. Nothing more. (i.e., “Why can’t my drakthyr warrior breath fire…”)

What other stuff was left out or overlooked?

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What part of those weapons probaby weren’t available to them then did you not understand exactly?

You mean like how demon hunters were and still only are nelf/belf and limited to melee dps and tanking? :clown_face::clown_face::clown_face:

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Sadly, it does. That and M+ and PVP. The rest of us are left to whatever scraps they seem to drop off of the table for us. They act like everyone fits into one of those three categories. Like we’re wrong to not enjoy any of those things.

Some of us don’t want another full time job (raiding), getting yelled at for not playing a super optimal way in resused dungeons which, honestly any brain dead zombie can see is just lazy reuse of content instead of you know, adding real content. Or getting farmed for kills over, and over, and over.

It’s almost like there is a group of people who want to do things like read quest texts, play Alts, see good story lines play out, chase Transmog, pets, and mounts, do pet battles, farm gold, play the AH, and whatever depravity happens over in Goldshire on MoonGuard.

Trees didn’t exist? Branch = mace or staff. They have claws, claws = fistweapons. Sharp jagged rocks are not found on the dragon isles? Guess what the first daggers were, go on, I’ll wait. Not to mention, they literally get to use those weapons anyway.

It has a dps spec and a healer spec. If I remember correctly, dps make up the bulk of any raid group. And healers pretty well always have a spot in a raid group if they are good at healing.

How is this…limiting?

And why are you saying (in your topic title) “Dragonflight is 10.0 Done Wrong” and what does that even mean? 10.0…what?

Well that’s fine, if that is your personal take. Do what many people do in that situation: wait. Wait until it is released, until you can see player levels of satisfaction, of how it is working, and then decide.

Actually, the casual days came and went with Wrath.

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Guess what the game director admitted that they have neglected the outdoor content the longest time and they will remedy that in dragonflight and we all saw an early version aka Zereth Mortis.

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Your justification for their failure to fulfill prior promises is hilarious. But I’m sure you’re right. This time will be different >.>

Also, who really cares about having housing in World of Warcraft it’s a waste of time and it will ADD more drama to the game than we already have enough of those.

And if you want housing than play something else that actually supports it.

They hold them as stat sticks for gameplay reasons they don’t actually use them in combat also they were being trained how to use dragon aspect powers by a dragon they weren’t some primal race messing around with sticks and stones to defend themselves

Guess what? All caster don’t actually use their weapons and they are actually just stat sticks.

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But, how do they hold weapons that “probably weren’t available”?

don’t != can’t

It’s very reasonable to assume a dragon race could be warriors, you’re shilling if think they couldn’t. Regardless of what kind of training they may have had. Design decision, not lore, nothing more.

I guess you never pay attention to the recently release post.

Created by Neltharion the Earth-Warder the essence of dragons was combined with the adaptability of the mortal races to create an elite soldier capable of switching from a draconic form to humanoid form. Long in a magical stasis, they are now awakening to a new threat within the Dragon Isles. It is in the Forbidden Reach that the dracthyr will start their journey to reclaim their fractured memories and face a new reality.

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