Dragonflight feels like the Alliance getting a "happily ever after" moment

Haha true, I misspelled her name.

Tess played a part in the rogue campaign. I’m not a fan of rogues so I’m not sure what she did exactly.

Other than that, no, she has barely done anything of importance. Until now.


The conclusion is you get Gilneas back. Now would I have preferred more? Sure, but compared to say Gnomeragan(I guess we could compared it Bel’ameth but that is kinda unfair considering well, everything) the worgens probably came out on top.

I believe the sentiment is that Gilneans should be ruled by Gilneans. Are you going to make the claim that you can’t be a true Gilnean unless you’re spouting sillys about bacon and are sniffing other people’s backsides?

Are you going to argue that Tess Greymane isn’t a Gilnean?

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No, the argument is that in a game where Racial Leader Content is the only thing a race gets in sporadic development, the Racial Leaders should resemble the Player’s Chosen Fantasy given to them in the Playable Race.

And no, Genn is no longer a leader of the WORGEN Playable Race.

The argument is likewise, as we’ve repeated for two days now, that the Chosen Fantasy that Blizzard gave to players was that of a Werewolf Kingdom, that the curse was their greatest strength, but between the Heritage Quest and the Reclamation Quest, that has completely been undermined.


A racial leader should always be representative of the race they represent and the fantasy said race is supposed to embody because in this game racial narratives are historically advanced by A-list character arcs.

If the Werewolf people’s screentime mostly amounts to racial leader hyperfocus and that racial leader isn’t a Werewolf then we have a problem.


That doesnt seem to be the case for our allied races. Gelbin is a gnomes and not a mechagnome and yet he leads both.

Moira is a Bronzebeard but she also leads the Dark Iron. And even though all Kul Tirans are human, Jaina looks nothing like the Playable Kul Tiran or even speaks like them.

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And that is a problem yes


Which is a problem that was mentioned from the damn onset given that Gnomes were always presented as a democratic meritocracy and Mechagnomes are YET ANOTHER Monarchy for whatever reason

So now we have a monarchy for all gnomes, undermining their meritocratic lore

Which is again a problem that has also has been mentioned before, including how her child “looks”

Which is YET AGAIN something we spoke up about during BFA, that at least have Jaina slipping back into her childhood accent now that she’s back home, maybe start saying “By the Tides” or what have you


You guys might consider it a problem. Blizzard doesnt. Blizzard does what they think is best for the story and personally “it makes sense” for sa Jaina or Moira to both be leading the Kul Tirans/Dark Irons even if they are not neccesarily “one of them”/technically means they are not the traditional representative of said race(I am neutral with the change to Gelbin’s position, I dont particularly like or hate it and I am more indifferent to it). Hell, even Alleria didnt look like a typical void elf (until Ultimately void elves got high elven features)

Ok ? They’re wrong for the reasons we mentioned


Ok, during Cata was there anyone complaining Orcs were led by a Maghar? People seemed to like Garrosh, so I don’t know.

Also, I dont think nobody ever complained that sylvanas was the forsaken leader up until BFA?

NPCs and heavily charged lore characters break the mold sometimes, thats fine IMO. I still believe Tess should be a Worgen, she could break the mold in other ways

Tess just needs her own Stormheim style moment and I honestly think people, including me, would warm up to her more. Show she’s willing to put her people first you know?

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That brings another point, slightly tangential.

But Tess had a presence in the class hall, for rogues, i don’t know much, because i did not olay rogues, and this might be a thing. Certain characters are part of a content that only affect a small part of the playerbase, and then they become more important later, like Xal’atath as well.

I WANT to like Tess, she isn’t a bad character per se. Just that to most people, she’s been relatively absent from the story, Which is a issue


I’m going to lay one on you.

Genn has never been the racial leader of the Worgen. He’s the King of Gilneas. that is his title. He was king before he was bitten and he remains a King, albiet in retirement, now. The vast majority of the worgen on Azeroth are monsters and they have never bent knee to him.

Tess is his only surviving offspring, so to her goes the crown… that’s the natural flow of Blizzard’s story. If the Prince had survived he’d be ruler as the elder, but he didn’t.

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Uh, yes he has.

You can be a king and the racial leader, because racial leader is an out-of-universe term we use for the de facto leader of a playable race.

Sylvanas was the racial leader of the forsaken. Sylvanas is not an undead Lordaeronian.

In Vanilla, Thrall was the racial leader for the orcs. Thrall was also the warchief of the entire Horde.

You’re trying to be pedantic again, and it’s really not working.


Genn doesnt even have an accent, not a true gilnean.

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No she’s very much Gilnean, and she’s very much a boring character to rule, which would only be very marginally improved if she was a worgen. Crowley is a much much more interesting choice, second best would be status quo and sticking with Gen.

He is an imposter, real Genn died decades ago.

Aside from this being an extreme analogy…

“My husband hits me sometimes, but it’s okay because it could be worse. At least it’s not with an object.”

Come on, lol.