Dragonflight feels like the Alliance getting a "happily ever after" moment

Key word AGAINST the forsaken. Not with them.

And do you think Ivar would have? I thought people didnt like when characters did 180 on their personality.

Perhaps not. All I’m saying is that it makes zero sense for Ivar and his pack to be missing the day their kingdom is getting reclaimed, after fighting and sacrificing so much for it.

How they would react is another story.


Who knows, maybe they have all gone fully feral, maybe they heard Tess had gotten forsaken and either noped out off screen or worse attacked the Forsaken.

Regardless it was not a story Blizzard cared tell and clearly preferred to spend their dev resources elsewhere.

I agree.

I don’t very often get what I would like… but I am happy when I do.

For example, I was glad they removed the Black Bride from that Baine scenario during BfA, and replaced her with some Blood Elf Mage dude. They listened to some complaints- and I think that was a good move for the story. Making it a Blood Elf mad about the Purge showcased enmity, instead of making it about the Forsaken’s goals.

Same with making the liberation of Gilneas against the Scarlets, instead of Sylvanas Loyalists, like some on the Alliance wanted. I don’t think the Horde needs to be punched in the face for the Alliance to get their presents from Blizzard.

If I was a rabid Alliance fan, I would be over the moon about how Blizzard showers us with gifts. I dare say any Alliance fan with so much as a hint of a complaint is ungrateful, and should go polish stones at Blizz HQ for their unreasonableness. The past few expansions have been an Alliance dream made manifest.

People cheer on things they enjoy in the narrative. Not sure why people are harshing on Zerde’s mellow. He isn’t even saying we should like it - just that he does, and he wants more. And Blizz likely will give the Alliance more.


I mean yeah. That’s kind of the historical problem with Blizzard. The stories they want to tell aren’t the stories we want them to tell.

It would be wise of them to remember who is being charged 155 bucks every year just to play the game though.


Even ignoring the fact a very small fraction of WoW population will ever quit due to the story(shadowlands is proof of that) when has that ever stopped Blizzard?

They will tell the story they want in the manner they want. They will likely try to get feedback and try to make improvement(likely in future iterations) but ultimately still plow ahead, good or bad.

A new home for nelves and gilneas was reclaimed. Sounds like a win.

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Imagine looking at the steaming pile of :poop: we been getting for the last couple years and calling it a gift

Seems we have very different ideas on what qualifies as a gift or even quality story telling


My god, all those years with the tears about “homeless worgo and Night Elves in pumpkin patches”… “even after a time skip”…

They finally get places to be… and people are mad that they didn’t get to kill the people they wanted to kill for vengeance.

It sounds pathetic, but it is all too Human, sadly.

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Happily ever after? Makes sense to me. No ogres

And this right here is exactly the whole reason this debate started. Was it too much to ask for a proper conclusion to a story after 14 years?

It’s not like the Worgen have plenty of notable characters to begin with. And those few that showed up didn’t play any major role to the reclamation, they were nothing more than wallpapers.

One of the big problems with Gilneas/Worgen is that they were walled up for far too long and as a result it’s not easy for them to have a strong presence throughout the world. From the very first day they got introduced til a couple of days ago, their whole story didn’t change much.
Sylvanas/Forsaken were their nemesis as well as the dream of going back home. It’s clear that Blizz was straggling to create new stories for them that didn’t include the Forsaken.

So yeah, this was supposed to be the highlight moment of our race. Because I very much doubt we’re going to get another one any time soon. Trust me, if you are not a Gilnean fan, you just don’t get it.

But according to some people here, I am an ungrateful Alliance fan that I should be over the moon after this unforgettable 10-minute experience.


Indeed. They want the Horde to suffer… Google Varadoc on MMO Champion.

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Scarlets moved it because the Forsaken left it empty.

Y’all need to get gud!!!

I unintentionally finished in 5 minutes.


… Nightsong, when you read this post, remember to wash your mind off after you take it out of the gutter!!


These are the same people who think the latest gilneas quest line was excellent storytelling. I wouldn’t take these deeply clownish remarks seriously


I feel that the fact that the retaking gilneas quest happens at the same patch bel’ameth becomes a place (after being teased and being part of the major storyline for a while now). Makes it even worse by principle of comparison.

Of course there are people that think bel’ameth and the kaldorei part is bad, which i disagree completely, I think it is pretty darn awesome content, the Gilneas questline does feel underwhelming.

Even more because both end the same way, with leadership being passed on, but on one side we have Shandris that has been a leading force for the night elves since ever and pretty stablished as the most competent person to do the job after Tyrande and Malfurion, and with Tess, while her leading Gilneas has been hinted at for a while, didn’t properly got time to cook.

Honestly, It is my personal opinion, that a questline about helping the Gilneans resettling the area and rebuilding, without an actual villain to beat, just rebuilding, and showing Tess ability to manage resources and her people would be a better fit. No need to fight a bad guy in every content, if they decided the Forsaken gave willingly the land back, let it be the end of the story, the horde PC could be disguised (callback to shadowlands lordaeron quest). This would allow them to show Gilnean culture, show how the worgen interact with the non worgen.

Like, in the end it is a net positive that gilneas is officially in the hands of their rightful citizens, but that is the bare minimum, and I’m not a Worgen main.


Indeed. Shandris has the build up and the cred.

(She will always have that thing about killing Trolls in BfA for Horde Partisans to rally against)

I remember her being along side the road in Stormheim, I think we were hooking together (we had to use hooks to get around Stormheim)

That was Crowley’s daughter, Lonra.


And at the same time, comparing Worgen and Forsaken there is a degree of parity.

The conclusion of which is that the Devs are unwilling to really write the Forsaken and Worgen for what their respective playerbases bought into in the first place.

For the Forsaken, we are burdened with 14 years of intra-studio dev factionalism due to a refusal to hold the reins at all where a majority of the devs wanted Playable Scourge and are now left with a complete narrative trainwreck and the only solution that the devs are able to manage is foisting Calia upon the Forsaken and writing questlines directly shutting down player criticism (eg Sindane’s nonsense “All Necromancy Is Valid UwU”).

For the Worgen, we are burdened with 14 years of being ignored and playing second finddle to Stormwind, where the main racial leader wholesale ignores his actual duties and responsibilities and family for the sake of Muh Twinkadin, where outside of a single patch of BFA (Darkshore) there has been no meaningful development of the playable fantasy (not even in Shadowlands, maybe the Worgen curses pushes Wild-God-blood-curses into Ardenweald), where the devs have decided to push that the worgen curse is bad and not something they want or accept as a people, that “our curse is our strength” is wrong, that Gilneas is not a Kingdom of Human Werewolves but of Humans who have Some Werewolves Temporarily, undermining worgen player chosen fantasy.

The end result being that instead of an awesome spooky “stalemate” conflict where Werewolf/Witch Kingdom vs Zombie/Vampire Kingdom are hashing it out in the Spooky Forest, only collaborating to fight against Christofash Monster Hunters who deny humanity to both (maybe have Scarlets take over Shadowfang Keep), we have *vague gestures * this nonsense where the Werewolf/Witch Kingdom is led by a Non-Werewolf/Non-Witch who didn’t want the throne in the first place (GOD FORBID WE HAVE A DEVELOPMENT OF A WEREWOLF REPUBLIC) and the Zombie/Vampire Kingdom is led by a council the devs begrudingly placed where they accidentally showed their hand with “Queen Calia”, a perfect statue zombie raised in a way that doesn’t cause the setbacks of neither the other zombies nor the other vampires (again, GOD FORBID they take the idea of “we are all equal in death” and have democracy).

They really just don’t get that people want Fun Spooky Werewolves vs Zombies because they can’t see past their ideological political sensibilities nor the in-studio factionalism over “Muh Playable Scourge”


I concede that fact - while finding humor in the fact that you got her name wrong, too. It is Lorna.

One of them Human Gilnean broads, right?

Was Tess at least in the Resto Druid Mage Tower Quest in Legion? I remember Human Gilneans being there….

I thought maybe Tess was the Gilnean broad we meet on the road. Guess I don’t know what Tess has ever done.