Dragonflight feels like the Alliance getting a "happily ever after" moment

Counter-argument: Genn is the last true Gilnean, the rest were replaced by dreadlords.

That’s why the Scarlets were there. They are naturally predisposed to being where ever dreadlords are.


Genn has always been addressed by his peers as “King of Gilneas” Not “Top Dog of the Worgen”.

As King his concerns are for ALL of his people, worgen or human. Any ruler of Gilneas whether Human or Worgen should follow that example.

Back in cata the idea of Mag’har and green orcs being radically different wasn’t a thing.

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Well, the same could be said for the dark Iron dwarves and Dwarves, they were just two different dwarven factions.

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I don’t think so because they were implied to be much more culturally different. The differences between Mag’har and green orcs in cata was super minimal.

:joy_cat: Well yeah, gotta stay clean and healthy…

Thanks, I needed a laugh today.

Also… :scream_cat: Alynsa was thinking of me… :flushed:


I must reiterate:

Because it isn’t.

Of course!! I always think of my people, and you are one of my people!!


:dracthyr_love_animated: :blush:

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But Tess has more in common with the worgens because they are the same people more so then Garrosh ever had with the green orcs.

Le reddit is pretty bad too. Dont know why Blizzard prefers the opinions of people who dont even play their games.

Complaining about Tess in regards to gender is so basic. Call me when someone who isn’t a white human man is running the Alliance.


She sure did… that’s why she and Voss talk so much shop during the Liberation. The UnCrowned even set up a stand in Gilneas City.

This is the villain- batting the Blizzard forced on Horde players. It sounds like you think that that having their faction trashed narratively means that Horde players don’t deserve anything but more of the same.

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Hi, you must be new. This is a Zerde post/thread. In short, Zerde’s posts all consist of them informing everyone of how evil the Horde is, how great the alliance is, and how right they themselves are.


I don’t think Blizzard considered the Worgen story “unfinished”. They don’t really seem to care about anything but a few capital cities. Look at Gnomeregon.

I think they wanted to have Gilneas around for some reason (or maybe just potential reason). Otherwise they would just have kept ignoring it. (which ironically, would have gotten them fewer complaints.)

You shouldn’t visit any discord or MMO CHampion. They activley blame the players there since it is mostly poopulated by night elf fans.

see above.

Human potntial always gets the story on the expanse of eevryone else.

Literally what I said. Alliance palyers are so sense they are not used to see a non white human male paladin in charge of eevrything.

Because yes, the Horde was evil, and while the Alliance had its faults it was still always portrayed as the more heroic faction to the point Jaina had a hand in killing her racist father and the Alliance disavowed people like Garithos. They even rebuffed Katherine when she called for blood to avenge Daelin.

What did the Horde do when presented with the same scenario? Follow Garrosh and Sylvanas off a cliff.

If nothing else the Horde should have had storylines of them MAKING UP for the destructions they have cause and well now the story is forcing them.

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It’s called saving the world numerous times alongside the alliance.

But you know that already

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Saving yourself does not count as reparation or altruism.

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they literally saved the world alongside the alliance

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Because if they didnt they would be dead. Self preservation is not altruism.

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