Dragonflight feels like the Alliance getting a "happily ever after" moment

its just the nelf fans crying about malfurion and tyrande break

Genn gives the kingdom to tess, tells the player that hes going to help the alliance still (which probably means that we’ll see him more than tess) and players are like "YOU CANT LEAVE!)

That is a silly stance, I’m sorry.

They did tell that exact story. If Blizzard didn’t want to tell that story, they wouldn’t have told it. And they did tell it.

Where exactly did you see me mention Tess’s name, let alone that she needs to be worgen?

Tess can be human. It’s fine. She can be human and say some garbage that the Curse isn’t for her because blah blah, the costs and benefits inherent are not for her. Or just make the playable worgen heritage quest not be a whole thing about how bad it is to be a worgen. It could be about their actual heritage.

You act like the only option on the table to showcase the worgen is to highlight how badwrong it is, because anything else must negate the fact there are human Gilneans.

No, it’s not the case.


From the Worgen page during WoD:

Whether or not balance can be restored to these cursed Gilneans before the entirety of Genn’s kingdom loses its humanity is uncertain.

There has always been an emphasis on the worgens KEEPING their humanity. The worgens curse is a tool to be used and NOT a basis for a civilization to be created. Presumably once we defeat whatever final evil threatens Azeroth we will seal away these tools that created worgen/not make more of them!

The heritage was GILNEAS, and that worgen or not, they are one people.


It’s a pretty reasonable ask that if you’re gonna give people a playable werewolf race, you’d think even in the event it was a curse you’d think there’d be at least one moment where the curse gets used to it’s logical advantage.

It’s a pretty bog standard story beat the “hey I was dealt a raw hand but Hey check out what I can do with these sick claws”


That was earlier in the conga line, not you but someone else howling about Gilneas being led by a non-worgen.

? There was no “Cool Werewolf Moment” in neither the heritage questline (just Werewolf Curse is Badwrong) nor the recent follow up (literally every worgen is using a weapon, no scene of all worgen running into gilneas city once the gates are open, no “use your worgen strength” button nada)

The questline takeaway is Worgen Curse Bad.

The “curse is our greatest strength” fantasy was undermined twice over.

It sucks.



You know the heritage quest had nothing about Gilnean heritage in it until the final scenario, which is just an AU/dreamscape replay of the Cata story, right?

I’m ignoring the rest of your post, like you ignored everything in mine to go off on your own tangent.


Where did you think Cata story happened for the worgens? GILNEAS. The entire point is that they as a people, worgen or human were Gilneans first.


To put it another way, players were sold and bought into and CHOSE “Werewolf Kingdom” in the spirit of “our curse is our greatest strength” because they were Human Worgen

The devs have chosen to only push “Human Kingdom, werewolves bad”

That is inherently undermining the Chosen Fantasy of the player no matter which way you cut it and leans into the homogenization of the Human™ kingdoms downstream. It’s telling the player that their choice of fantasy, their choosing to buy into being a “Worgen” was a narrative mistake.


That… Was never up for debate? Nor relevant to anything I’ve said in either post

You feeling okay Zerde?


Hi there.

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Then you agree, the heritage quest focused on what it means to Gilnean, thus being a Gilnean heritage questline.

Unless you were playing a monk or spellcaster that was EXACTLY what you were doing as a worgen player through out your entire career.

Non sequitur response, try again

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To put it another way, Blizzard wrote the worgen like they usually write the Horde lmao


I could not have sequited more. I addressed your point directly.



Because the majority of the chain had nothing to do with Gilneas at all, and was about Tess wanting to know what it was like to be a worgen. Even the parts that happen within Gilneas are when she’s under a weirdo version of the worgen curse, completely without the ritual to stablize her.

So unless you’re suddenly swapping your argument to “being Gilnean means being a worgen”, then the logic doesn’t track at all.


And to put it more accurately players like you ignored the prior history of the Worgen before Cataclysm and misread Blizzard from the start.

I’m just gonna repeat myself a third time

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The ending is bad because the story is bad, and unsalvageable. However, I’m glad it’s over, and I hope we don’t see any Night elf stuff for a long, long time. If ever in the rest of this game’s lifespan.

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