Dragonflight Covenants

I know this next expansion is dragon themed, but I really think it’s actually more Void related.
I think the Ethereum are going to make a comeback and it’s going to tie into Alleria’s arc as she gets more and more unhinged. Zorvall hinted that something bigger was coming, and Old Gods seem like small potatoes. I think a Void Lord is finally going to be revealed.

I think the narrative will begin to focus more on Alleria and Turalyon this expansion.

Oh, and remember in Legion when the Scourge was trying to reanimate Galakrond’s bones? Because I do.

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Someone made a pretty convincing argument that Void Lords were part of our reality (just not able to enter the physical world of Azeroth) and that’s why void/old god forces were scared of Zoovy, because he was going to just make everyone dead to “unify them” against whatever’s coming.

Could be void lords, but my money is on something new. Danny said that Shadowlands was the end of that saga and that they were starting a new one. Danny lies a lot, but I’d like this to be true.

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it’s not the in-game characters, it’s the result of the writers’ bizarre moralizing, back and forth, between making the Horde characters horrible monsters and remembering that the Horde players are supposed to still have fun, PLUS the writers who WANT the Horde to be WC2’s heavy metal monsters without nuance versus those who follow Mezten’s WC3 ‘redeeming ourselves’ ‘Honor Horde’.


What does that have to do with dragons?

I think he’s worried about the possibility of Alex being held captive and, er, ‘forcibly bred’ by the Horde during WC2 being used as a narrative beat-stick against Horde players. I’m pretty sure Alex in-game has already forgiven them and can’t I recall any difference in interacting with her on either my Horde or Alliance toons so far though.

So, it’s likely not a valid worry. OTOH, we can no longer take the writers saying it’s not an issue as gospel anymore, given their uncontrollable aching NEED to retcon things at the last moment for melodrama, soooo…

If that’s his problem then he should just say that.

No, just her/other dragons commenting on it.

Night elves interact with Alexastrazsa?
“oh you were ancient champions, defenders of the world.”

Orcs interact with Alexstrazsa?
At best, she gives us generic dialogue. We’re always working with someone whomst our faction mussed up.
It’s so beyond tiresome.

Though now that you’ve mentioned it, the perennial fear of our next villain bat has manifested.
Jesus wept.

I’m not afraid they’d really do it, but still…

“From the writers of BFA, we wonder, did the Horde really learn it’s lesson about it being wrong to enslave Alextrazsa, use her as breeding material against her will, and then use the resulting children as disposable cannon fodder while their mother helpless watched? So, we’re going to explore this issue by have them do it again, all expansion, only to stop at the end because it makes Anduin sad.”

Dread doesn’t seem to implying he is afraid we will be treading down the old familiar path.

He seems to be outraged that characters are acknowledging the path exists, and it’s importance. And for this Sin he wants to join the covenant that to kill her off so the shame dies with her perhaps?

He is unironically advocating to be the guy in the Scarlet Monastery that is burning the records to whitewash warcraft history. Which is kind of funny if you think about it.


It’s okay to whitewash (and utterly erase) the Alliance’s evil.
Trollbane being one of the more recent examples.
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. If they don’t want to retcon one of the most evil things that can be done, then yeah I’d just kill the dragons and be done with it. I’m tired of having that crap hanging over the Horde.
Blizzard doesn’t let us be heroes. They smack our knuckles and praise the Alliance and its heroes.

Imagine if they come up with a story to bludgeon the alliance players like they do the horde. See Dranei path of glory, and dragon slavery.

The alliance version of the burma railway where they put tens of thousands of orc prisoners to death to construct the ironforge to stormwind tram tunnel. These are the things they like to do with the horde including recent events.

With the way Horde players reacted to the purge and Taurajo I don’t think the Horde players are psychologically ready for that kind of development.

“I want to stop old evils hanging over Horde’s head by committing new evils by the new Horde.” Well Blizzard had the same idea with BFA and you don’t seem to be a fan of that solution. :sweat_smile:

Red because on my DK main I just want to see what Blizzard does. Especially if I’m riding the mount I got from killing them.

The thing is though, the Void Lords are probably the voids version of the Shadowlands Eternal Ones. They are part of the 6 cosmic forces after all. What Zovaal was afraid of was outside of the 6. Since he wanted to unite the 6 forces under his leadership by force. Using Azeroth as a battery to take over ALL of the Zereths via Zereth Mortis. So while I can imagine the Void Lords coming at some point, I don’t think they are the threat Zovaal describes.


What if this 7th Force is WoWs version of a wayward God that got locked away because it was evil incarnate and wanted the universe in a state of perpetual chaos?

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They are… the evil ducks.

First Ones corrupted by their own hubris which led to their downfall. Only a few remain. Hiding until a brave hero will rise up and defeat those who seek to finish them off. Their own corrupted kind and the Devourers.

I’m basically going full Jak and Dextar here but instead of the “ancient super advanced race” being Ottsels, they are ducks. With the Devourers being the Hora-Quan (metal Heads)

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Ducks…why is it always ducks man?! They are satans spawn I tell you! :wolf:

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Cause they are like the only common animal that has not appeared in WoW in any shape or form. Outside of a few rubber ducks.

So how do the people who make the rubber ducks KNOW what a duck looks like? Unless these rubber ducks are actually ancient first one relics. And by that I mean toys for baby ducks.

I do like some post apocalyptic scenarios where a mundane object could be seen as some ancient important relic by the people in the far future. You see that a lot in the Horizon Games. Like you have a Carja scholar look at a small tray and wonder what feats the “Old Ones (aka us)” must’ve done with it.

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The Void Lords are the only thing that exist outside are they not? That’s why they had to send out Old Gods because they could not physically manifest in our universe.

Altgough it’s not revealed yet I imagine the Eternal Ones are “Time” and “Necessity” because that’s the foundation of all irl mythologies.

Well, technically yes, but we now know there is this mysterious 7th Force that was chained up and locked up away from the others and that it yearns to be free again. Since WoW is heavily influenced by Warhammer(Fantasy and 40k) I suspect this new enemy is going to be WoWs version of a Chaos God. :wolf: