I’m waiting for him to post a YouTube video about an unrelated fallacy.
So you persist in being disingenuous? Ok. We are done, thanks for this unintelligent conversation. Have a good day.
It comes down to folks here who love America’s prison system of punishing people for their entire lives, or folk who like Sweden’s prison system that actually reforms criminals into better people who contribute to society.
Guess it’s on you if you identify with the former rather than the latter.
You goin to disprove his point now? Or still post irrelevant stuff?
You already know this but you have a particular hate on for me, so this is mostly for the other people in the room.
The lore isn’t being punished. The players are. The players who had no part in the writing of the story, no choice in the burning. When Horde players got a choice they were still forced to “go along with Sylvanas for pretendsies” instead of just raid her. Those folk who did choose to rebel are still being punished for something they had no part in and actively tried to work against.
It’s been four years. The Shadowlands was an expansion that all Horde races were distinctly tied to, with the exception of Blood Elves and Vulpera. We learned that Orcs, Trolls, and Tauren who do not believe in Bwonsamdi are wrong and have always been wrong about the afterlife. They are mocked by the denizens of said afterlife. Shamanism is called flat out “Weak, false magic.”
Trolls who did believe in Bwonsamdi are wrong, because the Other Side isn’t an actual realm. It’s a pocket of Ardenweald. Bwonsamdi is revealed not to be an ancient gold, older than the Troll race. Just a troll who worships the Night Elven Winter Queen.
Meanwhile Night Elves had absolutely no ties at all to the death realm, the Emerald Dream wasn’t even a true realm to begin with, we saw where dead wild gods went and it was all retconned to give the Alliance focus in what would have been a Horde expansion.
No forsaken is present for Sylvanas’s trial. You know. The racial leader of the Forsaken. The one who betrayed the Forsaken and sent them to die in Nazjatar. The one who orchestrated the World War to kill the Horde?
But we had plenty of night elves present, and I forgot how many humans.
So, no. Lore isn’t an excuse to punish players for something they could not choose.
And even if it was, as you can see that punishment has been served.
I’m not even going to go into the Kalimdor book that spent the entirety of the book explaining why “savage” Horde races are inferior, mentions Elune umpteen times but An’she not even once.
This thread has gone to some places today!!
Hating you would have to require me to care about you to begin with. Which I don’t.
Some y’all think you’re far more important than you actually are
You post about me a hell of a lot for someone who doesn’t care.
I haven’t mentioned you in a year and half nor thought about you. You’re confusing me for someone else
As soon as you disappear, people stop talking about you. If this is how the people you think care about you treat you, then I think you’re hanging around with the wrong people.
We are not talking about the burning.
We are talking about what the Horde did to the Red Dragonflight and their queen.
How this lore fact being mentioned is punishing you in someway and how you will choose to deliberatly “finish the job” for this insult to your honor.
What happened in WC2 was something you could have informed yourself on before playing Horde so don’t pretend this is aw shucks the writers did a booboo. Thats not true.
Since your opening statement was a disengenious attempt in changing the conversation I will not proceed any further until we are both on the same page.
Furthermore I think I will need an apology from you before going any further. I want to have a genuine conversation so I need a gesture of goodwill from you.
Not proving what you think it is.
None of this has to do with dragons.
You realize that I do lurk when not subbed, right? I see what gets posted.
Sure we are. Dragons could be ignorable if Blizzard wasn’t constantly hammering the Horde playerbase. But it is. And they keep finding more things to hammer on further about. As I mentioned, they used Shadowlands – an expansion that the Horde was exclusively tied to – to tear it down. They used Exploring Kalimdor to tear it down. And whence we did Cataclysm, they reminded us of the Sins of Our Fathers.
Back then it was fine. We weren’t constantly and consistently being hammered. Now? Orcs are naturally evil. Newbie Horde players are forced to play BFA which includes a cutscene where Saurfang tells them they were wrong to choose the Horde.
I need the apology first Dread.
And we need to actually talk about the dragons.
Nothing is happening until you do.
Or feel free to talk to yourself.
I know you think you’re proving something, but it isn’t what you think it is.
All you’re really proving is that you think about us a lot more than we think about you.
Because you care about us!
Yes. You are definitely the only reason to browse World of Warcraft Story Forum.
I acknowledge the truthfulness of this statement and shall always recall it in future interactions!
Bookmark it!