Makes sense. “Necessity” is described as such in irl myth. It usually is feminine. It was Amonet in Egyptian myth.
I’ve always been under the impression that Order is a unnatural state, irl or fantasy games. People are always trying to tame what was never meant and never can be truly tamed.
It’s why when you see abandoned towns and cities, nature almost immediately starts reclaiming the land and such. But that’s just me. Correct me if I’m wrong or you can fill me in on Amonets role. I admittedly don’t know much about her outside of her being one of the orignal eygptian goddesses
Well see, there’s a lot of revisions but her role in early myth was similar to Nut’s role. Alternatively in Greek myth, specifically Orphism. There’s an origin myth of the Cosmic Egg which is shared with a lot of early mythologies. Hinduism, Orphism, Nordic, and early Egyptian myth all feature an origin story involving The Cosmic Egg. Names change the story is all the same. Primorial God and Goddess creating the Universe with vigorous cosmic lovemaking.
I might be wrong, but I heard that some early versions of the Bible had a Mother Goddess alongside God, but was removed somewhere along the line. There has to be some truth to all of it if you ask me.
Yes! The torah confirms a Goddess called “The Queen of Heaven.” In Moses’ Exodus, The Abrahamic God gets mad at the Isrealites for continuing to worship the Queen of Heaven, the old Abrahamic God sent snakes to scare the Isrealites because he was a venegeful God. She was called Asherah. The God of the Old Testament was a jerk, that’s why Gnostics call him The Demiurge.
In modern translations Asherah = Isis, but Isis did not exist until later variations of Egyptian myth she was a variation of Amunet. There’s a lot to unpack to make that connection but there was originally an “Ogdoad” which is a pantheon of eight, which are diluted into one single pair Amun and Amunet = monotheism. Amun/Amunet worshiped as one = God and the Holy Spirit. (Catholicism is not a true monotheistic religion)
(This is why I also think WoW priest lore is neat because it also worships both Holy and Shadow! Man, I should re-roll a WoW priest as a main.)
Not if you take into account that she was created as a manga character. So was Kalec for that matter.
Manga is not inherently weird.
True, in manga having your girlfriend being the living incarnation of a magic fountain. thanks to the human incarnation of a Dragon Wizard… is Tuesday.
That’s not because it’s a manga though. Knaak could’ve put that in a book and it’d still be cracked out. Golden hasn’t written any Mangas and she’s had some strange ideas.
Actually you got the Book wrong it was in Numbers and was because the Hebrews complained about starvation:
Now Asherah in the Bible/Tanakh has been constantly mistranslated under the name “grove” by Greeks and translations from the Greek to English. New International Version does not make that mistake.
She was still prohibited from worship as you said.
Her clashes with the God of the Tanakh came to a head in the Book of Jeremiah where the final stand of her worshippers took place after Nebuchadnezzar took the other Hebrews to Babylon.
Said worshippers promptly moved to Egypt(possibly explaining Isis being there since she only appeared in later versions of Egyptian Myth) while those Israelites taken to Babylon eventually returned to Israel(sometime after the reign of Darius who banned worship of all Gods but the one of the Tanakh) and made certain that Asherah would never be worshipped again.
In Live Action Television and Movies having your girlfriend be a magic fountain is Tuesday.
Having a girlfriend be some Supernatural Relic is quite common in Live Action to say the least. The fact that Knaak and Nintendo(for Super Paper Mario) got in on the business is funny to say the least.
The Duck Tales Cartoon had Lena be Magica De Spell’s Shadow and absorb her Staff.
Its a north v south rivalry thing. Northern Israel was much more polytheistic. Even Abraham himself said “I go where the gods tell me to go”. David wrote a song that is a divine drama about God chastising the members of His court (eventually taken out of context by Jesus) where God says “ye are gods”.
Mother worship is always popular and threatening, but a divine feminine can never really be irradicated. Solomon wrote so often about Wisdom… personified. It is always a she, and always sought after. John claims that that personified wisdom is Jesus, which would make Jesus- Hochma. Hochma is hebrew Sophia, and one of the personalities of God in Jewish mysticism.