Dragonflight collectors edition physical copy MISSING CD KEY

A bbb complaint wo do squat there basicly a for prifit company that you basicly bribe for good stuff.


Still a good faith attempt to be civil without staring legal actions, as well as good for proving all attempts made in good faith to resolve an issue, with a respected third party in between.

Also BBB is Better Business Beareau, a third party intermediary whom you can not really bribe. I’m not familiar if you can Bribe BBC, but as a news network I’m sure there’s ways around it.

BBB has lost all credibility when it was discovered that they were providing ratings for payments.



I meant the bbb typo.

It appears they got bribed for as low as 425$. What’s this a review racket scheme?

"Pay us or it would be a shame your ‘business’ gets a ‘D’ for ‘Downright Bad’? "

You’ll have more luck after trying to discuss your options with Gear Store and an actual lawyer what your rights are if it comes to it, no one wants to see their CE packages arriving damaged.


I can, and have (multiple times), paid to have “bad reviews” of my company (well, the place I managed) removed.

The BBB is pretty much as Darth stated. They’re the old-school boomer version of Yelp or something like that. It’s simply a “customer-issue-resolution rating,” and if you’re a member you can indeed pay to have your rating be “more shiny.”

When you complain to the BBB they simply send a notice to the company stating that you’re complaining. The company can then either resolve the issue or decline.

  • If you decline and provide policy reasons or logical reasons why you couldn’t appease the customer, your rating doesn’t go down.

  • If you are a paid member of the BBB and simply decline to satisfy the customer with no reason whatsoever, then your rating does not go down unless the customer continues to pursue the matter and “proves” (to the BBB’s satisfaction; nothing “legal” involved) that they are in the right.

  • I attest that the aforementioned is rare. Most people do the “BBB complaint” out of frustration and anger and don’t care to continue the pursuit a month down the road.

  • As a business you’re under no obligation to do anything with a BBB report at all, and while you might get a bad customer review, that’s about it.

  • The BBB ratings, I may add, are based these days on customer reviews, not a score created by the BBB based on complaints as they used to do back in the day.

  • Paid members can and will pay to have bad reviews removed. As I did, many times, until we realized around 2005 that no one uses the BBB for ratings anymore. This is around the time that stuff like Yelp or Google reviews or similar internet-based stuff started to gain real traction.

Just sayin’. What people believe the BBB does is very, very different from what they actually do.

Good luck with your issues regarding the box set, folks. I’d be super frustrated, too.

(But I wouldn’t rely on the BBB to gain me any traction.)

Edit: Now that I’ve read about the “scandal” above, I am a bit surprised, because as early as the mid-nineties I was “paying for ratings” and it was standard procedure. I mean, we got notices in the mail that we had a bad review that could be removed for X amount of money. Maybe I was dealing with that LA office (I don’t remember). Interesting, tho.


When I was in high school over 50 years ago, the company I was working part t8me for would get reported to the BBB. The boss would just smile because the report meant nothing and it got the complainant out out his face.


:rofl: well then I see the overwhelming evidence to the contrary of my belief regarding BBB. Still, even if it is faulty it would atleast show a good faith effort. But alas. So far I’ve literally no replies after repeated attempts at contacting the fear store. I suppose I should try calling again, during business hours in an attempt to receive live support rather then empty promises

I placed a call on Nov 8. They had me reply to an email with photos of my collectors edition. I contacted them again today and it looks like they are still working on it. So ya’ll might get the same response, but I hope ya’ll get the keys instead.

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Actually, the BBB doesn’t show good faith on your part when you know they are corrupt. I quit working for them decades ago due to figuring out they were charging for their ratings and not actually giving any benefits.


Posting for awareness just got mine today, and the code was missing no envelope or card only the artbook, pins & mouse pad.

did anybody got an answer from support yet?

Already sent a ticket to the blizzgear site this sucks… was the first time I got a CE before the actual game release more than 14 years playing and never ever got a beta key or the horseman mount and now this…

@Yserith wow, mine at least had the envelope, just no key in it.

Good. That is the first proper step. It ensures that you have record of the purchase linked to shipping and linked to your lack of key in the box.

I don’t know what Blizzard and the Gear Store are going to do about it, but at least you have your documentation in as soon as you could.


Update: gear store rep confirmed today via telephone that they acknowledge the issue and are “collecting data” which mostly is collating the customer claims and missing parts from the sounds of his explanation and plugging into a spreadsheet, sadly he informed me I was second on the sheet, guess someone beat me to the punch :joy:

So with any luck, we will find an answer forthcoming, ideally before the game releases.


@Færyn, thanks for the update. I haven’t heard back from them yet, so this helps. Thanks!

This sounds like good news. It sucks that it’s taking so long, but sounds like a little bit more patience, and you’ll be made whole. :+1:


Thanks for the update!!
I haven’t got a response yet but looking at the response times it might take a while hopefully it gets solved before launch :confused:

Yep hope it got resolved soon

Same issue waiting 7 days for a response - going to try to submit ticket/chat to Blizzard Gear *update did the chat and they said “I’m going to escalate this incident to the proper department, they will get back to you via email shortly after”

Thank for the tip - I used the chat they were responsive but now I wait

Per Chat
“I’m going to escalate this incident to the proper department, they will get back to you via email shortly after”

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