Dragonflight and PVP ilvl

The gear disparity is nowhere near as bad in Wrath, and this is the start of the expansion, so naturally, people are playing it a lot. Just like the first few weeks of each SL PVP season: rated players have not had enough time to completely outgear everyone yet. Even SL PVP was fun during those first few weeks of each season.

Wrath is quite fun though, especially for warlocks. Destro and Affliction feel much better to play on Wrath for example. Wrath Classic PvP will stay popular for sure, but I predict that DF will be more popular within a few months.

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Again, not about the gear disparity. It’s how fast paced combat is. Venruki made a really good video on the differences between retail PvP and classic PvP here:

Even though Wrath of the Lich King had rating locked gear, the game just felt better to play. It has nothing to do with Shadowlands PvP gearing system, it’s just how PvP combat is which is staying the same going into Dragonflight, the only thing changing is the gear. It’s still going to be the same PvP combat as explained in the video above.

I would argue it does.

Wrath is fun right now though, I agree.

Fixed that for you. :slight_smile:

They’ll still get smoked and will move on to the next excuse.

This is such a bizarre thread. Why is there such a loud minority of players upset about the DF gearing? (Edit: Specifically that it’s currently scaled up to max ilvl in ALL pvp)

Gear will still matter, but it’s more accessible. Legit the only people who are genuinely upset about this sound disingenuous because their only benefit for arguing against is that they get to outgear people in pvp.

Will you have a harder time stomping people in wpvp due to the gearing system? Probably a little. Does that slight inconvenience mean the system is bad, even though it benefits most other players? Absolutely not.

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I mean, people complaining about PvP gear ilvl in WPvP really are complaining about nothing.

Firstly, the base conquest gear level out in the world looks like it’s already fairly competitive, with rating giving the ability to upgrade.

People are really worried if some PvE guy has 5-10 ilvls on them? That will probably be outweighed by the fact the PvP player’s gear is optimised to PvP with Versatility and if they are wearing it, the trinket bonuses. The PvE player is likely to have barely any Vers. Not to mention PvP players should naturally be better at PvP combat…

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They’re also highly unlikely to be running around with warmode on in the first place.

Your comments amount to “nuh uh” and “well people don’t like it”. I don’t care about popularity.

I’m under the impression it’s not “ALL” PvP, it’s only in instanced PvP.

Just going based off the interview with Holinka. There’s people thinking it’ll scale up when you’re in PvP combat in open world, but I feel like if that were the case it would’ve been mentioned. I hope it doesn’t scale in War Mode personally like the interview suggested.

See Alphon, I don’t understand how you come to that conclusion, I’m inclined to assume it’s just what you WANT to believe.

Fact is, nobody knows 100% what the system is gonna be until DF is actually here. But evidence is against your interpretation.

You’re making some heavy assumptions without any real evidence. The interview with Holinka didn’t provide the answer here.

There are 2 situations where pvp ilvl becomes relevant in the open world:

  1. When WM is on

  2. When WM is off and pvp combat initiates

We got a definitive answer on what’s happening with situation 1. WM being turned on will not bump ilvl. But there is absolutely zero reason to assume that situation 2, which doesn’t rely on WM at all, will be going away. From what I understand in the beta situation 2 is currently functioning like it does now. What leads you to believe that mechanic is being outright removed?

The interview with Holinka seemed to imply they didn’t want every pvp player to just be running around trivializing open world pve content weeks after the season starts. He didn’t address wpvp scaling whatsoever.

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A few things lead me to believe this is being outright removed.

First, War Mode doesn’t differentiate PvP combat and non PvP combat. The way it works is that once you turn War Mode on, your character is put into a state where you’re always in PvP combat.

This is the reason why you always have your PvP talents enabled out in world. If you remember correctly, in Legion when PvP talents were introduced, your PvP talents only activated when you attacked another player. When War Mode is enabled, your character will just always be in “PvP combat.”

It’s also why some abilities that are scaled down in PvP combat read it’s PvP combat tooltip in War Mode. (i.e it’ll read less damage for some abilities that deal less in PvP)

Your PvP gear in Shadowlands also works that way. It’ll scale upon entering PvP combat, but because War Mode always identifies you as being in PvP combat, you’re just always scaled up. If you turn off War Mode, you’ll realize you no longer benefit from your PvP gear or PvP talents until you actually get into PvP combat.

Going off the interview, he states the plan is for PvP gear to not scale in War Mode, and because War Mode already puts you in a perpetual state of PvP combat, how is it going to determine when you get into a fight with another player? My guess is PvP gear will be instanced lock, similar to how stat templates worked in Legion and worked only in instanced PvP.

You’re right that these are assumptions, but they’re atleast educated assumptions. I feel like he would’ve just said, “the plan is for it to only scale up when you fight a player.” if that’s what he meant.

Well of course, that or until they complete it on beta. I’ve been logging into beta every time a new build is released, checking for this.

I’ll post about whatever it ends up being.

You’re asking how it can work without constant scaling? How about how it currently works with WM off?

You say that you think Holinka would have mentioned that pvp combat scaling would be staying in WM, but don’t you think it’s more suspect that he didn’t mention pvp scaling with WM off was being removed?

The fact he didn’t and that the scaling still functions (like scenario 2 from my previous post) with WM on OR off in the beta leads me to assume that particular mechanic hasn’t been touched, nor was it their intention to do so. Only auto scaling from WM being turned on was mentioned and changed.

Again, as I said, WM on currently puts your character into a constant state of “PvP combat”

Changing it to how WM off works would mean we lose out on access to PvP talents at all times in open world. That’s one of the big incentives to having War Mode on, you have extra abilities that you can use out in the open world.

Nothing WPvP related has really been touched. I believe it is their intention to do so, they just haven’t got around to doing it.

I mean, there’s literally no tooltips on any of the WPvP WQs, no reward from WPvP WQs, no bounty system, no supply crate system (bugged as all hell right now), etc.

They just haven’t got around to touching anything WPvP related.

I think if we took a system from WoLK, specifically emblems, a lot of this would seem more reasonable. That way people who don’t want to die a million times grinding battlegrounds or what have you can grind other content to buy pvp gear.

Feel like i checked out a library book

So has anyone else noticed WM on disables you PVP item level?? It only Triggers in BG’s or Arena.

That’s how it’s supposed to work in DF. I think if you get into combat with another player in the world , the PvP level switches on too


I hope so. I don’t care if it’s always enabled in War Mode, but I want it to enable during PvP combat in WM, or else what’s the point of buying the gear in the first place.

I believe that’s how it works … if you start player combat in WM, it applies otherwise no