Dragonflight and PVP ilvl

you have the right to say and think what you want, but I completely disagree with you.

I arrived at the end of shadowlands, and got penalized in queues for not having two legendaries equipped. in fact i didn’t have any legendaries and i was summarily kicked out of any competitive rbg

-------->>>>> Plenty of other games out there you can just login and PvP no other requirements.

we have kids, we have work, we have school

so please let us do pvp only…

or else we will abandon the game prematurely once again

Holy dissertation batman!

Did someone read the OP!?!

As someone who grew up with reading Nintendo Power and Reader’s Digest, comments like yours offend my sensibilities. And I’m not trying to say I’m the best-read person around either. I didn’t even go to graduate school which would require a CRAPTON of reading.

But I believe the TL;DR of this was that WPvP(WM on or off) was excluded from progression until current. SL was barebones and something of a knee-jerk reaction to the reception of BFA WPvP(and I played that for 35 hours a week doing Assaults round-the-clock and city hunting). To speak for myself, I rolled BGs until I got the gear I needed to compete along with Choreghast for the leggos. I did this for S2 and S3. It wasn’t actually asking a lot for my time as I even managed to score 5k more HKs in cities within some 4 months of paid time in SL. But it was what it was: having to borrow from/invest into instances(even M+ for the weekly quest) to DOMINATE or compete for domination. In SL as Alphon had told me it couldn’t be done in the vacuum of non-instanced content.

The OP is arguing that the DF model should be the reliable standard. I would be inclined to agree, as one who hasn’t even played DF yet. SL has set the bar too damned low that any expansion(except WoD perhaps) had far better WPvP action.

You know the best part of this? Despite the tremendous ease of getting a full set of unrated PvP gear (which, incidentally, will have the same PvP item level as rated gear), the majority of players won’t do it. They’ll either get the WM stuff or settle for aspirant, probably the latter since it’s less effort. Then, once they have settled, they’ll come cry on the forums because they got spanked in WPvP by somebody in full 424.

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