Dragonflight alpha/beta thread

Sindragosa humanoid form:

She’s not revived, it’s like a recording of her from before the WotA.
I’m not sure why she’s a high elf in that case but she’s hardly the only dragon who took their form before they existed.

Neltharion is still using the old black dragon model instead of the new one which makes me hope they’re making a unique model for him too. I assume he’s in the dracthyr starting zone.

Sabellian’s rep quartermaster:

I’d have used Tong, personally.


Malygos acted responsible and cut the connection of the leylines by making them all flow to the Nexus. I would have done the same thing. Humans can’T be trusted with magic. Last time they used it on a larger scale they used it to murder thousands of trolls.

Thanks and I’m looking forward to that meeting. Considering the guards hostility, i cant help but wonder if the leadership will be divided but either majority vote wins or if its more of an uneasy alliance, since Deathwing created them and the other former aspects didnt know they existed.

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Lots of Tae’shara Bloodwatcher IDs in the files but nothing for her dad, the ostensible co-leader of this expedition. Wonder if Tae’thelan will get Rastakhan’d.


Yeah, I am VERY interested. For some reason I did not expect them to add everybody. I am trying to think of where everyone would vote but I am not sure to be honest. Thrall obviously would be a yes, but that is the only one I am positive on haha.

I wouldn’t put too much into it, the Explorer’s League head honcho is not added either.

Also; I read through all dracthyr starter quests and this is the gist(To me at least).

When you wake up, you’re in the War Creche(Creches seem to be the different bases for types of Dracthyr fighters. And Weyrns are the units of Dracthyr commanded by a Scalecommander)

Which are the Ebon Scales, Dark Talons(Horde Aligned), Obsidian Warders(Alliance Aligned) and the Healing Wings

The scalecommanders have no control over the other weyrns, they only take commands from Neltharion. When they awake they are attacked by the primalists- specifically the storm one, Ras something. They are attempting to get into a vault that Neltharion said was not to be opened.

The scalecommanders are Emberthal(Weyrn completely destroyed), Viridia(Healing Wings), Azurathel(Obsidian Warders), Sarkareth(Ebon Scales) and Cindrethresh(Dark Talons)

Dracthyr wear Horn signets with their names. (You are asked to collect them off the deceased)
Your experience slightly differs based on faction you chose in character screen(Presumably which Weyrn your within)

You either save Devishian(Obsidian Warders) or Kedothi(Dark Talons) depending on your choice of faction from what I understand- and I assume you just leave with your scalecommander at the end when they personally choose a faction.

Emberthal’s dead weyrn, the Dark Talons and Obsidian Warders appear to all be in the War Creche

Ebon Scales are in I believe the one called the siege creche
and the healing wings in a healing creche

Wrathion states that he has lots of influence over Stormwind and he will go speak with Turalyon when you arrive to Stormwind. Ebyssian stating he will talk to the council as he has history with them. Wrathion/Ebyssian are both injured during the attack and we heal them.


Always knew Wrathion was a traitor to the Horde. His allegiance to Anduin matters more to him then anything else.

I hope not. I am sick and tired of Horde leaders being killed off for no reason. Vol’jin, Cairne, Garrosh, Zaela, Nazgrim, Rastakhan, Saurfang, Nathanos. The list is long.

Wrathion was never loyal to the Horde, he’s always been a neutral third party and yes of course he will always prefer his boyfriend.


I was going to say, I don’t remember Wrathion having any strict horde ties. Besides we got Ebonhorn. Who needs a baby whelp, when the horde has a fully grown black dragon on their side :cow2:


Hopefully he stays neutral through. I don’t want him to just become “the Alliance’s dragon” any more than I want to see Ebyssian become “the Horde’s dragon”. Let both of them continue to interact with both sides.


Exactly. Nothing against Wrathion but I’m glad the horde gets Ebonhorn. It makes sense.
I’m also pumped for Loti in Dragonflight. I wonder if she’s there for dragons or maybe the Primordial Trolls? Can’t wait to see the models.


Somewhat agreed. Ebonhorn, while willing to work with anyone, is largely already Horde given his ties and allegiance to Mayla/Highmountain.

If pushed, I think he’d take up arms against the Alliance.


I absolutely adored Loti in BfA. Glad to see her coming back. She’s a awesome character who could use more fleshing out.


That’s very bold of Wrathion to declare that he has lots of influence over Stormwind. Though with how secretive he generally is, it’s possible that he does have hidden influence, though it’s equally possible that he is displaying his well known arrogance.

And in regards to Ebyssian… the current lore is only Mayla, the champion, and Baine know that he is a dragon over being a Tauren. Which raises the question was the council informed off screen, did the Shattered Hand discover it and report it, or will the rest of the council learn in the meeting.



You know, Turaylon might not have been as paranoid as I was initially thinking. I still remember his little rant about taking over Stormwind like his “Auntie Onyxia”.


I suggest checking out Portergauge on twitter. He is getting some juicy broadcast text. I cannot post links sadly.

He has dialogue between Sabellian, Wrathion and Alex- it escalates very fast.

Wrathion arrives in Stormwind and Shaw is POed because they said he cannot arrive unannounced anymore, haha. And begrudgingly lets the Dracthyr wander.

Hordeside Ebonhorn arrives in Orgrimmar is met at the gates by Mayla who welcomes them in with open arms.

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Alexstrasza isn’t willing to forgive Sabellian for his service under Deathwing, which Sabellian simply says was a matter of duty and promised his allegiance as Neltharion’s heir. Wrathion protests this and Alexstrasza isn’t all that impressed either.

However she won’t directly get involved in another flights matter. This leads to the choice of siding with Wrathion or Sabellian, as the two compete with one another to be the new Aspect of Earth. Though Portergauge is of the opinion that Ebyssian should be the new Aspect as “the reasonable one who is both fully uncorrupted and experienced as a leader in relation to mortals.”

That’s a nice contrast and it does play into the internal Alliance drama that Blizzard promised, while still showing how the Horde is uniting with one another.


I’m personally going to be siding with Sabellian.


I get the feeling this is going to be Altruis vs Kayn again… only even more lopsided. One is a nostalgic NPC from TBC with the cool questline and a slightly chequered past; the other, a bombastic newer character with a better rapport with the PC who received all the focus leading up to this choice. They even took the best character for the job (Korvas/Ebyssian) out of the running for juicer drama.

Something like 75% of players chose Kayn over Altruis. Wouldn’t surprise me if even more take Wrathion’s side.

A clear difference between them is that the choice was limited to one class. Though since the choice is available to everyone, it might end up leading to both of them standing down with Ebyssian stepping forward as the person who focused on the bigger picture as Sabellian and Wrathion squabbled for leadership.


I don’t believe so because they each have a reputation to gain. I just imagine the story will progress and something will happen, I don’t believe player choice will be a factor.