Get involved in RP! There are some great campaigns going on.
If it’s always dusk, I wonder how they expected to grow crops…
Just saw the login screen for the expansion, it’s their prettiest one yet.
Root vegetables dont need sun.
Some root veggies (not all) don’t need a lot of sun, but they still require it for photosynthesis.
That new login screen is, uh…
why do the leaves fall, graves?
New login screen is gorgeous!
They’re showing off more cosmetic stuff on wowhead. Most likely it’ll it split at the waist with the coat tails on the pants.
In case anyone is interested, Ive created a short google form to see how WrA plans on dealing with this timeskip, in general:
even more tuskarr cosmetics!?!?!
and now with good soup
Also monk talent tree came out and it looks like you can spec for one min touch of death cool down plus as WW spec into AoE touch of death. Was hoping I’d be able to spec soothing mist to not break when I move like it was back in Legion but happy they kept my fave artifact power so I can be an idiot while questing about in the world.
Please let us get Tuskarr as a playable race.
Juspion, please learn what commas are for.
The timeskip is official!
Steve Danuser has made it official - canonically, there is a three-year time skip between the end of Shadowlands and the start of Dragonflight, and the total time between the beginning of Shadowlands and the beginning of Dragonflight is five years.
In a lengthy reply to a forum post discussing the time skip, Danuser gave some rare behind-the-scenes insight into World of Warcraft’s timeline. Highlights include:
Blizzard maintains an internal timeline that includes what year each expansion begins.
There is usually 1-2 in-game years between the start of each expansion. While the events of older expansions take place over the course of a single year, more recent ones have been taking place over two years.
Burning Crusade took place in the year 26, or 26 years after the Dark Portal opened.
Mists of Pandaria took place in year 30.
The longer time skip after Shadowlands is to give Azeroth a bit of breathing space, as so many catastrophic events have happened in quick succession since the start of World of Warcraft.
Shadowlands began in year 35, and the events took place over the course of two years.
Dragonflight begins in year 40.
Very little - almost nothing important - has happened during the three years between the end of Shadowlands and the start of Dragonflight, it’s a time of rest.
There will be a digital short story about “one particularly joyous occasion”.
One motivation for the time skip is to allow younger characters to get older, allowing them to take a larger role in future storylines, while it’s still a small enough skip to not have a major impact on older characters.
No major changes to the world have occurred during the time skip, they want players to experience those events ourselves.
The resettlement of Gilneas is specifically mentioned as something we will experience in-game ourselves at some point.
We already knew most expansion events take place over the course of a single year in Azeroth’s timeline, but these more detailed dates are welcome information, as is the information that newer expansions usually take roughly two years
Oh look, I can post links now…
Will you be able to participate in the Dragonflight pre-patch if you dont own the expansion?
I put it at about 70% odds that Blizzard forgets they said a timeskip was happening and retcons it later.
I REFUSE TO LEARN run on sentences for life!
I love you dearly, but you are the poster child for why Draenei are not permitted to begin a career in Jed’hin until their head-crests have finished growing in.
The English language is bad enough, you don’t need to make it worse!
This is a comma splice.
I am an informal kind of writer, I love the splice.
The Splice must flow.
You have made an enemy this day, sir.